Housekeeper of the Hundred Blossom Palace

Chapter 132: Nature

Yui Mei wasn’t bothered about that court courtesan because of the excitement of meeting a rare character —well,  no, she admittedly felt that pang of curiosity, but that wasn’t the only reason.

“If she’s a musician, then that arthri— that fēng shī bìng must have been really painful.”

Mei Na tilted her head in confusion when she heard what Yui Mei said.

Fēng shī bìng? It’s the first time I heard about that.”

Mei Na looked puzzled, so Yui Mei explained the specifics of arthritis.

“I think you’re familiar with the symptoms? The joints of the hands swell, and it’ll turn into an awful shape. Many women are prone to this illness.”

Mei Na exclaimed “Yeah, so you’re talking about that!” as she clapped her hands after listening to Yui Mei.

“There was an old lady who lived nearby when I was a child, and she had that!”

Mei Na nodded her head in understanding.

This fēng shī bìng was called rheumaticism in her previous life, and it was an illness where the joints and knuckles would become swollen, and it would result in deformed joints if left untreated.

The swelling was a result of the inflammation of the joints, but if left as it was, it would destroy the cartilages and bones, compromising the function of joints which would result in their deformation.

The most famous symptoms would be the swelling and the pain; however, the difference between arthritis from the other joint diseases was that the pain occurred even without moving.

Other systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, loss of appetite would also occur, and the inflammation of the joints could also possibly spread to the entire body — including the lungs and the blood vessels.

It was a common misconception that joint diseases were diseases of the elderly, but rheumaticism could affect people regardless of their age, and women were more susceptible compared to men.

In other words, it couldn’t be said that the onset of arthritis in that court courtesan was too early for her age.

Around 30 percent of patients would recover without any intervention, but for the rest of the 70 percent, it would be a disease that they had to live with for the rest of their lives.

Because the destruction of the joints would occur as the inflammation of the joints and tendons progressed, it was truly necessary that the treatment should be done to prevent further damage and to curtail the progression before it became too severe. If treatment was done early, the chances of recovery and maintaining quality of life also increased.

‘She has to stop smoking first above all else!’

The scent of tobaccos wafted from that court courtesan. The symptoms of rheumaticism worsened with tobacco use, so it was imperative that she stopped it immediately.

Lifestyle was a huge factor, too, so it would be best to avoid unhealthy lifestyle, lack of sleep, accumulation of exhaustion and stressful situations.

She should also eat a balanced diet so that she could improve her body constitution.

“This illness can be cured by changing lifestyle and starting treatment as soon as possible, so I wanted to talk to her about this and ask if she knew that.”

Mei Na heaved a sigh at Yui Mei’s words.

“Ah Mei, you’re such a softhearted girl, even though you didn’t even know who that court courtesan is.”

“It’s just my nature.”

Half of Mei Na was in awe, while the other half was exasperation, but Yui Mei just smiled at her.

Indeed, it was already her nature; she couldn’t stand still with worry if she didn’t try to find a solution. Clearly, she was just doing things for her own self-satisfaction, and she knew this fully well.

“What’s that nature?”

Somebody interjected while Yui Mei and Mei Na were talking.

“Ah, Aunty Yang.”

Yang was there when they turned around towards the direction of the voice.

“I heard something about a court courtesan, did you get into trouble?”

Yang seemed worried when she heard the words “court courtesan”.

“It’s not like that.”

Yui Mei told Yang about their encounter at the dumping site. Yang’s expression contorted.

“Xiao Mei, you don’t think anything about court courtesans, do you?”

Yui Mei looked blankly at Yang when she asked her that.

“Eh? Ahh, yes, not particularly.”

Yui Mei replied. It was then that she recalled that there were people who didn’t view those court courtesans favorably.

Court courtesans should be called as performers instead of harlots, but still, because some of the courtesans who were among the masses usually worked in the bedroom, so it was inevitable that some people viewed them as such.

There were no such harlots in the borderlands, but there were shops where harlots worked in a larger village nearby.

‘I wonder, did they do ‘that kind of job’?

They were working hard, just like Yui Mei who did her cleaning duties as well as the maids who served the nobility.

And yet it was quite a mystery how people would say “they’re a bunch of people who loved bedroom pleasure” when they heard the word ‘courtesan’.

Maybe humans were creatures that possessed such a troublesome nature — feeling a sense of security by looking down on others.

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