Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 127: Mooncake Festival

Libin choked on the mooncake he was munching when he saw Du’s appearance, so Yui Mei patted him on the back.

“Are you okay? Do you want to drink some hot water?”

Yui Mei was worried about him, but Libin just glared at her.

She already knew what Libin wanted to say in that look of his.

“…Please don’t say anything. That person is the Eunuch Du, apparently.”

Libin looked like he wanted to retort something to this explanation, but he held his tongue, in the end.

Well, it wasn’t like Libin could say “as if there’s a suspicious eunuch like that!” .

If he said those words, he would definitely get a rebuttal at the speed of light.

‘Aunty Yang~, why don’t you choose the people you’re going to invite in this moon viewing!’

Nevertheless, Yui Mei was just a mere low-ranking court lady, so she wasn’t in the position to drive people away.

Mei Nai stared at the unfamiliar eunuch with interest.

“Oh, the number of eunuchs increased. Is he an acquaintance of Yang?”

“…Well, yes. I thought we’re already here, so we might as well watch the moon together.”

Yang replied when Mei Na cheerfully asked without a care in the world.

“Really! Well, yeah, in these kind of things, the more the merrier, right!”

Mei Na laughed when she heard her response, then she pulled a table nearby to make some space for Yang and Du.

Yui Mei was amazed while looking at them, inwardly thinking that Mei Na was awesome.

Mei Na had probably never seen the emperor before, so she didn’t have any misgivings or doubts toward Du.

Be that as it may, this person’s aura was too strong, or should she say too intimidating for a eunuch, and it wouldn’t be a wonder if people would harbor a sense of fear towards this person.

The air was similar to Libin, but Du’s aura was far more uncomfortable.

‘Rather than saying he couldn’t hide his aura, it’s as if he isn’t even attempting to hide it at all…’

Libin worked hard to act like a eunuch, but compared to him, Du looked like he only perfunctorily changed his appearance, and that was the difference between them.

Anyhow, the two newcomers’ seats had already been settled, so Yui Mei also arranged the mooncakes on their table.

“Hoh, these mooncakes look delicious.”

Yui Mei was happy when these mooncakes were praised, no matter who the other person was.

“It’s Mei Na’s creation, and I also helped her a bit!”

Du narrowed his eyes as he watched Yui Mei puff her chest with pride.

“Really, so you also helped make this… I gratefully accept.”

Du said that as he took one of the mooncakes, then he tore a piece and ate it.

His movements were extremely elegant. The mooncake that he chose was the squash one.

“What is this? It’s unfamiliar, but it tastes good.”

“That’s made from gourd.”

Du was perplexed, so Mei Na explained it.

“Hoh, I didn’t know that there are sweet gourds.”

“The gourd supplier said it’s from the South.”

Du tore a piece again and placed it in his mouth during their conversation. He seemed to like it.

‘Congrats, squash, the most important person in this country is eating you!’

This moment could surely be the first step of the squash’s invasion of the Sai Empire.

Yui Mei was filled with happiness because of the success of squash, as if it was her own triumph.

“Oh, right, Yui Mei.”

Du called out to her.


Yui Mei faced Du properly, and he continued on.

“I heard that you didn’t name yourself in front of that guy Ming?”

Du pointed that out, and Yui Mei inwardly thought, ‘so it’s about this’.

“Yes, well, that person didn’t even introduce himself, either.”

Yui Mei readily replied.

Indeed, she heard about Ming from Li Yong and General Li, but the person in question didn’t tell her anything about himself directly.

Well, it might be true that there was no need for a big-wig to bother introducing himself to a low-ranking court lady; stil, among all the big-wigs that Yui Mei encountered, no one treated her like that, even if they were famous people who didn’t have any obligation to tell her their name.

“Indeed, Ming’s manners had been lacking.”

Du rubbed his chin while saying that. Yui Mei continued on.

“Besides, self-introduction is part of mutual acknowledgement, no? In that case, that person should get his act together. If this continues on, he’s totally a good-for-nothing adult at this rate.”

“Hahaha! I see, indeed, good-for-nothing people are despicable.”

Du chuckled happily at Yui Mei’s words.

He then changed the subject, saying “on a different note”.

“I also brought some mooncakes. Yang said you already have the sweet ones, so these are filled with savory meat.”

Du glanced at Yang after saying that. She had been silent since earlier, and now she wordlessly placed the package on the table.

It contained beautifully baked mooncakes, of course.

Yui Mei was amazed when she picked one.

“Wow, these are freshly baked!?”

Mooncakes were generally set to rest so that it would be moist before being eaten, but these mooncakes were still crispy.

“Indeed, I favor freshly baked ones.”

Du commented like a connoisseur, and Yui Mei was moved with admiration, thinking that “He’s a proper adult!”

Besides, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy freshly baked and cooked food as the emperor.

This guy apparently wanted to enjoy his current identity to the fullest.

Yui Mei stuffed her mouth with the crispy mooncakes, and her eyes widened when she bit into it.

‘It’s spicy!’

The scent assaulted her nostrils at the same time she tasted the spicyness.

They used spices in these, apparently.

In this country, spices were considered a luxurious commodity obtained from other countries.

It looked plain, but it was an extremely valuable mooncake.

“Wow, amazing, how , it’s so delish!!”


Yui Mei unwittingly started to stomp her feet in excitement, so Mei Na also took a piece.

“Yui Mei, we get it already, so do stop kicking your legs.”

Libin cautioned Yui Mei, but he didn’t attempt to get one of Du’s mooncakes.

As expected, he would probably choke, unable to swallow if he were to eat and drink given this situation.

“Hmmm~ So yummy, this is heaven~!”

Yui Mei was so touched because of the deliciousness of the mooncakes that she couldn’t help but still vigorously swing her feet, so he decided to just let it go this time.

“…What a lively child, she’s really different from ‘her’.”

Du’s faintly whispered, but it fortunately didn’t reach Yui Mei’s ears.

And this was how the autumn night passed in the Hundred Blossom Palace.


T/N: Doting Daddy Emperor’s real motive – feed Yui Mei! XD

Here are some mouthwatering mooncakes!


Ctto: Global Times

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