Hunter Exam, Eight-Gates Full-Level at the Start

Chapter 60

Chapter 60 The brothers get together again, if you can’t buy it, grab it 【Subscription】

September 1st.

This is the day Lan Fei and Gon promised.

Because, this day happens to be the time when the underground auction in Youkexin City will start.

“It’s time to go.

In the five-star hotel, Lan Fei adjusted his clothes and hairstyle before slowly opening the door and walking out.

“It’s so lively!!””

“Especially when the underground auction starts today, the traffic here is even denser than the previous two days.

Walking on the street of the market, Lan Fei looked around curiously. Every corner of the street was crowded with people, and both sides were filled with a dazzling array of goods, including antiques, pearls, porcelain and so on.

Lan Fei knew that this was only a market set up for those who participated in the auction, and the real underground auction was not here, and it also had a very nice name, it was called the Dream ~ Fantasy Auction.

What is a dream?

That is true and false. Many commodities that were bid for 10,000 ringgits in the market may be sold at an underground auction for 100,000,000 ringnis.

So, it has become a dream market of overnight riches, which is why so many people are crowded together – the reason.

“It was here that Gon and Killua met Leorio.

“Presumably they might be huddled in the crowd right now.”

Lan Fei secretly said.


“Uncle, is it too expensive?

Suddenly, just as Lan Fei was looking around, an exclamation came from a crossroads in the street.


Lan Fei recognized Leorio’s voice instantly.

Sure enough, Lan Fei turned around and saw that Leorio, Gon, and Killua were buying mobile phones.


Lan Fei waved his hand and squeezed towards the three of Gon.

“Huh??” 9

“It’s Lan Fei!!!

“Lan Fei, here!!!!

Seeing Lan Fei running towards him, Gon waved his hand excitedly.

“Lan Fei??”

Killua on the side also showed surprise.

“This kid…I didn’t expect that after the Hunter exam, we would get together again. 35

Leorio adjusted the frame of his glasses and showed a relieved smile.

“Gon, you want to kill me.

“No one bullied you during this time?”

Lan Fei squeezed Gon’s side and gave him a bear hug.

“Lan Fei, I missed you too.

“After the Hunter exam, I went directly to Kukulu Mountain, and then went back to Whale Island. Aunt Mito saw that you didn’t go back with me, I don’t know how worried…”

Gon also hugs Lan Fei deeply, and their brotherhood will never change.

“By the way, my Hunter qualification certificate?”

As if thinking of something, Lan Fei slowly let go of Gon’s embrace.

“Well, this is personally explained by President Netero, and the qualification certificate must be handed over to you.

Gon slowly took out a Hunter certificate and handed it to Lan Fei.

“Good brother, thank you.”

Lan Fei patted Gon’s shoulder in satisfaction.

“Lan Fei, we have been to the Sky Arena before, and I heard Zooci tell Wing, you have become the owner of the 250th floor?

At this time, Killua, who had been silent for a long time, spoke up.


Lan Fei nodded and didn’t hide it. Of course, I couldn’t hide it if I wanted to. After all, the previous landlord challenge in the Sky Arena caused a sensation on all floors.

“Lan Fei, I haven’t seen you for half a month, you have become more perverted than Hunter’s exam!

“That’s the owner of the 250th floor. Even Gon and I can only win 1 win on the 200th floor.”

Killua stared at Lan Fei in disbelief.

“This is just the tip of the iceberg that I have shown. 99

Lan Fei chuckled.

“Bah! You can die without bragging?”

Gon rolled his eyes at Lan Fei.

“Lan Fei, if you can defeat the owner of the 250th floor, you should have learned Nen?””

Killua said seriously.

“Actually, I learned it after playing that game with President Netero.”

Lan Fei grinned.

“Damn, what a pervert!!

Killua couldn’t help but let out a foul language.

“Hey, hey, you three little devils, are you treating me like air?

“One by one, how strong have you been practicing?”

…・・For flowers…

“It feels like the gap between us is constantly widening.”

Leorio on the side was speechless.

“Leorio, have you learned to read?”

Gon looked up at Leorio.

“Of course, you are all getting stronger, I can’t stand still. 99

“Isn’t mindfulness the maintenance of the body’s vital energy around the body?”5

Leorio adjusted his glasses frame and gave a confident smile.

“Sure enough, you guy is still too confident as always.”

Killua sighed.

“Leorio, the one you’re talking about is called entanglement, which is one of the four major elements that must be learned in order to use mindfulness.

Gon explained.

“What? Does Nian have any other knowledge?”

Leorio was instantly stunned.

“Okay, let’s not talk about that, what are your plans next?”

Lan Fei looked at Gon.

“I intend to bid on GreedIsland in this underground auction.””

Gon underestimated as he walked.

“Exactly, I have this plan too.

“Just, do you have money? 35

“A set of GreedIsland games will cost at least 8.9 billion yuan.”5

Lan Fei stared at Gon half-smiling.

“8.9 billion rennis?”

“Why didn’t he go grab it?

Immediately, Leorio jumped up.


“By the way, I have an idea.

Lan Fei’s eyes lit up suddenly.

8.9 billion yuan is indeed a huge sum of money that is difficult for the four of them to get together, but Leorio’s words reminded Lan Fei.

If you can’t buy it, go grab it!!

What Phantom Troupe can do, why can’t I do it myself?

Moreover, with his own strength, he is not afraid of being chased and killed by the gangsters controlled by the ten old men, nor is he afraid of being chased and killed by the people of Phantom Troupe.

However, with the strength of Gon and the others, it is best not to get involved, otherwise it will be difficult to leave the underground auction alive.

“Lan Fei, what’s your idea? 35

Gon asked curiously.

“One word, grab!!!”

Lan Fei couldn’t help grinning.

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