Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 The Inheritance of Little Master’s Cooking Skills, the Only Candidate Who Passed [Seeking Flower Evaluation]

Ding! ! !

“Random rewards are being drawn…”

“Ten, nine, eight…one, zero.”

“Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the culinary heritage of the little master chef.”

At this time, in Lan Fei’s mind, the intelligent voice came again.

“The culinary heritage of the young master chef?”

Lan Fei was startled.

That’s right, culinary heritage?

The second exam happened to be the cooking theme set by Gourmet Hunter. Although this reward was not meant to enhance one’s own strength, it was just right at this time and could be useful.

Moreover, with the culinary heritage of the young master chef, he can also be a gourmet hunter if he takes the next step.

“Host, do you accept inheritance?”

the system asked.


Lan Fei nodded.

boom! ! !

In an instant, Lan Fei covered his head, a stinging pain came from his mind, and an unprecedented memory of cooking heritage poured into his mind like a tide.

“Lan Fei, what’s wrong with you?”

Gon on the side noticed something was wrong and quickly reminded him.

“I’m fine!”

Lan Fei gritted his teeth.


“The culinary skills of the young master chefs have been passed down.”

“Congratulations to the host, now you can be regarded as a super chef.”

The system reminded.

“Tsk tsk!!”

“As expected of a super chef, now that he has integrated his heritage and memories, and all the cooking skills have been mastered, this round of gourmet dishes should be easy to pass.”

Lan Fei smacked his lips, and his face returned to calm.

In Lan Fei’s perception, this gourmet meal could not pass until the very end. In the end, the chairman of the review committee, Netero, came forward, and Menchi gave all the candidates a second chance.

Of course, the reason why everyone was eliminated is also related to Menchi, the examiner. Because Food Hunter is not favored by the examinees, Menchi’s assessment standards are a bit unfair, bringing in their own temper, which is why everyone does it. The dishes that came out were not as good as she wanted.

However, now that Lan Fei has obtained the culinary heritage of the super chef, he naturally has a way to cook delicious dishes.

“If I were the only one who passed the exam, I don’t know what other people would think.”

Lan Fei secretly said that he can’t help Gon in this round of exams, and everything can only depend on him.


Suddenly, the fat Bhagha shouted, “The second Hunter exam, start now!!!”

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

As soon as the voice of Bhagti fell, all the candidates rushed towards the Biscayne deep forest. Everyone was racing against time to catch the prey as soon as possible and finish their cooking as soon as possible.

After all, no one knows how much the two examiners eat. If they are one step behind, they will be eliminated.

“Cooking with pigs as ingredients is much easier than the first exam.”

Seeing everyone scattered in every corner of the Biscayne Forest looking for ingredients, Leorio carried a briefcase and spread it casually.

“That’s fine. I don’t know anything about cooking.”

Killua took a long breath.

“I’m not good at cooking. Even if I find the ingredients, I may not be able to make the taste that the examiner is full of.”

Gon also shook his head and sighed.

“You guys, come with me.”

Lan Fei turned and walked towards a steep slope and jumped down.

“Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, keep up.”

Gon nodded, and also jumped down the steep slope.

“It’s here.”

Looking at the huge figure at the bottom of the steep slope, Lan Fei couldn’t help grinning.

“This is…..”

At this moment, Gon’s exclamation came from behind.

“What the hell?”

“What a big pig!!”

“You’re actually chewing on bones?”

Leorio’s eyes widened, seeing such a huge boar for the first time.

“Could it be that they are carnivores?”

Kurapika was also surprised.

The wild boar in front of him is really too big. It looks similar to a rhinoceros, and its long fangs are even more fierce.

“What kind of pig is this?”

Killua was full of curiosity.

“This is the horned mad pig, the most insane pig breed in the world.”

“Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, come on before they notice.”

Lan Fei reminded, and rushed towards the group of horny mad pigs first.

“Is this too impulsive?”

“These guys are so big…”

Gon gritted his teeth and jumped, holding a long fishing rod and smashing it down at a wild pig with a big nose.

“No matter how much, at least there is a chance to be ahead of other talents.”

Killua also rushed towards one of the horned pigs.

“Leorio, let’s go!!”

In an instant, Kurapika and Leorio also shot.

Roar! ! ! !

In an instant, shrill roars came from the deep Biscayne forest.

Immediately afterwards, many trees were pushed horizontally, and one after another, maddened pigs with big noses were seen rushing out in all directions.

But fortunately, Lan Fei’s five people took the lead, er, they killed five horned wild pigs very easily.

After all, Lan Fei teamed up to kill five horny pigs with ease, especially Lan Fei, who already knew the weakness of horny pigs, and kicked them down at the speed of light, the horned pigs would burp. fart.

“Everyone run away!!!”

In the distance, the candidates who were looking for ingredients were also being chased by the crazy horned pig, trying to cope with it.

“Lan Fei, as expected of you, you actually know the weakness of the horny mad pig.”

Down the steep slope, Gon carried a cumbersome horned mad pig, galloping as fast as he could, rushing towards the entrance of the exam.

“Gon, wait for me!”

Killua, who came from the killer family, also carried the horned mad pig he killed and chased after Gon.

“I’ll go first.”

Lan Fei’s figure flickered, turned into a golden light, and swept towards the entrance of the exam.

“Leorio, this is a test against time.”

“hurry up.”

Kurapika urged, carrying the horned mad pig he killed, chasing after Gon Killua.

“Kuraika, wait for me!!!”

Leorio gritted his teeth, picked up the dead horned mad pig, and while chasing Kurapika, he complained: “This beast is really heavy!”

“Aren’t they too fast?”

“Quick, quick! Find out the weaknesses of these beasts as soon as possible, and let’s not be left behind.”

“Hahaha, I know their weaknesses.”

Seeing that Lan Fei and the others had caught the prey ingredients so quickly, the other candidates were also anxious. Even if they were afraid of death, they all rushed towards the horned mad pig. *

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