How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 666

- Episode 33

Episode 33

After being informed of the approximate room to stay.

After he said that he would explain more detailed information or what he wanted this place to do after he had finished his travels.

“Come to think of it, today we're going to hold a reception for you guys, so if possible, get some rest today.”

Nerell told them to rest and introduced them to some dragons who would do what they asked for, then withdrew.

And left alone in the room.

Kania, who was still exuding an elegant atmosphere.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought I was dying. wow wow... …

It lay flat as it was.

In the end, Meika, who was worse off, sighed and scolded.

“… … leader. Face-to-face.”

“are you okay. Anyway, it's just Geonyeon-hee here.”

“leader… … Still, this is a foreign country. We are guests. Keep your face.”

At the advice of her adjutant Meika, Kania puffed out her cheeks and sat down again, as if she couldn't find anything to say.

“I'm sure everyone is hanging out now anyway?”

“… … Please don’t think of us as adorned and equally carefree.”

Meika recalled with a long sigh.

How surprised I was when I first heard about this mission.

It was to go as an envoy to the city where dragons live.

It's not about coming and going, it's about staying for a short period of time.

I don't know if it will be a month or a few months.

‘… … To be honest, when I heard it was the city of dragons, I thought about leaving a will.'

Well, looking at that carefree leader, I understand that it's just a useless worry.

Well, even if you understand it with your head, you can't help but feel nervous when facing a dragon. Those who take human form are fine. To be honest, I don't feel uncomfortable even looking at them.

However, after entering this place, I was completely overwhelmed when I saw the dragons living their lives as they were.

“Honestly, I was lucky I didn’t pass out.” “no way? Are you all worried?”

Kania suddenly said that, as if understanding what Meika was worried about.

“In the end, even the dragon listens to everything he says. Did you see it?”

“… … That would be nice.”

“No, that subordinate is right. You guys should be a little more alert.”

A silver-haired young man suddenly joined the conversation. Delnef.

is a guide. From what I've heard, it seems that he is also a dragon. It seems that he was stuck in Pahilia instead of staying here for some reason, but he came as a guide and mediator at a special request.

“Kania Ernesia. to see them That is normal human perception.”

“???? yes?”

Meika's eyes narrowed. What is that man talking about now?

“Human beings are naturally afraid of us. So be vigilant. joy.

Yes, that is correct.”

Somehow, rather than giving advice, the way he spoke seemed to have some kind of personal sensibility.

Of course, Kania couldn't hear such a thing.

“Sounds strange, Madelnef.”

“… … And indeed, most of their own people look down on humans.”

They, as humans, and he, the dragon, have different perceptions. That's why I have to tell those who don't know.

“Right now, we understand and cooperate as needed. My sister suppressed the fool who rebelled against that.”

“know? I know~ but you mean there are guys who rebel, right?”

Kania nodded leisurely.

“That's not something that only dragons do.

As a princess of a country, I know because I have a time when I saw the kingdom's political scene through that table to some extent.

“There is no difference between each other. And Kania kept her smile and narrowed her eyes. Rather like wishing.

“I don’t know if that will be boring either?”

“… … I'll suppress the most stupid idiots before my sister. … … Is that a request?”

Saying that, Delneph quietly turned his back and left.

“… … Can I trust that person or dragon?”


Kania also tilted her head as if she didn't understand.

“Will it be okay? Because he is sincere.”

“I really don’t know English… …

Meika once again burst into lamentation.

“Anyway, since we’re having a welcome party today, please don’t mislead, Captain. You know?”

“Um~ Of course.”

Did you really understand? Whatever it is, she gave up on the idea.

Even if he looks like that, he is surprisingly a person with common sense. I won't do too much.

There were times when she thought so too.

In fact, it wasn't that humans didn't step in at all.

There have been times when death gods have come from human countries.

However, they trembled at the dragon's intimidation and stayed only at the human resting facility installed at the end of the city, delivered only official documents, and ran away.

The human who came directly to the center and walked around calmly was the second after Allel Ernesia in the past.

No, that Arel isn't an ordinary human either, so it could be said that she was actually the first.

Therefore, if the dragons do not actively welcome humans, their names will be lost.

When envoys or distinguished guests arrive, humans hold grand receptions to show off their authority.

I don't mean to copy them, but since the other person is a human, it would be better to adapt to them.

So, we decided to hold a welcome party.

“In the past, when humans came to our residence, they said this.

Yongke came too! Human! Called!”

Nerell was giving a speech to commemorate the celebration with a sound that would resonate throughout the hall.

“In the past, we poured our breath on humans who came to our habitat in return. Times have changed now.

If you are a guest, praise and hospitality. Wouldn't that be a shame if our illusions were less than those of humans?”

As if responding to her opinion, all the dragons participating in the celebration raised their glasses.

However, during the banquet period with humans, everyone is now in human form.

“then. We wish our guests the best of luck. Don’t raise a glass.”

As soon as the words announcing the start of the celebration were over, Kania immediately stood in front of her and expressed her gratitude for this position as the representative.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such a welcome.”


There is no sharp corner.

Even though Kania looked like this, her body was thoroughly infused, if not as good as swordsmanship, so that scandals would not arise in a place like this.

The Ernesian royal family said.

Smile in public. If the opponent is underestimated, press down with coercion so that they are invisible.

Anyway, there are no gaps.

In addition, Kania's subordinates also assumed this kind of position and trained them in advance to maintain the minimum level of dignity.

After exchanging simple greetings, dragons freely talk with humans.

Kania also politely responded to each and every one who spoke to her.

“Come to think of it, a guy I know said that, is it true that human royalty talk while breaking down walls with their bare hands?”

“… … Ahahaha. Not necessarily. At least in the current kingdom, it's something that happens only occasionally.”

“huh? Is it sometimes?”

“indeed… … Humans sometimes break down walls. It's an odd habit.”

“no! Please don't take the captain's words straight! Dragons!”

Kania and the dragons talk, and sometimes Meika and her subordinates put on a choo-im-sae in embarrassment.

Even if it's not a big deal, their conversation can be said to be a big change if you look at the continent's history in a long way.

A non-rare banquet hall.

They talk while drinking the same thing, not a sword and shield, but a drinking glass and a dress dragon station that does not emit flames.

If people from past eras saw that scene, they wouldn't believe it.

‘… … It seems that the sister is sincerely trying to promote peace.'

Delnef was lost in thought as he watched the scene.

It's not objectionable. The purpose is understandable and necessary.

but… … .

“… … It has nothing to do with me.”

Delneph just watches from a corner of the banquet hall, feeling that it has nothing to do with him.

In the first place, he only came because he was asked to do a job.

‘… … Even so, I don't think I need an escort again, but what are you thinking... …

It was while Delneph was still thinking.

“Dedelneph? You are Delneph, right?”

someone calls themselves There is nothing new about it. It was only hundreds of years ago, so those who remember will remember themselves.

Let Delnef turn around without saying a word. A woman one head shorter than him is looking up at him.

“???? Who is it?”

“Yeah eh?!”

Somehow, he looks very disappointed. did you say it wrong

“… … It is difficult to recognize their own people when they are humanized.”

“ah? That's right! yes Yes!”

He nodded his head broadly and voluntarily agreed.

I'm kind of distracted. Did you know someone with a similar impression? Delneph seemed puzzled.

“Do you want to know if I do this?”

Wings and a tail spread out on her back. Of course, it's not the original size, but the extent to which it was tailored to the body when humanized.

Blue scales stood out.

“… … blue. hmm? Could it be Melunes’?”

A blue dragon appeared in Delneph's mind. There are many blue dragons, but the ones to talk to him are limited, and there is no other kind of person that you can guess from the sparkling blue scales a moment ago.

Above all, there is no other guy who follows like this.

Fortunately, the answer must have been correct, and the girl's eyes twinkled.

“yes! It's me! This is Melunes!”

“It’s been a while… …

“yes! Long time no see!”

Somehow, it is approaching with the momentum to cling to it right away.

It's not that I don't have a guy I know at all, but it's rare to find someone who welcomes me this far.

“I heard you came back before. I was sorry to hear that you were gone soon.”

“At that time, I just finished my errands and went back… …

“Did you finally return this time?”

“No, it is not.”

Delneph shook his head lightly.

No matter what anyone says, I have no intention of returning yet.

“that?????? song??????

Somehow, Melunes murmured as if his answer was a bit against expectations. If it was in its original form, it is good that it would have had its wings and tail drooping.

“Are you still staying for a while?”

“I think so, but… …

“Phew. thank god. I… … I heard a rumor... …

” rumor?”

What a strange attitude... … . It was about the time she was waiting for her to tell the story.

“ah? Delnef!”

someone else calls But not kinship. It is a familiar voice.

This is Cania Ernesia.

“Cania Ernesia? what?”

“What isn’t it? What are you doing all alone?”

It seems that the communication with the dragons has ended, and it seems that he is bored and wanders around looking for something interesting.

And it seems that he caught my eyes openly showing the atmosphere that I don't care.

“never mind.”

“no way? still… … yes?”

It was only then that Kania found a girl hiding behind Delnef.

“ah? Were you talking?”

“never mind. It was a nonsensical story.”

Doongma back to listen to Delneph's words. Kania immediately showed interest in Melunes.

That eccentric dragon, who doesn't seem friendly at all except for work, is the person who comes here to talk. must have been curious

“… … ugh human.”

On the contrary, as soon as Melunes realized that Kania was paying attention to him, he somehow took a half step back and just stared at it.

“My name is Cania Ernesia.”

“… … It's called Melunes... … human.”

Even though she dared to introduce her name, she pretended not to hear Kania's name and deliberately kept her distance.

Like you don't want to be friends. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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