Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Chapter 108 Looking for Leiza, a preliminary confrontation 【Subscription】

“One Ping Coastline?”

“Even if we know that the No. 2 card has not been obtained yet, then we don’t know where it is.”5

As expected of a wooden man, Gon didn’t even know how to use a spell card.


“Didn’t we just buy a coordinate card?”

Killua tapped Gon hard on the head.


“Use coordinates, number 2.

Killua slowly drew a spell card.

“I know the location, Rabbi Shoufu.”

Soon, an address name was displayed on the card reader.

“Then what are we waiting for?”

“Have to get it first.

Bisji slowly pulled out a companion card.

“Use your peers, Shoufu Rabbi.”


As soon as Bisji finished speaking, the four of them were enveloped in golden light, and then disappeared into the sky.

The island of greed, Shoufu Rabbi.

This is the closest place to the sea.

In the blink of an eye, the four Lan Fei had already appeared on the beach of 26 in Shoufu Rabi.

“This is Shoufu Rabbi?”

Gon looked around curiously.

“The place is pretty big.

Lan Fei nodded.

“Let’s rush to the city to ask for information.

Killua urged.

“Let’s go!”

In the dark, the four of them walked along the beach to the city center of Shoufu Rabi.

It didn’t take long for them to find relevant information about the “Yiping Coastline” of the No. 2 card.

It is said that this town has always been ruled by pirates. There is an underwater cave somewhere in this sea area, which was later used by the world as the residence of the sea god, and the Yiping coastline is the entrance to there, and the cave hides all kinds of various such a treasure.

Of course, these are just the legends of the Yiping coastline, and no one knows whether it is true or not. After all, the four Lan Fei did not ask any specifics.

“Let’s go to the place of the pirates.

Biscuit suggested.

“Well, we also asked about the location of the pirates just now. 95

“Although I don’t know if it’s true or not, as long as I get to the location of the pirates, it should be clear.

Gon nodded.

“You didn’t hear the girl in the fishing bar just now? Leiza and 14 demons, that’s 15 people, maybe, only if there are enough 15 people can trigger a certain condition to get a ping of coastline.”

Killua pinched her chin, thoughtfully.

“You will know when you go to the location of the pirates.”

“I can’t remember a lot of things here.”

Lan Fei shook his head, his memory of the island of greed was very vague, and he knew very little about the plot, so he didn’t know how to get the Yiping coastline for a while, so he could only take one step at a time.

After half an hour.

The four entered a stone-built tavern.

Inside the tavern, the lights were dim, and upon closer inspection, four pirates were sitting on the floor drinking wine.

One of the fat men with a big belly even had a drink and glanced at the four Lan Fei who walked into the house with eyes full of confusion.

“We have taken this place under wraps today, get out of here. 35

The fat man with a big belly said coldly.

“We have something to discuss with you.”

“You should be the pirates who invaded this town, can you leave this town? 35

Bizki was the first to speak.


Hearing Bisji’s words, the four pirates all laughed in unison, and the middle-aged man in the hat said, “It’s been a long time since I heard someone talk to us like this.


In an instant, the fat man with a big belly slowly stood up, smashed the wine bottle in his hand, poured out the incomparably fragrant spirits, and sprinkled a circle directly on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, he ignited this circle of spirits, which instantly burned into a circle of fire, and the scorching aura made the temperature of the tavern quilt even higher.

“Don’t talk about negotiation, use brute force to persuade us.”

“It doesn’t matter how many people you get on, as long as you can push me out of this ring of fire, I will take you to see my boss.

The fat man with a big belly grinned.


“Could it be that Leizha, the island protector of this island of greed?

Lan Fei frowned.

“Just push you out of the ring of fire?”

“Okay! Let me come first, just to try the results of my cultivation during this period. 35

Gon took a deep breath, with fighting intent in his eyes, he took a step and entered the circle of fire.

“Little brat, you have a lot of courage.

“bring it on!!”

The fat man with a big belly roared.


In an instant, an astonishing qi burst out from Gon’s body, which was the practice he released.

“Rock paper scissors!!”

I saw that the golden light in Gon’s fist was condensing, and all the energy was concentrated on the fist, and then he rushed towards the fat man with the big belly.


In an instant, Gon’s punch directly hit Fatty’s belly, but it didn’t cause any damage to him. Fatty’s belly was like a mountain, even if Gon used his nirvana, he still couldn’t. shake.

“You can’t do it by brute force. 35

“Although Gon’s nirvana is powerful, when he hits his belly, his power is completely removed.”

“This big guy should also be an Enhancer Nen master.”

Lan Fei reminded.

This big fat man, he was afraid that he would have to open the eight doors to push him out of the fire ring, and the 610 power of the glittering fruit should not be enough.

“It would be great if the system rewarded the fruit of shock before.

Lan Fei whispered to himself, the power of the shaking fruit is enough to become the strongest Enhancer in the world.

“Gon, you step back and let me come.”

At this time, Killua stood up, he had already thought of a way.

Since it’s just too hard, it can only use other means.


Killua walked to the bar of the tavern, picked up a bottle of wine and smashed it directly, then jumped up and poured all the wine in the bottle onto the fat belly’s head.


Suddenly, the expressions of the other three pirates also changed drastically.

They didn’t expect that Killua would make a trick.


A playful smile appeared on Killua’s face, and he saw a faint electric current running through his fingertips.


In an instant, the spirits and electricity were intertwined, and then the raging fire burned, swallowing the fat man’s head.

The fat man fell to the ground in pain, the burning sensation on his head made him in pain, and the whole person rolled out of the fire ring and smashed against the wall of the tavern.


A big hole was knocked out of the wall, the gravel splashed, and the fire on the fat man’s head disappeared.

“I won!!”

Killua grinned.

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