I Became a Dark Fantasy Villain

Chapter 67 (2)


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Slowly stretching his neck, Ian met Charlotte’s gaze.

“That’s a fact I know.”


Now it was Charlotte who seemed at a loss for words.

After regarding Ian for a moment, she averted her gaze, seeming almost ashamed.

For Ian’s eyes held not the slightest hint of resignation, but rather the resolute gaze of a warrior willing to do whatever it took to survive.

Then a booming voice rang out.

“Halt the carriage!”

The mounted knights, lances at their sides, turned toward them.

Despite their small numbers, Ian’s instincts blared a warning.

‘Damn, they’re strong.’

Rising to his feet, he said, “Miguel, when the battle starts, circle around and cross over the hill. Don’t worry about the outcome, just head for the temple.”

“Ah, got it…”

The knight’s voice called out again.

“I commend your tenacity that has prevented your defenseless return! But this is as far as you go! Surrender the maiden peacefully, and I promise a painless death!”

How chivalrous.

Without a word, Ian leapt off the side of the carriage.

Behind him, Charlotte landed in a crouched stance, twin blades drawn.

Seeing the two step forward, the knights burst into laughter.

“So you wish for an honorable death.”

Seeming to change their minds, they dismounted and cast aside their lances, drawing their swords instead.

Crack-crack! Blue sparks danced across their armor and blades.

A gust of wind buffeted Ian and Charlotte.

As the distance closed, the knights’ strides quickened.

Soon, both sides charged toward each other.

Just as the clash was imminent—



A blazing golden barrier of flame erupted between them.

Ian’s eyes went wide as he ground to a halt, the others doing the same.

Charlotte turned to Ian, her gaze asking if he was responsible.

Instead of answering, he shifted his focus.

It wasn’t magic that created this.

It was a holy fire, fueled by divine power.

Tracking the source of that manifested power was easy enough—

A priestess stood atop the hill, arm raised as she channeled holy power.

Dozens of other priestesses flanked her.

“Cease hostilities!” they shouted, descending the slope in their robes and wielding maces.

‘Priestesses of Ru’Anteir.’

Ian lowered his sword.

The priestesses split into two groups—half surrounding the carriage as escorts, the other half encircling the two knights.

One of the priestesses spoke.

“Lay down your arms. This is the domain of the Blazing Goddess.”


The knights gripped their electrified blades as they eyed the priestesses warily.

“We came under orders from His Excellency Larmut himself. While we respect that you serve the Goddess, you have no right to interfere with imperial affairs.”

“It is very much our affair when the Goddess’ blessed child is involved.”

“We allowed you to witness our presence out of mercy. However, if we leave now, His Excellency’s wrath will descend upon the temple.”

A blatant threat.

But the response came not from the priestesses, but from a woman’s voice.

“It seems you failed to discern why His Excellency had you wait here rather than at the temple.”

The priestesses parted, and a robed woman strode forward, her hood still raised.

The one who had summoned the holy fire.

Lowering her hood, she declared:

“Go, inform His Excellency that Cherwin Astreia, servant of Ru’Anteir, awaits him willingly.”

Golden hair and crimson eyes were revealed.

“A-Astreia…! Forgive our insolence, Your Grace…!”

The knights fell to one knee with gasps of shock.

The electrified blades were nowhere to be seen.

For the priestess before them was of imperial bloodline.

Ian regarded her with surprise of a different kind.

‘The Maiden of the Hearth…I didn’t expect to see her in the flesh so soon.’

In the game, by the time Ian visited the Hearth Temple in the middle of Chapter 3, she had already perished—sacrificing herself to the Hearth’s flames to reignite its holy fire.

Thanks to her noble act, the flames were revived, but the priestesses were driven to madness—believing they must continue her sacrifice by offering human lives.

It fell to Ian to put an end to their deranged rituals by slaying all the priestesses and extinguishing the Hearth’s flames, diminishing Ru’Anteir’s divinity and plunging the continent into deeper darkness.

Of course, that was a future now averted.

While the knights withdrew, Lucy and Miguel approached under the priestesses’ escort, looking bewildered.

Cherwin dismounted, bringing her hands together before her chest in a deep bow.

“You have my sincerest gratitude, Bearer of the Sacred Flame. The Hearth Temple is indebted to you beyond what we can repay.”

Her gracious manner disregarded status or race.

Then her gaze turned to Lucy.

“Welcome. I’ve been awaiting you.”

“A pleasure to meet you. I am Lucifer Ash Liurel.”

Lucy greeted her politely.

Lucifer…? As Ian exchanged a glance with Miguel, she added:

“So I’ll be going straight to the temple now?”

“Yes. You’ll live and study with me, as you’re destined to inherit my role eventually.”

“But…I wanted to learn magic.”

“Surprisingly, the Blazing Goddess’s essence has much in common with crimson magic. I too was once a crimson mage before devoting myself to serving Her will. The key is to never lose the passion burning within you.”

The situation resolved swiftly.

The group reboarded the carriage and set out for the temple under the priestesses’ escort.

Miguel walked alongside Cherwin and suddenly looked to her.

“But how did you know we were coming?”

“Around a month ago, the Goddess delivered an oracle—that the Sacred Flame would be transported.”

“An oracle…? Directly from the Goddess…?”

Miguel’s eyes went wide in disbelief, for such occurrences were exceedingly rare.

Ian suppressed a chuckle.

A month ago aligned with when he had received this quest.

‘She must have been desperate, with her divinity waning.’

“Seeing the imperial knights lurking in the villages, I deduced they intended to intercept the Sacred Flame. I lacked grounds to issue an edict, so I merely observed…”It’s fortunate we weren’t too late.””

Miguel nodded, then hesitated before continuing.

“So after entering the temple, Miguel and I won’t be able to leave for a while, right?”

“Indeed, leaving the temple grounds is strictly forbidden during the novitiate period.”

“Oh… Then… instead of heading straight there, could we stop by a village first?”


As Cherwin cocked her head, Miguel broke out in a nervous sweat but persisted.

“After such a long journey, I can’t bear to part ways without at least sharing a drink…!”

Ian turned to Miguel with an amused smile.

Even at a time like this, he was still thinking about a farewell party?

Translator; ippo

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