Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Strict gourmet dishes, all eliminated? 【Seeking flower evaluation】

“Menchi, look, they’re back”

“Finally there is meat to eat.”

Standing at the top of the steps, Bha Thorn immediately spotted Lan Fei and the others who came back carrying the horned mad pig.

The fastest one is Lan Fei.

“It’s time to show my cooking skills.”

“Fortunately, I just got the culinary heritage of the young master chef.”

Lan Fei found the nearest stove and threw the huge horned mad pig on the ground.

“Lan Fei, such a big pig, I’d better roast it directly.”

Gon drives the horned pig straight to the grill.

“Yes, this cooking method is the fastest, and the most important thing is to control the heat well, and the taste is also very good.”

Killua nodded, and also drove the horned pig he killed onto the grill.

“The test question uses pigs as ingredients, and it doesn’t say that a whole pig is needed.”

“Roasted whole pigs are indeed the fastest, but such a big pig doesn’t taste much better.”

Kurapika reminded.

“I can’t take care of that much anymore. I want both taste and appearance. Unless it’s a master chef, how can we candidates know such cooking skills?”

Leorio followed the example of Gon and drove it to the grill with the horned pig.

boom! ! !

In an instant, the fire of Gon, Killua, and Leorio began to rise.

Actually, Kurapika reminded right!

And Lan Fei, who knows that all the candidates will be eliminated in the end, also knows that roasting whole pigs is fast, but if the heat cannot be controlled, the taste will not be good. He has reminded Gon, but there is nothing he can do.

Because everyone cooks under the eyes of the two examiners, even if Lan Fei is good at cooking, he will not be able to teach Gon for a while, nor can he help Gon, otherwise, he will be eliminated directly.

This is a test of personal cooking skills, a test of personal cooking ability, Lan Fei really can’t help.

“The ingredients are quite complete.”

“Then make a whole pig feast.”

Lan Fei glanced at the ingredients on the stove and made up his mind secretly.

With his current super cooking skills, he can completely cook every part of this horny pig in the fastest time.


After making up his mind, he saw the largest knife on the stove rise directly into the air, and finally fell into Lan Fei’s hands.

In Lan Fei’s memory, Ren, the young master of Zhonghua, used a seven-star knife to come to a set of ox Qinglong chops in the dark cooking world, and cut a huge cow perfectly.

Now, Lan Fei wants to cut down the whole pig with perfect knife skills.

Just as Lan Fei and the other five started to make gourmet dishes, the other candidates also brought back the horned mad pig that they had killed.

“These five people, are they too fast?”

“No, I have to speed up.”

“Yeah, such a big horned mad pig, it will be troublesome when the examiner can’t eat it.”

Seeing the aroma of Gon and the others’ roasted whole pigs wafting out, these late candidates were all anxious at the moment.


Suddenly, the female examiner, Menchi, who was standing on the steps with her arms around her chest, couldn’t help but light up and was attracted by Lan Fei’s knife skills.

The five Lan Fei were the fastest in this cooking test, and naturally attracted Menchi’s attention.

No, when Menchi’s eyes fell on Lan Fei’s stove, his expression suddenly shook.

“This knife work is not only gorgeous, but also just right.”

“The whole pig is perfectly divided like this?”

Menchi stared at Lan Fei with a face full of shock. Even as a food hunter, it would be difficult for her to do this.

“Amazing knife work!”

“Menchi, this little guy is not easy!!”

Following Menchi’s gaze, Bhaza also noticed Lan Fei, and his heart couldn’t help shaking.

“Yeah, perfect knife work, golden ratio-like cutting, even me, I am afraid it is difficult to do this step.”

“It’s a pity that this kid will not be a Food Hunter in the future…”

“I really look forward to his cooking!!!”

Menchi nodded.

“Lan Fei, my roasted whole pig is ready!”

Just when Lan Fei was about to show off his skills, Gon directly moved the roasted whole pig on the grill to the front of the two examiners.


Looking at Gon’s finished cooking, Lan Fei couldn’t help sighing. He knew that such a roasted whole pig wouldn’t be able to pass the level of the female examiner Menchi.

“It’s too hot.”

“The skin is crispy, but some are burnt.”


Menchi outright sent Gon out.

“Huh?? This…”

Gon scratched his head and whispered: “It’s over, this female examiner is so strict, I was the first to be eliminated.”

“Although it’s a little burnt, it can’t be wasted.”

Behind Menchi, Bha Thorn lunged directly at Gon’s roasted whole pig, and devoured it.

After all, this thing is already starving.

“This kid, was actually eliminated?”

“Too harsh, isn’t it?”

“I feel that this kid’s roasted whole pig is full of flavor and flavor!”

Seeing Gon being the first to be eliminated, many candidates murmured.

“I’m done too!”

At this time, Killua also moved his roasted whole pig in front of the two examiners.

“The heat is too low, and the skin is not crispy at all.”


Menchi glanced at Killua’s roasted whole pig and said calmly.


Killua shook her head helplessly.

Soon, Leorio also brought his own roasted whole pig, but the fate was the same as Gon and Killua.


“The whole pig is not cooked yet!”

Menchi rubbed his forehead, slightly disappointed.

“I’m done too.”

Seeing that Leorio was also eliminated, Kurapika moved his cooking to Menchi.


“Giant burger?”

“It looks good, but I thought of making it into a hamburger shape.”

Menchi’s beautiful eyes lit up, very satisfied with the appearance of Kurapika’s cooking, she raised her hand and gently tore off a piece and put it in her mouth.

“A play?”

Seeing the female examiner try her own dishes, Kurapika was a little nervous.

After all, Gon, Killua, and Leorio did not eat the whole roasted pig Menchi at all.


“What the hell is this? It’s too unpalatable!”


Menchi gave Kurapika a hard look.


Kurapika was a little embarrassed and could only shake his head helplessly, “Sure enough, it still doesn’t work!!!”

Half an hour later, the other candidates’ preparations were also completed one after another, and they were delivered to Menchi and Bha Thorn in turn.

However, they were all judged to be unqualified!

Of all the candidates, only Lan Fei is left.

He was the first to come back, but the last to finish cooking.

No way, it does take a while to get a whole pig feast out.

“Hey, hey, what the hell?”

“We were eliminated like this?”

“This is only the second exam, isn’t it fair?”

“Yeah, it’s too harsh and unfair to judge our cooking based on the high level of your Food Hunter.”

“I don’t agree!!”

“Yeah, I’m not convinced either!”

“Why are we all eliminated?”

Immediately, many students began to complain about their dissatisfaction.

“I finished!!!”

At this moment, Lan Fei’s voice interrupted all the candidates’ dissatisfaction.


In an instant, all the candidates who were eliminated turned their attention to Lan Fei, Gon and the others were no exception.

They are all curious, everyone has been eliminated, and now only Lan Fei is left. He spent the longest time, can he really pass the Menchi level? *

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