How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 669

- Gaiden episode 36

Gaiden episode 36

But rather, Kania shakes her head as if to scold Delnef.

“Ugh… … I said I didn't see you for a while. Do something like this again.”

[I don’t know, but Bonde Cania Ernesia… … That guy... … J

“Huh? I know.”

[…] … What?]

Not only Delneph, but also Melunes tilted their heads blankly.

“You know?. Did you intentionally lead me to a strange place?”

It's not that Kania lacks common sense. I thought it was odd from the start. [Did you let it

go knowingly


Unfortunately, I can't even get into the insidious axis.

human society... … Especially in the political world, there are many more high-level bullying.

It was a level that was okay for Kania, as he was already getting used to that kind of grumpiness.

honestly nothing.

“And it was kind of fun.”

In fact, that would be the real intention.

[…] … Did you know?]

Melunes, on the other hand, asked back in a daze upon hearing from Kania himself.


Kania thought seriously and then said.

“I never thought that everyone would welcome us in the first place.”

Humans hate humans too.

What if it was a different species?

Surprisingly, she is not so optimistic. Although he is carefree, he has a sense of origin because he was born in the royal palace where all sorts of scheming rage.

Respond when it is harmful and ignore it when it is not.

“Because it’s our job to talk even if we hate it more than anything.”

[…] … I can't believe it.]

Melunes' wings trembled.

Before anyone else could react, she flew away.

After grasping the situation in time and guessing roughly what had happened to Salia, she lowered her head instead.

[sorry. … … I'll talk to that guy later and have him formally apologize.]

“Oh? It doesn't matter.”

[no… … This is our people's problem.]

After saying that, she took off in pursuit of my friend.

“ah? gone both.”

[Never mind.]

“Ah? too bad.”

Rather, Kania looks at Delnef, who is showing a cold attitude, with a scolding gaze.

[I don't understand.]

“… … Not noticing it is still far away.”


However, Kania didn’t seem to have the heart to teach you that,

“Think about it carefully. A pitiful man.”

He sighed as he looked in the direction the dragons had disappeared.

“It would be nice if we could reconcile...

Melunes flew endlessly until he reached the edge of the city and finally stopped.

[ha… … It's miserable.]

I don't even have the heart to talk about my pride.

[Oh oh. Did you realize that now?]

[…] … Salia. Are you kidding me?]

Salia, who caught up with her at some point, jokingly said, and she quietly turned her head and replied.

[So you've given up now?]

[It's because you gave up, and that person didn't even deal with you at all.] After

running out for a while, the accident calmed down a bit.

[They said it didn’t matter if they hated humans, right?]

[…] … hmm. he's a weird human Ah~ Well, humans have never come before. Are other humans like that?]

[Delneph doesn't seem to have been forcibly held, contrary to rumors.] [Looks like he's

completely hated, right?]

[.. It's bittersweet to say it today.]

But thanks to you, I finally found out. how stupid you were

[I'll have to talk to that person again.]

But it's not for the purpose of being grumpy like now.

we should talk

[this. Isn't that a pity?]

Then someone started talking.


[…] … Who?]

It is not a sign of the same people. No, if any living creature approaches it, of course it will notice.

But it's not hallucinations either.

[I hate humans. Is that your wish?]

As if he had been watching the whole time.

However, the feeling of considering something seriously rather than ridicule. He spoke like a merchant picking out goods.

[Who is it!]

But the voice did not answer its true identity.

[Whoever I am, that's fine. Anyway, if you're looking for something, I can provide you with just the right tech, so that sounds like a good deal, doesn't it? … … I needed a test subject like you just in case.]

The voice was somehow excited and explained on its own.

… … and.

The next day Salia was found completely unconscious. Indeed, it became impossible to know where Melunes had gone.

However, neither dragons nor humans realized the meaning it would bring.

[It's noisy every day... … .]

[I hear it's because of the new guest this time?]

[Guest? iced coffee… … Did you say that person... … . name is… … hmm. I don't know.]

It's not very common for dragons to remember human names.

From their point of view, a human being is a being who lives for a while. Even if you remember it now, it will be meaningless in less than 100 years.

[It's a big deal. I'm going outside. Even so, is a human coming in from the outside this time?]

[…] … It's just a whim.]

He sneered while making a cold sound.

Not everyone is sympathetic or enthusiastic about policy.

There are also dragons who do not oppose or are not interested.

[No doubt it's more noisy now... … . But how long will that last... … .]

It was just a whim. I just think so.

[No matter what humans do, nothing will change in the end.]

Fundamentally, they did not acknowledge humans.

Of course we do have a conversation.

In the past, it would have been unthinkable, but it was just that they bowed down on their own and aligned their eyes.

It's not like they were truly equal.

[…] … Still, it's better than when I was hibernating in a cave... … Hmm?]

The dragon, who was complaining boredly, raised his head and blinked as if he had seen something wrong.

[What else? Surely you're not already drunk?]

[No, it's not like that... Something... … A strange sign... …

A warning from their animal instincts.

The other people are also a bit late, but they look around silently as if they sensed something.

[…] … come out Cheeky thing.]

One guy immediately sensed the presence and struck his tail.

However, the shadow standing behind them caught the tail that fell after aiming precisely.

so lightly

[What?! Keugh!]

Needless to say, his surprise was dragged out as it was.

It was pulled with one hand.

What appeared in front of them was a dragon made of shadows.

[Don't be funny!]

Enraged, he spewed out the boiling mana from his whole body and increased his strength.

A unique large amount of mana gushes out at once, passing through the heart and transforming into destructive energy.

it's breath

[That stupid… … .]

The other dragons tried to stop it, but it was too late. Right away, he directed his breath at the shadow that had pulled him.

For an instant, super-high-temperature flames poured out, enough to make a pure white flash of light shine.

[Idiot! Are you trying to destroy the whole area!]

[If you don't know, stay still.]

The dragon shook its head after blowing its breath. It wasn't that I completely lost my reason.

It was half because of fear.

It would have been dangerous otherwise... … .

[If we don't get rid of it, we'll get hurt.]

[What are you talking about... … Anyway, since I did this, I should explain right away.]

I don't know what it is, but there's no way I'm safe because I poured my breath into it directly.

It was when they first tried to fix it.


Something broke through the remaining flames and hit the torso of one of the dragons.


There was a roar, and the dragon that had been hit just swallowed its scream and fell out.


[This son of a bitch!]

Both the guy who let out his breath a while ago and the remaining dragons finally noticed that the situation was strange and started to respond with sincerity... … .

Still, the ominous feeling did not go away.

who hunts them

A black shadow rolled over, and the dragon wrapped in it roared and attacked them again.

Nerell called Delneph right away and told him what he had to convey.

“Work has become a pain in the ass.”

“… … Even now, I still have a headache.”

“It has nothing to do with your concerns. Listen carefully to serious stories.”

It was only then that Delnef felt something unusual and corrected his attitude a little.

Although it is a dragon that is usually far from joking, the atmosphere is heavier than ever.

“Actually, it seems that some young guys were attacked last night.”

“attack? Who is it?”

“And the day before, the blue dragon Salia was found collapsed.”

“fat… … Leah?”

Delnef's voice trembled. Isn't Salia the guy Melunes used to hang out with?

“Who is that guy?”

“… … From the circumstances, it seems that Melunes was the one who initiated the attack.”

“It’s nonsense.”

Delneph denied it, saying it was nonsense.

There is no reason for Melunes to cause an incident, and he is well aware of his abilities as a dragon.


“It doesn’t seem like that.”

Nerell sighs in pain.

“I hear Melunes is wearing a strange shadow.”

“A strange shadow?”

“From the words of the victims, it seems that they are strangely ferocious and strong.”

So until Salia's testimony, Nerell didn't think it was Melunes.

Delneph fell silent.

“Do you need help?”

“… … No, I'm not responding directly to this. What I want to tell you is to respond well so that you don’t get angry with your customers.”

What you need to avoid is a situation where guests from outside are damaged.

That's how it's going to be, and it won't be a word. Literally, their honor falls to the ground.

“It shouldn’t be there.”

“… … understood.”

This time, it was Delnef who accepted without expressing his dissatisfaction. Because it's a very natural thing.

“Above all, if Kania Ernesia knew this, she would be willing to step forward.”

I couldn't deny it.

Occasionally, such a person has existed since ancient times. no matter what, don't be afraid

Rather, those who are willing to step out.

In particular, if Melunes is involved, Cania Ernesia intervenes unconditionally.

These days, they say it's remote, but in the past, people like that used to invade Rare until the end.

“Anyway, never tell me.”

“… … Let's try.”

Delneph said and left his sister's office.

He had just made up his mind to keep the subject out of the ears of his guests as much as possible, as he had promised.

“Hey. Hey.”

“???? What.”

“So what happened to the assailant? Did you hear his name, Melunes?”

He lowered his head when he saw Kania, who was clinging to a corner of the hallway and her eyes shining with curiosity, as if she had just overheard him.

I noticed that I heard everything.

Literally, the dragon's feet were dark.

At this point, Delnef can't just keep his mouth shut.

No, if you don't open it, they will forcefully open it.

I already know the ways of these guys from the royal family of Ernesia.

“Huh? Melunes is... …

Delneph, however, confided in it, but firmly rejected Kania's interference.

“As Nerell said, this is a problem for my people. Please do not meddle.”

For now, Delneph said it sternly.

but… … .

“But is that Melunes?”

However, it seemed that Kania had already made up her mind.

“Maybe that was the problem last time, right? Or maybe he got caught up in something.”

“Even so, it is something we will respond to.”

It's not a human thing to intervene. I tried to say it firmly.

“Isn’t that your friend’s business before that?”

After Kania said that, she didn't change her opinion. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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