I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 66 (1)


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Miguel let out a faint groan.

“Miguel…? Miguel! Are you conscious?!”

Luci’s shout followed.

Miguel opened his eyes with difficulty.

Upon seeing Luci’s face, an odd smile spread across his own.

“So…this isn’t the afterlife after all.”

“It’s not.”

Ian sat down next to him, saying it casually.

Miguel’s smile deepened.

His parched lips cracked and bled.

“I saw you, brother. Guess that wasn’t a dream either.”

“Don’t say disgusting things. Why was I in your dream?”

Clicking his tongue, Ian placed the back of his hand on Miguel’s forehead.

Even amidst this, Miguel wore a puzzled expression.

“You don’t seem to have much of a fever.”

“…Is that a good thing?”

Luci asked.

Ian shrugged his shoulders.

“Means his wound doesn’t seem infected.”

“Heh…if I was going to die, I would have died already.”

“Seeing you run your mouth, you’ll probably live.”

“This much is nothing… How long was I out?”

“A little over half a day. Thank Luci. She’s the one who saved you.”

Ian stood up.

Miguel’s gaze turned to Luci.

“Thank you. For not running away.”

“If Miguel was the one leaving, then sure. Don’t thank me. This happened because of me.”

“What are you talking about? It was my decision to be at ease. But…”

Licking his dry lips, he continued speaking.

“Why did you tie up my body?”

“I covered you so you wouldn’t get cold.”

“This is practically being bound.”

Luci let out a laugh.

Seeming startled by her change of expression, Miguel blinked before smiling back at her.

“Keep that talisman I gave you. You might need to use it someday.”

“No. This is Miguel’s…”

“Enough blabbering and sit down. Time to eat.”

The returning Ian cut her off.

In his hands was a small pot, prepared by Liurel’s maid but unused throughout their journey.

A savory aroma wafted from inside.

“I’ll feed him.”

“Go ahead.”

As Luci took the pot, Miguel struggled to sit upright.

The scorched remains of the clearing came into view, the corpses turned to charcoal lying scattered all around.

“So… It wasn’t all a dream.”

Miguel muttered, raising his left arm.

Below the elbow, half of it was missing.

“This wasn’t a dream either.”


Ian spat out.

Miguel shrugged.

“Let me tell you something strange. Even without a hand, it feels like it’s still there. This non-existent hand is throbbing.”

Speaking calmly, he looked back at Ian.

“Guess I can’t use a bow anymore.”

“…I’m sorry, Miguel.”

The reply came from Luci.

Tears the size of bead droppings were already streaming down her face.

Miguel shook his head, seeming flustered.

“You don’t need to apologize. It’s, it’s nothing. There are plenty of one-armed people in the world. I’m just missing one hand, so strictly speaking I’m not even one-armed, right? Right, brother?”

“Right. It’s good to cry, but do it while eating.”

Ian gestured with his chin.

Though crying, Luci scooped up stew from the pot and brought it to Miguel’s mouth.

The sight was quite amusing, making both Miguel and Ian chuckle.

In the end, Luci smiled too, diligently feeding Miguel the stew.

It was a rather warm scene. If only they weren’t surrounded by charred corpses in the middle of an accursed forest.

“It’s a masterpiece. Brother, I didn’t know you could cook.”

“I just threw in whatever and boiled it.”

“I should’ve eaten like this sooner. Heh…”

Chewing and smiling, Miguel suddenly added,

“Thanks for saving me.”


Ian frowned at him.

The nonsense was becoming excessive.

“You’re thanking me for treating your wounds?”

“Shut up. You need to recover quickly so we can leave. If we stay here too long, I’ll just kill and bury you.”

“He’ll likely be sturdy again in half a day. By the way…”

Looking at the nearly skeletal remains of the carriage, Miguel added,

“How will we travel? It won’t be easy on foot.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll find a way.”


Miguel understood those words two hours later.

Clop-clop clop-clop

Spotting a black carriage approaching from the distance.

“More pursuers…!”

“Calm down. That’s the carriage we’ll be riding.”





A black carriage stopped in front of the vacant lot.

Without a word, Charlotte jumped into the cargo hold and started throwing something out of the carriage one after another.


They were all human heads.

The guards and servants at the top of the Scales.

“Ugh… ugh…!”

Following that, she pushed out a man whose eyes and mouth were covered and limbs bound, throwing him out of the carriage like an object.

Charlotte dragged him toward Ian.

Glaring at Miguel and Luci with wary eyes, she spat out,

“As promised… I did it.”

“Promise, you say.”

Ian snorted and added,

“It must have been an order.”


Charlotte glared at Ian.

It seemed she had recovered somewhat from the shock of the previous night when she killed the top brass.

But her sharp gaze didn’t last long.

Just a few seconds after exchanging looks with Ian, Charlotte’s eyes dropped down.

“Damn it… yeah… an order.”

Ian looked down at her drooping tail.

Her tail was less than half its original length, bandaged tightly at the end.

Ian’s gaze eventually shifted to the middle-aged man sprawled on the floor.

Small in stature, his body bore signs of rough treatment.

Ian removed the cloth covering his eyes and stuffed in his mouth.

The man looked up at Charlotte and shouted,

“Cha, Charlotte…! Why did you betray me! Why?”

Oh, what an opening line.

Ian raised one eyebrow, his gaze naturally turning to Charlotte.

“By any chance, were you two lovers?”

“What non…! …Absolutely not.”

Charlotte blurted out reflexively, then flinched and added,

“I have no interest in such a weak and lascivious human. Rather, I loathe them.”


The man looked shocked.

Charlotte added coldly,

“I’ve known how you see me all along, Xavier. It’s lamentable. Even killing you with my own hands was not possible.”

“Cha… Charlotte…”

Xavier sighed.

Ian grabbed a fistful of his hair.

“Now’s not the time for a lovers’ quarrel, is it, Xavier.”

“Ian…! Ian Hoff…!”

Finally raising his eyes, Xavier looked at Ian.

“Spare me! If you let me go, I’ll never get involved in your affairs again! No, I’ll even offer a bounty in the name of the Scales!”

“Now you’re finally making some sense. But you don’t really expect me to believe that, do you?”

“I, I’m being sincere…!”

“So, how much have you told the Scales about what happened here?”

“Th, That’s…!”

Conflict flashed across Xavier’s eyes.

He seemed to be weighing how to answer to save his life.

Unfortunately, Ian had no intention of sparing him no matter what he said.

“He hasn’t revealed your name. This sinister fellow thought another Master of the Scales might try to steal the credit.”

Charlotte cut him off.

Translator; ippo

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