How a Former Pro Takes Advantage by Doing an Easy Job

Chapter 698

- Episode 65 Episode 65

Episode 65

There are already many role models.

Isn't Kelly especially famous in that way?

“Among them, there are those who benefit from the appeal of a person with a lot of talent among different races.”

“… … But they are them.”

“They do it, but there’s no way we can’t do it.”

The trainer said firmly.

“It's good to remember.


That's advice as a pioneer to the last.

“I recommend getting rid of the mindset that other people do but I can’t.”

Of course, that's not as easy as it sounds. capacity with capital. It may be lacking under various conditions.

“That doesn't mean it's impossible to try.”

“… … hmm. what… … Maybe not. Yes, little girl, you are right.”

Have I been overwhelmed by the strange atmosphere?

Is there anything else to say about that theory?

Kels simply nodded slowly.

“okay. For now, I've entrusted the little lady with advice, so I'll do as she tells me. however… … How?”

“First of all, I suggested it. So, you can leave the rough stuff to me.”

This side will grab the collar and pull it.

Declaring with a confident attitude, the trainer decided to handle the necessary external procedures first.

“Just in that respect, we already have an advantage.”

The very trainer told Kells to wait for a while and personally went somewhere.

“… … huh? permission? Permission to open, too?”

Arele Ernesia.

He suddenly blinked as if he was slightly puzzled by the trainer's request and checked the documents she had submitted.

“It's a big deal. I never thought I'd suddenly ask for an opening permit... …

“I thought there was nothing I couldn’t give.”

she demanded boldly.

“It was you, Arele Ernesia, who asked me to apply for a job.”

“It is, but. … … What kind of wind suddenly blew?”

Arel put down the papers for a moment and stared at the trainer before asking.

It's like looking inside.

But you don't have to say it out loud.

“You know anyway.”

“You know roughly what happened. Whether it happened yesterday or before that.”

This is the city of Arel. Even more so, trainers are first of all interested observers.

Of course, there is no way that Arel will not be able to figure out her whereabouts.

“It doesn’t matter since you don’t seem to have any malice.”

Arel soon looked at the document again and checked the contents over and over again.

“But no matter what, this is… … Are you okay?”

“I am responsible. If anything happens, I will take care of it.”

“What would you do?”

At least there is no objection.

“Because if you come out so confident, you have to admit it.”


: “I mean look in the mirror when you get a chance.”

“… … No need for any fuss. So, permission?”

You just need permission. Anything else didn't matter.

“A promise is a promise. If this is what you want to do, I'll put a stamp on it.”

Arel cheerfully stamped approval on the permit.

It's no wonder that it usually takes a few days just to receive the procedure.

It's an expedient, but it's solved.

Well, originally, Arel also didn't intend to listen to that kind of nonsense easily, but this time, I thought it was an exception.

“ruler. permit.”

A trainer who accepts the permit returned by Arel and puts it in his bosom.

“About the rest of the procedure, I’ll have someone tell me about it later.”

It will be solved even if you don't have to come to each one yourself.

At such consideration, the trainer snorted as if it were useless meddling.

“It doesn't matter. This is enough.”

I will not pay any more debt.

Arel, like a child who doesn't want to lose, smiled bitterly without realizing it.

“So, what kind of kid is that person who gave you a whim?”

“Then there is no need for meddling.

“know. Don't worry, I won't be approaching you.”

A tone of voice that makes it sound like you won't steal other people's toys. In that respect, there is no big difference between Arell and Harial. Suppressing that feeling, the trainer turned his head.

And before leaving... … .

“There is nothing special… … just.”


“It just makes me feel bad because it reminds me of the old stupid me.”

After saying that, she went outside and disappeared.

“You are your old self. but. I don't know if that would be a good enough reason.”

I'd like to intervene, but I'd rather not interfere this time.

“… … Why don't you just leave it alone?”

With that kid's talent, there's nothing to worry about. Arel thought so and checked the documents again.

“by the way… … Are you really going to do this?”

A truly absurd proposition.

But it's something I'm personally interested in.

“If it goes well, I will benefit.”

I hope you will be rewarded for giving me permission.

Arel quietly cheered. As far as the lord's point of view.

and… … .

“At least with that, at least take a look at yourself.”

Other than that, I felt like a partner with a job.

“No matter how tired we are of humans, we have no choice but to live with them.

Think again.”

“ruler. permit.”

“why? permit.”

Hut! A few seconds later, Kels rubbed his eyes and stared at the license issued by his trainer.

“Even if you don't look at it that way, it's not fake.”

“no… … I'm not particularly suspicious, but... …

On the contrary, I never imagined that I would really get a permit and come back.


“I was a bit lucky. and… …


“There are some things in the world that are better not to ask.”

As he spoke in a slightly dark atmosphere, Kels had to be careful even with his breathing for a moment.

“joke. At least it's not a way to get into trouble the next day. I had a bit of a connection.

“ah… … Is it like that?”

Usually, in the logic of living in the world, excuses are bound to work out somehow if you say that you were lucky or that you solved it through someone you know.

“But can I really take it?”

“Anyway, I’m not interested. And I decided to think of it as being on the same boat.”

On the contrary, it went well.

Let's use this as an opportunity to make a big profit and pay off the debt. The trainer eventually came up with that excuse a little while ago.

“but… … To really get permission from the Monster Circus... …

Kels complained in a way he never imagined this would actually happen.

“Above all, based on experience. I was certain.”

“… … Even if the little girl is an experience.”

“So you’re not a kid.”

As he reflexively said the number of times he had said it now, the trainer lightly kicked Kells in the shin.


“I can't take it anymore after receiving this.”

Now the back is a cliff.

“Ugh… … Indeed it is. You can't take it anymore.”

“huh. It is one of the two, either redundant or ruined and rotting on the street.”

… … that's too extreme

“You know… … Is there any suitable way?”

“There can be no way.”

After all, life is all or nothing.

That is the trainer's own view of life.

“Anyway, this can be successful.”

It's not bad that the perception of this place is a leisurely tourist destination.

The people here are people who come for entertainment.

Anyway, they are the ones who open their wallets enough if they are interested.

Above all, you have yourself.

I can't tell that young man again, but there are not a few times I've benefited a little in a similar way.

‘Come to think of it, there's no reason to do this... …

It was said that it was nonsense that came out of drunkenness, but there is no loyalty to help a mediocre person to this extent.

Think of it as a one-time mistake.

“Anyway, we must hurry.”

“I know that, but… … So what should I do?”

“The most important thing. Securing the necessary monsters.”

” secure?”

When I noticed that I was asking something obvious, Kells paused and asked cautiously.

“You don't mean to save another monster, do you?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

In the first place, the one I had with me now was only one hundred fox.

It's not cute, but isn't it harsh to entrust all the fortunes of the future business to one kid?

“We need more diversity.”

“Even if you say that, it's not easy to find, isn't it?” …

Monsters are not something you can buy from the bottom of the market.

Common sense would make it impossible for wild beasts, let alone monsters.

“It doesn't matter.”

The trainer, as if he had a way to think of that, smirked slightly and went ahead.

“I will use the most standard method.

It is better to prepare and follow.”

“???? Jeongseok?”

“No monsters? Then we can go get it.”

then where? That's obvious too.

“If you don’t have it, just go where it is.”

The place the trainer pointed to was far away... …

Beyond the city, the great outdoors... … .

“The standard is to hunt and obtain what you need.”

“… … Are you insane?”

Kels asked in disbelief, half bewildered, but the kid meant it.

The trainer punches his ass! It was kicked high and urged again.

“Come on, get ready!”

All you need are camping gear and gear to survive in the wild for long periods of time.

This little boy was sincere.

Above all, I felt a strange pressure, as if I would break it on the spot if I did not follow.

“Ah Okay. Got it!”

Kells was in a hurry and rushed to get ready as soon as he was urged.

“It is just the right day.”

The trainer spoke in a more relaxed voice than before, perhaps feeling relieved after coming out of the stuffy city and out into the vast wilderness.

“Good air and good mana density.

With this, you might be able to find a good enough guy.”

“… … Air aside, mana density? Does that have anything to do with the appearance of monsters?”

” has exist.”

Ordinarily, don't you know that? jerk!

She might have kicked me in the shin, but she seemed to feel better after a long time, and she began to release her knowledge obediently.

“What does the monster have?”

“… … A magic stone?”

If it's usually related to mana, that's it, right?

“answer. Then, how do you think the mana of that magic stone will be concentrated?”

..... hmm.

As soon as I let go of the rhyme with the feeling that I don't know, she immediately went into explanation.

“Magic stones are like engines to monsters.”

“engine? ah… … Are you talking about the one on that ship or the train... …

“… … I would compare it differently. Humans use their power by accumulating their mana in a separate organ or similarly created place.”

When the knights hone their auras, they accumulate them in the danteon through the practice method recently spread by Arell.

Or wizards create mana circles and accumulate them there.

“But that is an acquired training method.

However, it is possible for monsters to accumulate energy instinctively and innately without having to take such a cumbersome method.”

“… … Is that a magic stone?”

Therefore, the stronger the monster, the larger and purer the magic stone.

“There are many ways for monsters to increase the energy of magic stones. Either by accumulating mana in the air or directly consuming it.”


“Is there anything else to say?”

The trainer deliberately pretended to bite. It looks like a child playing tricks, but once you understand the meaning, it won't be very pleasant.

“… … Are you eating it?”

“Exactly wild animals… … No, humans are no different. Anyway, that's not easy either. That’s why most monsters instinctively seek places with high mana density.”

The reason why monsters sometimes attack the village is simple. This is because humans are attracted to the tiny amount of mana they possess.

“Isn’t that dangerous?”

“It doesn't matter. It is an instinctive story, and it can be suppressed with training.”


“For example, the lord of this place damn Arell… … Arell Ernesia.”

When he gave the example of Arell, he frowned slightly, but Kels didn't notice.

“In the past, I trained griffons separately and tamed them so that they would not attack humans.”

The reason the trainer knows this is because he investigated it in the past when he was hostile to Arell.

It seems that the secret to taming the griffon like that is that now, the griffon raised by Arell forms a group and roams the nature of Fahilia to their heart's content, preventing monsters from easily approaching the city.

“In the end, the way to find the monster is simple. Prepare a strong bait.

Or choose a place with a high probability of appearing.”

And if you search for areas with high mana density, you will naturally come across something useful.

she said with conviction. How

a former pro

sucks honey

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