How to Survive As a Villain

Chapter 45

Chapter 45: The necessary conditions of an invisible attraction.
General Sun was really stunned at first, and then his face became gloomy and rushed out in a hurry.

Fighting?! The Emperor is still here! These young brats, do they want to die!

Xiao Yu’an followed closely, hurrying to keep up with him.

Fighting?! Is it really so interesting? Then let’s go and watch the fun!

The two of them rushed to the courtyard and found that Xie Chungui’s arms were tightly held by Li Wuding, he can’t move at all. Li Wuding helplessly said: “All right? The victory has been decided.”

Xie Chungui gritted his teeth fiercely, while struggling to break free, he managed to turn around and punched up. But Li Wuding evaded it easily, he holds the fist, twisted it, and then pressed Xie Chungui to the ground.

General Sun’s face went blue: “Li Wuding!! What are you doing!! What is this scandal? What is this scandal ah!!!”

Li Wuding panicked and quickly released Xie Chungui, then he knelt on the ground: “Your Majesty, General Sun, I…..”

Without leaving him finish his words, Xie Chungui knelt besides him: “Your Majesty, General Sun, I was the one that insisted General Li on fighting.”

This was, in fact, the truth. Originally, Li Wuning planned to go straight home, but he was suddenly interrupted by someone.

“Are you General Li?” Xie Chungui looked at him with surprise and fear in his eyes.

“You are…” Li Wuding was suspicious.

After Xie Chungui introduced himself, Li Wuding Suddenly realized something: “Xie Chungui, I know you.”

“Y-you know me?” Xie Chingui was extremely happy.

“I meet you when you were 10 years old. Damn, I actually went to your house just to drink wedding wine.” Li Wuding chuckled, his face was majestic, and although he was laughing, it wasn’t with an evil spirit.

Xie Chungui gathered courage, took Li Wuding’s arm, and excitedly said: “Li, General Li, I’ve admired you for such a long time! I want to be your deputy!!!”

Li Wuding was stunned at first, he rubbed his head and smiled embarrassedly, actually, he looked silly: “Alright, alright, but my deputies can beat me, you have to work hard.”

Li Wuding spitted nonsense and the young man was completely excited at once, and after patting his shoulder for encouragement, he was ready to leave once again.

Who would have thought that Xie Chungui wouldn’t let him go just like that, instead, he started to fight with him without uttering a word!

After listening the explanation, Xiao Yu’an asked Xie Chungui with wide eyes: “Do you admire him?”

Xie Chungui nodded firmly.

Xiao Yu’an was so startled that he almost bit his tongue off.

How can Xie Chungui admire Li Wuding !!!

In the original book, the intersection between them was during the half-month of Xie Chungui’s guarding the Northern Kingdom border. Li Wuding, the traitor, sent someone to persuade him to surrender like he did.

Xie Chungui looked up at the sky with a smile, then he lied down and gave up with a sigh: “Go back and tell Li Wuding, that man, that as long as I’m alive, I will never let the enemy’s cavalry step a foot into the Northern Kingdom’s territory, the hypocrites that dare to disturb the morale of the troops are disgusting, go!”

Now looking at this, if Xie Chungui admired Li Wuding ever since he was a child, this is actually… a little bit sad???

Seeing that Xiao Yu’an wasn’t upset, General Sun angrily scolded Li Wuding with a few words, and then let him take his leave. Li Wuding saluted with a fist1, got up and walked for a few steps, but then, he suddenly returned: “Your Majesty, General Sun, the youngest son of Xie’s family has an extraordinary military force, and I happen to lack a deputy general, so I beg his Majesty to allow him to become my deputy general!” He expressed his thoughts.

What happened?

The plot of these two is going in the opposite direction. If you contain them in the same place, what will happen next is truly a mystery!

What a decadent moral!

It’s indeed a paradoxical situation!

Really …

It’s so amusing!

Xiao Yu’an nodded: “Yes!”

Xiao Yu’an returned to the Palace from the General’s official residence, but instead of directly going to the Imperial Palace, he went towards the second room.

Usually, most of the Imperial Guards don’t often live in the Palace, so that’s why they take turns. But the Imperial Bodyguards are different, they have to be around the Emperor all the time.

The second room is not as fancy as the Jing Yang Palace’s wing rooms, this one is simple and clean, but it’s comfortable to live in.

Xiao Yu’an knocks on the door, but no one answered for a long time.

Xiao Yu’an snorted surprised and decided to go back to the Imperial Palace. But after walking a few meters away from the second room, he stopped.

At the entrance of the Imperial Palace, there were several Imperial bodyguards, and Xiao Yu’an stared at one of them.

As if feeling that he was looking at him, Yan Heqing turned his head and stared back.

He was wearing a soldier uniform with red lapels, a three-finger wide belt that had a pattern of burning clouds, and black boots. His black silk-like hair was tied in a high ponytail, giving him an imposing manner that was out of the ordinary. And between his eyebrows, is the boundless wind and the moon.

Xiao Yu’an suddenly began to worry about the little girls in the Palace. Although they haven’t reached the second half of the story, Yan Heqin’s face value is completely against the rules!! Xiao Yu’an smiled at Yan Heqing in a friendly way, and Yan Heqing suddenly looked away.

Ah? What’s wrong with him?

Xiao Yu’an, who didn’t know what just happened, walked over to the Imperial Palace’s door, and when the Imperial bodyguards saw that the Emperor came back, they knelt down in unison. Xiao Yu’an said with a smile that the comrades had been working hard, and then glanced at Yan Heqing two more times, as a result, he was able to notice that the sleeve of his right hand was slightly turned up, forming an unsightly fold.

Xiao Yu’an passed by the several Imperial bodyguards that were kneeling and bowing their heads. When he walked to Yan Heqing’s side, he made sure that no one was paying attention to him, then, he reached out quietly and fixed his sleeve for him. After that he put his hand behind his back and continued walking towards his bedchamber.

If Xiao Yu’an turned around at this instant, he would’ve been able to see that Yan Heqing pursed his mouth and bent the corner of his mouth shallowly.

Ever since she didn’t need to take charge of the Jing Yang Palace, Hong Xiu was able to take care of everything in serving Xiao Yu’an, but in recent days, her work was full of mistakes, she looked very absent-minded.

Early this morning, when Xiao Yu’an touched the cold water inside the basin, he asked Hong Xiu: “What’s wrong Hong Xiu, are you sick?”

Hong Xiu’s face turned pale, she then knelt on the ground: “This maidservant was careless, I beg his Majesty to punish me.”

Xiao Yu’an quickly helped her up: “Get up quickly, if you’re sick, then hurry up and go to the Taiyi hall to get checked. ”

Hong Xiu shook her head: “Answering to his Majesty, Hong Xiu is not ill.”

“So why have you been so anxious and preoccupied recently?”

Hong Xiu bit her lower lip, hesitated for a long time, and suddenly looked up: “Your Majesty, Hong Xiu has something to ask for.”

Xiao Yu’an said softly and gently: “Don’t worry.”

“Your Majesty, a few days ago this maidservant received a message from outside the Palace that my sister is seriously ill. This maid… this maidservant wanted to go out of the Palace to see her.” Hong Xiu lowered her head.

She held her head with both hands, anxiously waiting for the answer.

There was an unwritten rule in this deep Palace: the maids that enter the Palace can never leave it. After all, their duty is to always serve the Princess and the Emperor, if they leave the Palace there’s three things to be afraid of. The first one is that the secrets of the Palace will leak outside, the second one is that they will be bought by someone with bad intentions, and the third one is that they’re not able to stand the loneliness of the deep Palace, so they will run away.

Hong Xiu didn’t hold any hope at all. Xiao Yu’an suddenly slapped the table and scared her all over: “Don’t be angry Your Majesty, this maid…”

“Why didn’t you say that your sister was ill earlier? You should go back and seer her as soon as possible. Yes, wait a moment, I’ll give you a hand. Go to the Taiyi Hall and take an Imperial Physician with you to see your sister.” Xiao Yu’an said while looking for paper and ink.

Hong Xiu heard Xiao Yu’an’s words with a stunned face, and then her eyes became red and choked with sobs: “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

When she was at the age of 18, as the oldest daughter, she didn’t hesitate to enter the Palace for the sake of her siblings. Five years had passed since then, and she knew that she would be buried in this cold deep Palace her whole life.

But now it seems that she doesn’t regrets it.

On the afternoon of the same day, Hong Xiu left the Palace with the Emperor’s written instructions with her. That night though, Xiao Yu’an wasn’t surprised to find himself with….


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