I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 103


A time for new beginnings.

As spring fully blossomed, a man walked down a hallway, carrying a stack of documents.

He was none other than an associate professor at Rahelrn Academy.

Last year was a stormy one.

During the first year of Rahelrn Academy, countless battles ensued.

Students repeatedly fought for their own interests, and professors had to run around frantically to prevent frequent incidents.

Rahelrn Academy had experienced quite an ordeal.

Of course, after enduring such trials, things had begun to settle down recently.

Thanks to a few outstanding students starting to become focal points of power, the academy was slowly stabilizing.

Just as things were settling, new students were about to enter this spring.

‘Damn it.’

The associate professor rubbed his face with his hand.

He could already foresee the chaos that would ensue when the new students poured in, just as things were stabilizing.

Frankly, he felt like grabbing the headmaster by the collar and telling him not to admit any new students.

But as an associate professor, he didn’t have the authority to do such a thing.

Today, his task was to review the list of candidates for the academy’s entrance exam.

The previous year’s entrance ceremony had been chaotic.

Determined to avoid any problems this year, all the professors vowed to make sure they had a clear grasp of the exam candidates.


Pushing the door to the associate professors’ room with his foot, he walked inside.

Several associate professors, their eyes shadowed with fatigue, glanced at him before turning back to their documents.

They were all in the same boat.

‘Why is this academy so damn popular?’

Rahelrn Academy was founded with the sole purpose of nurturing the world’s greatest heroes.

Supported by the Empire, the Four Kingdoms, and many smaller kingdoms, the academy was supposed to be a place of unity and collaboration.

But that expectation crumbled instantly.

The students, already steeped in their own factions, were more interested in their own country’s interests than in becoming heroes to protect the world from erosion.

‘The world is rotten.’

He had hoped that the students, who had just become adults, would be different.

But he realized within days of his appointment just how cunning and malicious they were.

‘Thinking about it just triggers my irritable bowel syndrome.’

Associate Professor Hamel put down the documents and sat at his desk.

He might as well get to work.

“Mr. Hamel, just getting started?”

At that moment, a woman enjoying a cup of tea in a sunny spot gave him a leisurely smile.

With jet-black hair and a notable mole near her eye, she was an associate professor like him, named Kairan.

Why was she so relaxed?

The reason was simple.

She was the unlucky one tasked with overseeing this year’s entrance exam.

The duty of overseeing the entrance exam was decided by drawing lots.

Professors who were famous even before coming to the academy naturally declined the task, saying it was an associate professor’s job.

As a result, the associate professors had to draw lots reluctantly.

And Kairan was the one who drew the unlucky lot.

So everyone told her to take it easy with the documents.

“…I can’t wait for the entrance ceremony to start.”

By the time the entrance ceremony started, all the new students would have been selected.

Hamel, feeling sorry for Kairan who was waiting for that day, turned back to his documents.

He had just opened the first page when it happened.


A curse slipped out, and all eyes turned to him.

Such language wasn’t expected from an associate professor reviewing documents.

“Who swore? Who said shit again?”

“Please, let’s have a quiet entrance exam this time.”

The other associate professors lamented.

Kairan, the entrance exam coordinator, shuddered at the swearing, thinking of her future.

Meanwhile, Hamel buried his face in his hands.

The reason for his reaction was the name on the entrance application.

‘Fourth Princess, Sizelry Ephania.’

A 15-year-old genius girl rumored to be the smartest in the Empire.

She would undoubtedly become the focal point of the Imperial faction among the new students.

Hamel already felt a headache coming on.

To discover such a notable figure on the first page of the documents.

And her escort was someone known as the Lightblade.

Hamel, having heard of her notorious reputation, felt a chill.

‘At least her major is Literature and her minor is Special Arts.’

Rahelrn Academy was divided into five departments.

Martial Arts focused on combat.

Literature emphasized scholarly pursuits.

Theology centered on religious studies.

Magic Studies focused on magical research.

And Special Arts taught various technical skills, distinct from the other four.

Students chose one primary department and one secondary department.

Sizelry was majoring in Literature, which was relatively calm compared to other departments.

Of course, ‘calm’ was relative, as Literature involved intense intellectual battles even associate professors struggled to keep up with.

But at least, it was the quietest department on the surface.

‘Thank goodness for small mercies.’

In Literature, the entrance exam involved solving prepared test papers and scoring them.

So, there shouldn’t be any major issues during the entrance exam.

However, since she was a person of interest, Hamel set her document aside and reviewed the next one.


Another curse slipped out.

Once again, all eyes turned to him, but Hamel only glared at the document.

The next name on the list gave him a massive headache.

‘Mary Diana?’

She was the madwoman who almost killed Fourth Princess Sizelry Ephania, allegedly due to world erosion.

Despite almost assassinating a royal, the Diana family had shunned her, and there were rumors she was even scheduled for execution.

How did she avoid execution and submit an entrance application to the academy?

‘They’re admitting her alongside the princess she almost killed?’

Hamel couldn’t understand the situation at all.

It defied common sense.

Then he noticed something peculiar in the notes.

‘…Branded by the Imperial Family.’

The Ephania Empire’s brand that would crush the brain instantly if she ever bared her fangs at the royal family.

That brand was imprinted on Mary Diana.

‘And the trigger of that brand is held by Sizelry Ephania?’

Hamel’s eyes narrowed.

Mary Diana, once a contender for the Empire’s Spear, possessed the Heavenly Martial Body.

The Empire didn’t want to lose such a valuable asset outright, so they decided to firmly leash her as a royal dog.

The one holding that leash was Sizelry Ephania.

Given that Mary Diana had targeted the Fourth Princess, it was a logical procedure.

‘There’s more to this.’

Perhaps Sizelry Ephania’s leniency allowed Mary Diana to avoid execution.

Having witnessed numerous power struggles at Rahelrn Academy, Hamel could grasp the rough outline of the situation.

It reeked of intrigue.

‘Another person of interest.’

Mary Diana’s major was Martial Arts and her minor was Special Arts.

Her minor being Special Arts was concerning, but he decided to move on.

There were still many documents left.

As Hamel picked up the next document, he saw another name.

‘Arthur Gramalte.’

It was a common enough name, so he placed it among the ordinary applications.

More and more documents of interest piled up as he continued.

And each time, Kairan’s lips twitched in the distance, though Hamel didn’t notice.


A colossal tree reaching the sky, piercing through the clouds.

The Divine Tree.

The World Tree.

Changing its colors with the seasons, scattering pink petals in spring, beneath this immense tree stood Rahelrn Academy.

Including dormitory grounds, the academy was the size of a city, boasting the power of the Divine Tree to ward off world erosion.

With such grand aspirations, Rahelrn Academy’s first year was indeed a storm of talent.

As that stormy year came to an end, another storm was about to hit Rahelrn Academy.

Clip-clop, clip-clop.

The sound of horse-drawn carriages echoed, and inside one of them, a young man with dark blue hair slowly opened his eyes.

Despite his appearance suggesting he was 18 years old, he turned his gaze towards the window.

The petals of the World Tree fluttered past the window.

The world was painted in a beautiful pink hue.

But he felt no sense of awe.

After all, he had seen this sight countless times.

“Finally here.”

Kraush Balheim, who came to take the long-awaited Rahelrn Academy exam this year, muttered to himself.

“Are you excited?”

Unusually, it was a voice, not a thought.

Kraush turned his head.

A crow was perched before him, grooming its wings.

It was a familiar, a servant of Crimson Garden, his mentor and an Immortal Erosionist.

“Excited, my ass.”

Kraush let out a dry laugh.

In the past, this place was a refuge for him.

He’d rather stay at Rahelrn Academy than endure life under the watchful eyes of Balheim.

But Rahelrn Academy hadn’t been a refuge either.

Even there, the name Balheim constantly choked him.

‘But this time will be different.’

Kraush raised his hand lightly.

He felt the electricity and black flames flowing through his hand.

He was completely different from before.

This time, his experience at Rahelrn Academy would be unimaginable compared to his past self.

“If you’re that excited, let me give you a warning.”

Despite just saying he wasn’t excited.

Kraush glanced at Crimson Garden with displeasure.

“Don’t use that thing you mastered recently during the entrance exam.”

So that’s what she meant.

Kraush sighed.

“Do you think I’d need to use that in the entrance exam?”

“You have a habit of wasting your strength on trivial things.”

Crimson Garden glared at him, and Kraush averted his eyes.

“Take my warning seriously. It’s hard to control the output. You wouldn’t want to kill anyone during the entrance exam, would you?”

Although there were a few he’d like to kill.

Kraush nodded roughly.

He didn’t plan on judging people based on his regressed knowledge like in Pendal.

Of course, if he judged someone to be trash, they wouldn’t meet a pleasant end.

“Take this.”

Crimson Garden threw a brooch at Kraush.

As Kraush caught it, Crimson Garden explained.

“It will transmit my voice. You wouldn’t want someone at the academy recognizing the crow from when you were Krad.”

“Good call.”

Mary had seen the crow during the incident in the Empire.

So, Kraush tucked the brooch safely into his bosom.

“Crimson, what about you?”

“I’ll be flying around as usual. Just so you know.”

Fair enough.


The carriage stopped again.

“Mr. Kraush, we have arrived.”

Hearing the voice from outside, Kraush opened the door and stepped down the stairs.

A petite woman in a maid’s uniform stood there.

Her dark brown hair and gray eyes resembled someone Kraush knew well.

She was Aliod’s daughter, Alicia.

Having suffered from discoloration disease as a child, she would have been the spitting image of Aliod if not for her small stature.

Aliod was the chief butler of the Green Pine Mansion.

Since Kraush had come of age, Aliod’s role as his personal butler had become unnecessary.

Thus, Aliod couldn’t accompany Kraush to the academy, even if he wanted to.

So, he assigned his daughter, Alicia, to Kraush.

After recovering from her illness, Aliod had constantly taught Alicia to repay the debt of gratitude to Kraush.

Aliod believed she would fulfill her role as Kraush’s maid perfectly.

Although Kraush had insisted he could go alone, Aliod had been adamant, asking her to serve him even during his leisure time.

“Well done, Alicia.”

“It was nothing.”

Alicia had insisted on sitting with the coachman rather than entering the carriage to let Kraush rest comfortably.

So, when Kraush thanked her, she bowed her head politely.

Watching her, Kraush gave a short, bitter smile.

Her demeanor was exactly like Aliod’s.

Although her overly formal speech was a bit much, it had become a habit.

But unlike Aliod…

“Your skirt’s hem is flipped.”

She still had some awkward moments.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Despite her efforts to maintain utmost decorum like Aliod, her face quickly cracked.

Blushing furiously, she hurriedly fixed her skirt, reminding Kraush of Aliod’s wife.

She had been just like this, so it seemed to run in the family.

“I’ll go take the exam. Wait in the designated area for servants. I’ll come after the test.”

“Yes, I’ll take the luggage there.”

Usually, luggage was only brought after passing the exam.

But neither Kraush nor Aliod doubted he would pass the Rahelrn Academy entrance exam.

Aliod had personally witnessed Kraush’s growth, after all.

As Alicia bowed and left, Crimson Garden flew out of the carriage and soared into the sky.

Following Crimson Garden with his gaze, Kraush saw the Rahelrn Academy buildings under the World Tree.

The place for the Martial Arts exam was, of course, the Martial Arts Hall.

Kraush wondered how many familiar faces he would see as he walked.

The closer he got, the more people he saw.

So many had come to take the Rahelrn Academy exam.

‘Must be over a thousand.’

He tried to recall how he had taken the exam before.

He remembered barely passing at the last minute.

The biggest factor was that his opponent had been intimidated by the name Balheim.

‘Why did I remember that?’

Feeling frustrated, Kraush furrowed his brows.


Someone running hurriedly from behind bumped into his shoulder.

Kraush could have avoided it with his intuition, but the crowded space left no room, so they collided.

He brushed his shoulder and turned his head to see a massive man, as big as a buffalo.

His clothes seemed ready to burst, making him look less than human.

The problem was, Kraush recognized his face.

In his previous life, this guy had entered Rahelrn Academy through the Empire’s martial arts tournament.

Kraush had eliminated this muscle pig in the preliminary round.

Never did he expect to meet him here again.

Apparently, the guy hadn’t given up on entering Rahelrn Academy.

What a coincidence.

The muscle pig scowled.

“Hey, what are you staring at after bumping into me?”

Hearing the response, Kraush blinked.

The guy didn’t recognize him at all.

‘Come to think of it, I was Krad back then.’

With his appearance and body shape so different, it was no wonder he didn’t recognize him.

Kraush decided to jog his memory.

He remembered what he had said back then.

“I’m staring at you, pig.”

“W-what, pig, pig?!”

In a flash, the muscle pig’s eyes turned as furious as a buffalo’s.

Without hesitation, he charged at Kraush despite the crowd.

Seeing him, Kraush raised his hand.

For some reason, the muscle pig found the gesture familiar.

He felt a sudden sense of déjà vu.

He remembered something like this happening during the martial arts tournament.

As he wondered, Kraush was already moving.

His fist was already striking the muscle pig’s face.


With a short grunt, the muscle pig’s body was lifted into the air.

Inch Strength.

The added effect of Inch Strength made his body soar once more.


“What’s happening?!”

Those heading to the Martial Arts Hall screamed and fled as the muscle pig fell.

Seeing stars, the muscle pig lay on the ground.


With the crow’s cry from the sky, the muscle pig, losing consciousness, recalled the martial arts tournament.

He remembered being sent flying by a strange kid who had his eyes closed.

“Heck, this… this…”

Muttering to himself, he trembled and rolled his eyes back, passing out.

Kraush looked at him and lightly dusted off his hands.

“When you bump into someone’s shoulder, you should apologize first.”

He hoped his lesson in manners had worked this time.

End of Chapter

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