How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 672

- Gaiden episode 39

Gaiden episode 39

Delnef took a deep breath.

And it emits a huge amount of cold air.

The cold air rolls over like a wave, completely freezing the area in front of it.

However, the monster evaded Delnef's breath by easily changing its direction in the air.

It's unbelievable agility.

[Kania Ernesia!]

“It's okay! I'm catching up!”

It doesn't matter if it misses. What I was looking for was a different person.

Taking aim at that gap, Kania jumped in as if blocking it and struck down the sword.

Even in the heat of thousands of degrees, they were running around vigorously.

you won't have to watch Kania stretched out the sharpest blade of aura without the slightest addition or subtraction.

A slash sharp enough to cut off even the remaining heat slashed the monster's entire body.

“… … act.”

However, Kania clicked her tongue and prepared for the next response.

Even her swordsmanship only slightly cut the skin.

[…] … Step back.]

“I know.”

The next thing Kania did was to defend. Aura is wrapped around the body, and a translucent curtain of aura spreads in front of it.

The moment the Shadow Dragon shakes off Kania and tries to attack, something heavy rises from below.

It's Delneph's raised tail.


The battered monster soared upwards.

But it didn't do much damage. Rather, the raised tail tingled. How much rigidity do you have?

[The guy goes up!]

The guy who was hit just soars through the ceiling towards the ground.

Rather, it is likely that he is trying to escape by using the gap he was beaten in reverse.

[joy… … It's not like it's a trick.]

But Delnef snorted while chasing.

[He sent it flying on purpose.]

He doesn't know where to run away even if left alone. Admit it. Catching up is not too difficult.

Then you just need to decide where to export it.

As soon as the shadow dragon broke through to the ground, he faced the guys who were waiting for him.

The dragons who agreed to cooperate with Kania.

Note the spot where all the light in their eyes broke through.


[Don't hesitate, pour it!]

[I'll apologize later!]

The dragons pour in all at once without sparing their breath and magic attacks.

Each attack converges and coalesces, vaporizing everything within its range.

The excessively saturated energy swells in a pure white hemisphere.

A few other dragons control it with magic so that it doesn't get hit in the wrong place.

[…] … If this is enough.]

[There's no way that monster will be safe.]

The dragons were so confident that they proudly stretched their tails.

but… … .


One of the dragons was struck by something and fell out without questioning the strange sign.

[Lee Kelos!]

[…] … Is that monster still unharmed?]

[I can't believe it.]

Can it be unharmed despite the concentrated fire from multiple dragons? They watched in amazement at the small signs that landed on the floor.

Sure enough, it seemed that the monster couldn't be completely unharmed either.

Most of the outer skin had already been ripped off, and the blue dragon's scales were visible.

[Is Melunes still out of his mind?]

Even so, he moves menacingly.

While the dragons moaned in astonishment, countless ice spears fell from the sky.

[What are you idly doing!]

It was a spear blade magically dropped by Delneph in dragon form.

And likewise, a small shadow broke through the complex falling spear blades.

it's kani

While Delnef keeps pouring magic and holding him in check, he skillfully avoids the gap and tries to approach.

The ice spear barely reached Kania and hit the monster's entire body.

Moreover, if the monster tries to avoid it, Kania's sword spirit, which tenaciously narrowed the distance, will come in.


After dozens of slashes in a single breath, the shadow part of the shadow dragon finally burst out shallowly.

“… … It seems that we have finally reached the limit.”

continued attack.

Grazed by a cryogenic breath and hit by sword spirits. Even after that, he was intensively saturated by several dragons.

Even now, they are being attacked to the extent of relentless attack.

“There is nothing that won’t break if you keep hitting it.”

It may be a somewhat ignorant truth, but one thing is certain, and there are no exceptions.

[Now, blow it up!]

“I know! I'll just peel off that shadow! After I blow it up, I'll ask you!”

Don't fret to see the end in a hurry. Kania stepped on the floor with all her might.

And put the sword into the floor.

The monster's eyes twinkled as if in doubt at the meaningless movement.

“Fly upward!”

As it was, Kania's sword spirit burrowed under the ground, and then she pulled out the sword.


Something heavy echoed from beneath the ground, and everything around it surged upward.

This is also swordsmanship.

It not only cuts, but also scatters the aura widely and uses its repulsive force to explode and smash it widely.

As previously discussed, the other dragons have taken shelter to a place where they are not affected by her aura.

So the only thing that rises up is the rock and that monster.

[…] … That's absurd. Doing this with a human sword.]

And in the sky, Delnef, who had been waiting at some point, was watching the soaring target.

[good night. As long as you agree to cooperate, I will help you until the end.]

Willingly and generously demonstrate his abilities.

As soon as I released the breath with all my mana, white light soared through the sky at dawn.

Any moisture or magical energy in the surrounding air freezes the moment it touches this breath.

What spread out was a pillar of pure white ice.


Originally, there was no way to yield. much less to humans.

But now that we've cooperated, there's nothing we can do about it.

Above all, I used most of the mana I had with the current blow.

I will have no choice but to let it go.


And Kania, who jumped straight up towards the sky as if there was nothing to hear, swung her sword.

The blade of the aura that stretched out... … Extending that blue light, in an instant, it hit and split the pillar of ice created by Delneph.


With a loud cracking noise, the pillar split in two.

“… … It's over. I'll take it out now.”

Let's reap the sword spirit with a small resounding declaration.

The two-sided pillars are four and eight... … .

It breaks into smaller pieces and becomes ice snowflakes that are blown away by the wind.

And finally, the blue dragon that was caught in the unknown shadow was freed and fell.


[I know.]

Delnef managed to squeeze out the remaining magic power to catch Melunes from falling.

“Is he okay?”

[Don't worry. For us, this level is not even included in the axis of injury.]

The words of a dragon that once survived even with a sword stabbed in the heart. It won't sound like anything.

And soon, the blue dragon slowly flinched and opened its eyes.

[…] … This.]

[Looks like it just happened.]

[Delneph? and… … Human?]

Melunes, who was puzzled, immediately opened her eyes wide. it will be something to remember

[Indeed… … I have nothing to say.

Doing something like this.]

[I'll ask you about that later.]

Anyway, I succeeded in retrieving it for the purpose.

[Just remember that.]

Delnef decided to set aside the rest and give this advice.

[The person who insisted on helping you is the person you hated so much. Know its meaning.]

[…] … yes. I know.]

The blue dragon nodded weakly, took his eyes off Delneph, and the human was lightly shaking his sword from the other side. I glanced at Cania Ernesia.

[I know very well.]

Not only her.

Many dragons were witnessing.

And among those who saw what happened today, there was no one who could ignore humans anymore.

Even if Kania didn't mean it.

… … and the next day.

“.. at least if you want to make a job, report it and do it!”

Kania and Delnef had to be scolded by Nerell, who was thoroughly pissed off.

Regardless of the intention, you have no choice but to be admonished for destroying a facility and going wild.

“Still, you did a good job. I would like to express my gratitude on behalf of my people.”

Still, in the end, Nerel meekly bowed her head to Kania.

“… … I have nothing to say your rel?”

“Aren’t you in a position where you should have dried up? Like a stupid little brother.”

Still, Delneph was still a cold meal.

Delneph wondered if he was hoping for praise again. He just clicked his tongue and walked away.

As soon as Kania and Delneph left Nerel's office after completing their business, someone greeted them as if they had been waiting for them.

Melunes and Salia.

In particular, the Melunes side had been waiting impatiently just a moment ago, like a criminal.

“Yeah… … something to say… … there is.”

It wasn't Delneph who had the business this time.

” me?”

Cania Ernesia.

Melunes nodded and suggested that we move away for a while.

“Do not worry. I'm not going to take you to a strange place this time.

… … I will continue to do so.”

Then they moved to the courtyard of the castle.

“sorry. human. … … No Kania Ernesia.”

She sincerely apologized to Kania first.

It's not just because of the rush. It was an apology, including for the actions taken before that.

“Miss Kania. I hated humans.”

“huh. I know.”

Kania nodded.

“And humans invariably… … I thought it was barbaric and shameless.”

“Well, maybe not.”

I don't deny it.

“But it is no different for us. It's the same.”

Melunes finally realized that fact.

And apologized over and over again.

“Next time, even better… … I will guide you to places that dragons like us like.”

“huh. I’ll ask you well next time.”

It's not that I don't care about the past.

For original friendship, it is necessary to start with minor conflicts and correct the discrepancies step by step.

As if putting into practice what he had claimed, Kania once again reached out to Melunes, and this time she readily grabbed hold of it.

“If you understood, that was it.”

And Delnef also nodded seriously as if that was enough.

“ah… … And Mr. Delneph?”

Melunes hesitantly spoke to Delnef as if he had something to say.

“hmm? Does not matter.”

Of course you want to apologize. Delnef thought it was nothing and waited for Melunes to finish talking.

“Yeah… … I actually saw it.”

“You see?”

“Why did Delneph leave here? And what did you do after you left?”

Delnef hastily shut his mouth.

A faint but cold sweat broke out.

Apparently, Melunes heard about Delnef from Nerel and also confirmed the truth about how he was living in the human city with some information.

What should I know to clear up the misunderstanding?

“ha… … I must have misunderstood.”

“Wrong. It is enough if you understand.”

“yes. I know for sure.”

But for some reason, his eyes are cold.

“How pathetic you have been.”

The twinkling eyes that looked up to her not so long ago are nowhere to be found.

Perhaps you know everything. Not to the extent of clearing up misunderstandings, but all the ugliness he showed in Fahilia.

“Really… … Nerel-nim is worried about you, so why don't you grow old soon?”


I had the illusion that the injuries of the past, which had already healed, were being torn apart once again.

For an instant, I was staggered by the agitation that seemed to unravel my humanization.

“You weren’t like that in the past.

… … You were definitely pathetic.”

A reaction like waking up from a dream.

I'm sure you've seen it all

And it was obvious who reported it.

It must have arrived suddenly one day. It is said that it is a special feature of Delneph, and the data that recorded his daily life... … .

‘Arel Ernesia!'

After doing so, the dragon opens its eyes to reality, and a pitiful dragon cries out in its mind, looking for someone who is fooling around in a distant territory.

After that, starting with Cania, more people will find the city of dragons and many things will happen, but it will be mentioned again someday... … . How

a former pro

sucks honey

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