How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 673

- Gaiden episode 40

Gaiden episode 40

Gaiden chapter 7. I heard about Kania's older sister's temptation of out of sync technology.

I also heard something interesting directly from Nerell.

“In short, there was more damage?”

[Yes. There were traces of breaking into the warehouse during the commotion.] It seems

that what disappeared is data related to dragon technology.

It is also the data left by Edrels, a reincarnated person who was born and lived as a dragon and is now gone.

It's downright suspicious.

“Is it a bucket?”

[I can't think of anything else.]

He creates a commotion and steals what he wants. It's a common thief's tactic.

The problem is the technology used there.

“Once I got it.”

I heard that far and cut off the communication.

You can teach the culprit though.

What can I do?

Since I had an accident this far, I can't look at her with warm eyes.

“Now, if you do something wrong, you'll have to kick your ass.”

And you have to get hit.

I decided to pay a surprise visit to the place where the perpetrator was.

Fortunately, you don't have to go looking for him.

Nerell sent me data on the traces of the blue dragon being manipulated and rampaging, and after examining it, there was a direction in which the magical signal that received the guy's thought pattern was caught.

“Is it a change to the Kingdom of Damaniel… …

Is it fortunate that it is not the kingdom of Ernesia?

I wondered what it would be like if it was next door... … .

Sometimes that is the case. There was a time when I was annoyed, but it turned out that he came from the house next door to me... … .

At that time, we inadvertently say hello to each other.

said hello. And I thought we were going to die of embarrassment.

In any case, protesting is not something to be postponed, so I headed straight to the place where the bastard's base was located.

‘… … First of all, cover your face.' Wearing a coat and mask appropriately, I'm suspicious. Create an outfit that appeals to you.

ok great changer I was satisfied with looking in the mirror.

It looks like an ordinary coat, but it also has a purpose of changing the wavelength of mana, so if you're at that level, you wouldn't know it's me.

When you arrive at the place, you can see a wide forest.

“Are you a typical secular scholar?”

Away from the world, do research in a place out of reach of people. It's the perfect environment to get lost in.

It's a taste that's hard to understand for me, who prefers infrastructure over tranquility.

“The barrier… … Is there anything special about it?”

There are barriers that have been strengthened with artifacts, but of course, they can be shattered and destroyed with just a light kick.

What was revealed as the landscape collapsed like sand.

“… … and. It's quite right.”

It was a sight that I wanted to be a little surprised by.

huge rock formations.

It seems that the whole rock was moved, cut and trimmed, and made into a hiding place.

It's like the base of a certain organization?

“Looks like you’ve done quite a bit.”

It seems that he raised funds by secretly spreading his technology to foreign nobles and wealthy merchants.

I decided to observe moderately and attack right away.

however… … .

As I approach what appears to be the entrance, I feel a huge presence overhead.

“hmm? Are you polite? Welcome too.”

Let's open the distance by lightly pulling back. cooong! The ground shook with a roar.

Something fell from the sky.

oh oh oh oh oh oh!

A strange tone resounding deep inside. It wasn't a cry, but the sound of a large amount of mana resonating inside.

What appeared was iron armor that could have been 5 meters tall.

“A typical gatekeeper… …

I thought it was probably his son-in-law. There are structures that have a sense of incongruity that I have seen somewhere, and there are also structures that I have never seen before.

Did you combine multiple techniques?

The gatekeeper didn't even have the time to stare at me and rushed right through.

“It’s reckless… … . Or are you quick to judge?”

The downside of unmanned weapons is that judgment errors or time consuming.

A specification that is basically required to distinguish between enemies and allies.

That's why it often takes time for a weapon guarding a base to make that decision.

seconds, no matter how long.

It doesn't matter if it's a normal thief, but it's slow against masters beyond a certain level.

But now, it takes less than a comma to convert the action.

“It looks like you imitated a good spell.”

Come to think of it, among the weapons operated in Caduceus at the time, there were unmanned weapons, right? did you copy that?

“Whew? You must have studied that well, right?”

Blowing a whistle, I wondered how to respond to the rushing mass.

It doesn't matter if the damage is done, but it's annoying when someone comes running wild outside.

Let's just break it.

“Come on.”

Then, the gatekeeper's gigantic fist, which jumped vigorously, reached out toward me.

“Are you feeling good?”

I lightly lifted the straight fist with my hand.

“But be strong.”

No matter how much power you increase, there is a limit to the laws of physics in the end.

No matter how fast and propelling a lump of mass is, its destination is not clear.

When I lightly raise my hand, the softly touched man's large body forcibly rises upward.

extreme enchantment.

“Shedding the Valley.”

Although it looks simple, it is surprisingly impossible to demonstrate without deep internal energy.

“How stupid.”

If a trained human was the opponent, it wouldn't have been so simple.

There was no reason to stay still until he fell.

I raised my hand up and chanted the magic as it was.


Not usually fireballs. Its size is also several times stronger than normal spells.

An orb of heat shot upward, engulfing it and vaporizing it.

“Once the gatekeeper is resolved… … Isn't this?”

As soon as the first guy disappeared, the second and third. The fourth same form jumps down.

Do you have units 2 through 4?

“… … I will turn.”

I sighed and clenched my fists.

Let's see how much it sticks out.

“Yes, take out as many as you can.”

Originally, the aggressor side is the law to match. Yes, take it out as many times as you wish.

After that, the gatekeepers jumped out to 50 when they roughly counted.

At this point, maybe there is something attached to it.

“… … Is this guy stupid?”

I'm slowly getting suspicious.

It took a really annoying journey to step on this guy's gate.

“shit! Someone placed 50 weapons of the same type!”

Shaking my head, I looked around his studio.

‘There's nothing special about it... …

Is he running it alone?

If you recall the act of trying to attract dwarves, it seems that you covet talent?

Didn't that go well?

While wondering, I looked around the studio.

There are some traps, but enough to get past them.

Surprisingly, security is softer inside than outside. If the inside is thorough, even the owner of the house could accidentally step on it.

‘He seems to value my skills, so there's no way there's anything dangerous inside... …

I looked inside his studio.

It really feels like a technical junkyard.

Regardless of race or nationality, the remnants of various technologies are enshrined intact.

“… … You are persistent.”

It seems that you can get a general idea of a person's personality by looking inside the workshop, but that seems to be true.

Well, my room only has sweets instead... … Certainly a room represents a person.

“He… … Is there none?”

It was unexpected.

I thought it would definitely be in my workshop. However, it is strange to think that he abandoned and escaped.

‘.. I feel strange.'

Clearly the guy is here.

“I'll have to make up my mind for now.”

But that doesn't mean it's going to be dangerous.

maybe… … If I'm guessing right, what you're about to see is going to be pretty nasty.

I looked around a few more rooms and eventually arrived at the largest one.

“… … Kit.”

Sensing something flowing from across the room, he clicked his tongue.

blood scent.

Right away I kicked in the door.

There's no need to worry about breaking in anyway.

“… … Is it coming out like this?”

There was nothing else to say about the identity of the scent of blood.

Miles's own.

The body of the man he was sure of was lying on the floor.

nothing to check already dead

“That too… … Not too long ago... …

A few hours ago at most?

Probably around the time I sensed this place.

“Certainly, if you are still alive, I am confident that I will find you and punish you wherever you are…” …

No matter where I run, if it's inside this planet, it's like the palm of my hand.

but… … .

“… … But if you're dead, that's kind of annoying.”

As I said, if he is not a genius in his own way, I have no choice but to be sure that he is a nerd in his own way.

He chose his own death as a means of escape from my surveillance.

‘In my experience, death like this is not death... …

There is nothing to guess.

He threw away his existing body and disguised it as suicide, probably sending something like his soul somewhere else.

I've seen cases that take a similar approach several times.

‘Even I can't catch this.'

I can't even chase the soul just because I am.

The means to deal with the soul cannot be easily called me.

That's purely the realm of talent.

It's not about what will happen with the skills accumulated through experience.

“What the hell is this stupid guy… … What kind of change of thinking happened in that short time?”

But the body can't answer.

I clicked my tongue and burned the body as it was.

“… … What do you really have left by doing this?”

I really can't understand.

I shook my head and moved on to see if there was anything else.

At least this is certain.

I'll meet this guy again in the not-too-distant future, and then I'll have no choice but to smash it in my hands.

If it's a gamble, you can only say that it's a gamble.

It was only natural that if he went on like this, he would be stamped out by the transcendental beings.

No matter how firmly I lock the door, they will lightly break through.

Even if they escape, they will surely be caught.

I'm sure because I'm researching their technology.

Mileus therefore decided to take a gamble. Although it was a gamble, the odds were high.

There was just one thing they couldn't track down.

death right away.

Any method that does not leave a physical trace will be able to circumvent them.

Having come up with a method, Mileus immediately prepared to execute it.

Okay. Important information has already been moved.

It is not an improvised workshop, but a place prepared just in case. I won't be able to chase you right now.

And he gladly stabbed himself in the neck.

As soon as he is stabbed, the spell written on the dagger is activated and he runs as if burning his whole body.

And consciousness disappears.

Literally, biologically, a human named Mileus died here.

His corpse will soon be found by reincarnated invaders. What kind of expression will he make when he sees this?

In fact, they repeated death and life countless times. You probably won't feel anything.

That is why they have reached a high level. Mileus thought so and let go of his consciousness.


[Looks like it's settled down properly.]

His voice echoed in the air.

He calmly muttered, realizing that his consciousness was becoming clear again.

Carefully check your own perceptions one by one.

Memory is no problem.

One's own ego is also clear.

And above all.

this sense.

[indeed… … It was something like this.]

The field of view is wide. I can feel more clearly than before.

Above all, the scope of thinking has been broadened.

You can think about a lot of things and draw conclusions in just a few seconds.

Strange omnipotence.

Still no fatigue.

It's a very different sense from when you're human.

[It will take some time to get used to it.]

He made a bitter sound as he unconsciously checked his body.

His body was no longer there.

This is the method he chose.

[With this, the plan is next… … .] How

a former pro

sucks honey

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