I Am a Big Player

Chapter 714

Chapter 686 Moths to the fire

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Makeup for the character of Monkey King has always been recognized as a trouble. The girl in the make-up team said to Ren He: “Big boss, bear with me, it may take a long time…”

When putting makeup on other celebrities before, it was very likely that the other party would get annoyed after tens of minutes, and the makeup crew would have to be blinded. m.slk.tw

In fact, it is not only the stars who are tired of makeup, but the staff of the makeup team standing are also very tired.

Ren He nodded and smiled: “It doesn’t matter, I’m mentally prepared to trouble you.”

The girl felt flattered, and she didn’t expect Ren He to speak so politely.

At the beginning, Ren He, in order to make this life’s boast about Journey to the West look not so shoddy, he specifically explained that Zhang Ming must control all the preparations for the props. In the previous life, a portrait of Guanyin burned in front of the supreme treasure was burned from the middle for a while. A lens burns from the left, this kind of bug is not too much.

Moreover, the images of Monkey King, White Bone Spirit, Spider Spirit, etc., seem to be worth 50 cents.

Now it’s different. The crew spent a full 800,000 on the preparation of various props for Monkey King. The armor, golden hoop, golden hoop, boots, etc., are all made by the masters in Kyoto. It took three months for the time period, and it was just sent to the crew a few days ago.

This makeup lasted 3 hours. Ren He sat on a stool without moving, and the air conditioner inside the crew was blowing very well, but sitting like this was also a struggle.

The girl who put his makeup on became more and more worried that Ren He would not be able to hold on to her anger. As a result, Ren He sat motionless for three hours like a sculpture.

To be honest, she never thought it would be so simple, just like putting makeup on a model during an internship.

The girl in the crew originally admired the big boss, but now the girl’s favor with Ren He has skyrocketed again.

“Boss, your makeup is ready, let the props team wear armor or something for you,” the girl said happily, “Let you wait a little longer.”

“It’s hard work, you have to work harder than me sitting here, hurry up and take a rest,” Ren He looked into the mirror and nodded in satisfaction.

The little girl in the makeup team was almost touched by tears at the time. She vowed that no one would fan anymore and she would fan her own boss!

Nowadays, on Weibo, it is always popular for girls to say that the little professor is her husband, the knight is her husband, etc. They are too unreserved… You should choose the big boss!

Ren He looked in the mirror, and this makeup was a bit fierce compared to the Monkey King of the six-year-old boy, and more refined and sturdier than the Monkey King of the Star Master.

The version of Monkey King Xingye really lacks the temperament of the Monkey King, a bit too ordinary.

However, it is clear in the lines that Monkey King is a hero of the world with colorful auspicious clouds.

Only when Monkey King is more extraordinary and world-famous can he reflect the spirit and spirit originally needed in the script.

It can also better set off the desolation after “Without the golden hoop, I can’t save you, with the golden hoop, I can’t love you”, even if you become the Monkey King after wearing the golden hoop, how can you become a fighting holy Buddha in the future? Not nothing.

The girl in the makeup team went out to shout to the staff in the props team, and she was stopped by a colleague she knew when she left the house: “After so long, the big boss is not angry, right?”

“No, no,” the little girl shook her head quickly: “The big boss is fine, he is not angry at all, and he sits there motionless, and asked him several times in the middle of whether to drink water, but he said not to drink. We all know that, Monkey King. Makeup, even drinking water with a straw will delay a lot of previous work.”

“No way, exaggerated statement? I won’t move for three hours? The star I turned last time was just 20 minutes away!”

“Really, it’s not an exaggeration at all! What kind of person is the big boss, can ordinary people compare?” The little girl said confidently, and now she dares to stare at anyone who dares to say bad things about the big boss!

At this time, Xia Yuting was also standing outside the dressing room wearing Zixia Fairy’s clothes. There were 5 dressing rooms in the crew, and she also came to try on.

In terms of crew announcements, the promotional posters for the set makeup photos were also a highlight. Not only did she come to try on, she had to cooperate and take pictures later. As for how to promote it later, it didn’t matter to her.

Xia Yuting stood quietly outside the door. To be honest, she had thought about what it would be like if Ren He played Zhi Zun Bao. Later, she smiled in her heart. How could a low-key person such as the other party play a role like Zhi Zun Bao.

But she still couldn’t help thinking, if Ren He could play the Supreme Treasure, it would be great, at least it would be nice to have a short intersection in the movie, so that there will be no regrets in the future… This feeling is like… …Even if the moths fight the fire, I want to experience it once.

In the Marrying Wife of the Great Sage of Journey to the West, Zixia said to Qingxia: “You can cheat, just like a moth. If you know that you will get hurt or will fall into the fire, the moth is so stupid.”

Yes, she is the moth that knows nothing about life and death, and Ren He is the fiery flame.

Then she learned that an extra named Ji Junhui got the role, and naturally she stopped thinking about it.

As a result, she was surprised to learn a news yesterday afternoon: Ren He is going to play Monkey King!

Yesterday afternoon, Zhang Ming signed a non-disclosure agreement with the new actors in the crew. It was clear that he should not let outsiders know about his big boss playing Monkey King.

After Xia Yuting went back, the first thing she did was to read the script. She eagerly wanted to see those scenes where she and Monkey King appeared at the same time.

However, it seems that it is still pitiful.

Zhi Zun Bao only put on the golden hoop at the end of the second part and became the Monkey King. At that time, it was Ren He’s turn to play.

In that scene, Fairy Zixia lay in Qitian’s arms and said: “The person I love is a hero of the world. One day he will step on the colorful clouds to marry me. I guessed the first but I couldn’t guess the ending. ”

Then die.

Xia Yuting reopened the script She wanted to see it again, she must understand the script more thoroughly, and behave better in front of that person.

The assistant eldest sister suddenly discovered that Xia Yuting seemed to be stunned again, holding the script in a daze every day.

Xia Yuting practiced her lines haggardly in the mirror in the room countless times: “The person I want is a hero. One day he will step on the colorful clouds to marry me. I guessed the first but I couldn’t guess the ending.”

Then turned to look at the assistant elder sister: “How did I say, is there anything that needs to be changed?”

How can the assistant eldest sister not know why she has been practicing this line? She bitterly said: “You are good enough, don’t practice, Sister Sister, please, okay?”

Xia Yuting turned her head and looked in the mirror. She suddenly envied the role of Fairy Zixia. At least Sun Wukong brought the golden hoop to save her. Sun Wukong had it in his heart.

But Ren He had nothing in his heart except Yang Xi.

Xia Yuting suddenly burst into tears when she looked into the mirror.

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