I Am a Big Player

Chapter 25

Chapter 25 Small restaurant

The little girls in the    class are all gossiping about the love-hate relationship between Jiang Siyao and Jiang Chen, two first-line stars. Just like Ren He experienced back then, these little girls are most enthusiastic about gossip about celebrities.

Even the promised fat man asked Yang Xi in a low voice: “Does your sister know that Jiang Chen is here?”

Yang Xi looked at the fat man a little funny but didn’t speak, but instead retracted what he promised to show.

Ren He smiled. This is like countless episodes in life. There is no lack of separation between stars, nothing strange. It’s just that the lives of the stars are magnified in front of the crowd like a microscope, and everyone’s eyes are on them.

This is quite tiring, so Ren He didn’t plan to sing by himself at first.

Of course, my broken voice is also due to one aspect…

In the past two days in class, Ren He, besides continuing to hide from the teacher using the mobile phone code, was to pass a small note to Yang Xi. Yang Xi sat diagonally in front of him, and it was especially convenient to pass small notes.

“Let’s eat together tonight? The four of us.” This was passed on by Ren He. I don’t know why, but he now has a sense of anxiety about chasing girls when he was a student. It seems that his mentality has returned to the student days, even this way. There are also four people for dinner.

“I want to go home for dinner on time,” I don’t know why Yang Xi did not reject Ren He’s note.

What kind of student is Ren He? The appearance is not outstanding, at best it can be regarded as the standard. Except for this monthly exam, the academic performance is terribly poor, and every time I can give the teacher a half-death. No pocket money yet.

This is what the girls in the class have said about Ren He in the past, so Duan Xiaolou was repellent at the first moment when he received Ren He’s love letter.

And what are the characteristics of the most famous students in the school? Apart from studying, you must be rich, handsome, wear famous brands, and be strong.

Even though he has done a few extraordinary things now, the girls in the class didn’t know that he had started writing books and was particularly making money. Now the Sanzijing is touted and publicized every day, but no one knows that Ren He is the author of the Sanzijing. In this regard, Mr. Zhou did a solid job of confidentiality for Ren He.

Therefore, Ren He is still a poor student in the eyes of the girls in the class, just a relatively out-of-the-ordinary poor student…

If you change to another girl, you probably don’t see his note…

Renhe’s note read: “It’s okay if you don’t go back to eat a meal, just let’s discuss about going to the concert.”

As soon as the note was passed, Ren He saw a hesitant look on Yang Xi’s face. He knew there was a play. I don’t know why, because of the glance at the school building at that time, Ren He has an inexplicable affection for Yang Xi.

And Yang Xi has things that many girls don’t have, such as goals and vision. After talking a lot in the past few days, he discovered that Yang Xi may have been to many places and contacted many people because of her father, a diplomat, with a unique vision and a unique thinking.

She wants to sing, she wants to sing to a lot of people, she envied her cousin who can sing to everyone in such a highly anticipated place. Many people had a star dream when they were young, and Yang Xi was no exception, but she just put it into practice.

Ren He also wants to help her sing, but it’s not the time yet.

When get out of class is over, Yang Xi called her diplomat father: “Hey, Dad, I will have a meal with my classmates in the evening before going back.”

Ren He could hear the man on the opposite side of the phone smiling heartily: “You are so old, you can decide these things by yourself, go home early.”

Hey, Ren He is a little interested in this man, interesting.

“Okay, let’s go to dinner in the evening,” Yang Xi smiled. The sunlight projected from the window glass of the class room and shone on Yang Xi’s face. Ren He felt that he was almost dazzled by his eyes!

He promised to be forced: “What do you eat?!”

“Let’s have a dinner together tonight, let me treat,” Ren He smiled and said, “discuss about going to the concert the day after tomorrow.”

Duan Xiaolou took a look at Ren He. She recently discovered that Ren He seemed to be walking very close to Yang Xi. I don’t know why she felt a sense of loss in her heart, but it didn’t show up on her face. She smiled and said, “Okay, what do you plan to invite us to eat? Don’t talk about the roadside stalls.”

“I can do it, just a sanitary place,” Yang Xi added.

“Sunlight Pavilion,” Ren He thought for a while. Sunlight Pavilion is probably the best buffet restaurant in Los Angeles right now, right?

“Where is the Nikko Pavilion?” the little fat man asked, ordinary students had never heard of it.

“Don’t ask, just follow me after class is over.”

Ren He didn’t pay attention, Duan Xiaolou’s eyes flashed continuously, as if he was looking at Ren He again, she obviously knew there. What she was curious about was why Ren He didn’t only have 5 yuan in pocket money per month, as the students had said…

Yang Xi asked Duan Xiaolou where the Sunlight Pavilion was. She had just returned to Los Angeles so she hadn’t heard of it. Duan Xiaolou explained to her, but Yang Xi said, “Don’t go to such an expensive place, in front of my house. There is a Hunan restaurant. I only went there with my dad yesterday. The taste is very good. It is called Xiangxi Spicy Stir-Fry. Let’s go there. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also economical.”

Hey, Ren He asked, “Is this the small restaurant on Xingshu Road?”

Yang Xi said in surprise: “You know?!”

“Haha, of course I know that the store is very small but there are many branches. I like to eat their fried duck blood and dry pot chicken offal!” Ren He said happily, unexpectedly there would be this in the parallel world. In a small restaurant, he did not eat less in his previous life.

Compared to those luxurious hotels, he actually prefers these affordable small restaurants hidden in the streets and alleys. This makes him feel more grounded!

At this moment, he and Yang Xi actually had a kind of knowing smile, and there was a kind of tacit understanding.

But Duan Xiaolou and Xu Xu couldn’t speak.

As soon as get out of class was over, Ren He called them to hurry to eat. When they arrived in the small restaurant, Duan Xiaolou frowned because of the small facade.

Ren He sat down and shouted: “Boss! Boss! Ordered! A fried duck blood with chives, a dry pot chicken offal, a braised pork, a caper froth, a pan fish, and a shredded cabbage!”

The boss was amused: “The young man looked at the face, so why did you order all our best dishes in one breath?”

“Then leave it alone, haha, I will come often in the future!” Ren He looked at the store and felt cordial.

Yang Xi whispered: “I order too much, we can’t finish it.”

“It’s okay, if you can’t finish the meal, just pack it, no waste. No one at home cooks for me. They just cook some quick-frozen dumplings. If you pack it back, it will improve my life!” Ren He said. To be honest, he almost vomited after eating dumplings during this period. As a result, his parents were busier than the other, and no one cared about him.

Ren Ma also said to hire a babysitter for him, but Ren He directly refused, and now he is more free.

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