I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills

Chapter 77 The Fall of Nakcheon

Upon Kraush’s belated arrival at the carriage area,

He found Pendal, with his chest nearly obliterated, and White Mage Olivia, pouring healing magic over him while sobbing uncontrollably. Beside her, Lakradiyon hung her head in sorrow, and Captain Soldrik bit his lip, trying to contain his emotions.

Feeling Kraush’s presence, Lakradiyon lifted her head.

“…Mr. Kraush, you’re safe.”


She said with trembling eyes. Kraush responded briefly, glancing at Crimson Garden.

“What happened?”

He whispered, so only Crimson Garden could hear.

[A clone shot a firework that immobilized Lakradiyon. Pendal took the hit for her. After you dispatched the Armed Princess elsewhere, the clones collapsed. That’s the aftermath.]

Hearing this, Kraush’s eyes widened in shock.

‘Pendal sacrificed himself?’

Kraush remembered Pendal from before his return. He lived recklessly within the Demonic Bastion, indulging in all manner of villainy. Indeed, Kraush had suffered from his malevolence firsthand and knew just how depraved Pendal could be. Thus, he assumed Pendal hadn’t changed much, especially since Pendal had actively hindered Kraush and his group.

‘But he saved Lakradiyon?’

It was a moment of confusion for Kraush.

“Lak, take care.”

Calling her by her old nickname, he pushed Jade Heaven towards her. Silently accepting the weapon, Lakradiyon briefly recollected Kyran, the former team leader of Icarus. But there was no time for reminiscing.


“…It was meant to be yours. You refused to take it, so I kept it.”

Pendal struggled to speak.

“Captain, stop talking!”

Olivia cried, but Pendal paid her no heed, simply gazing deeply at Lakradiyon.

“Take it over.”

Rather than questioning his motives, Lakradiyon prioritized understanding his heart and nodded in acknowledgment. Pendal then turned to Kraush with a weak smile.

“Direct descendant of Balheim.”

He breathed thinly.

“Sorry for the trouble.”

Blood trickled down his lips as he apologized. Hearing this, Kraush slowly rubbed his forehead. He was all too familiar with death, from wars among humans to battles against world eroders and the catastrophic spread of world erosion. Among those lost were individuals Kraush had grown fond of. Only a few, including Arthur and himself, survived the apocalypse.

Thus, witnessing death was nothing new for Kraush.

“Defeat Nakcheon for me.”

However, Pendal’s passing stirred a different emotion within Kraush. He had no particular affection for Pendal; if anything, they were more enemies than allies. Pendal represented a fleeting connection at best.

What was this feeling, then? The answer was simple.

‘I’ve been too caught up in my return.’

Kraush felt a deep disdain for himself. A fleeting encounter had led him to define and judge someone so hastily—how foolish. People continually change with time, a fact Kraush, who had once despaired over life and cursed the world, knew all too well.

‘Judging so arbitrarily with my limited perspective…’

Kraush gritted his teeth. This mentality made him no different from Arthur, who had failed time and again to save the world, ultimately losing the ability to return to him. Arthur had underestimated Kraush, believing he would remain unchanged through countless cycles, failing to see the potential for change.

‘And yet, here I am.’

Kraush had judged Pendal based on memories from before his return, and now he was furious with himself. Unlike Arthur, Kraush’s return was a solitary chance. Whether a second return was possible remained uncertain since the skill wasn’t directly under his control. Failure to prevent the world’s destruction this time meant the end.

‘To save this damned world…’

He must change his reliance on the return. People change, a fact Kraush learned through his own experiences and those of others he met after returning. He vowed never to forget this truth.


Thus, Kraush spoke to Pendal.

“Today, I entered the Demonic Bastion with you all.”

Pendal quietly listened, aware of the implication.

“And together, we will defeat Nakcheon and open the ninth floor.”


With a faint sound, Pendal suppressed a laugh.

“Suits a noble, to speak so honorably.”

Despite the sarcasm, his laugh conveyed a sense of peace with death. That was his last. Pendal’s eyes closed for good.

“Captain, Captain! Captain!”

Olivia screamed his name, but Pendal remained motionless.


At that moment, Soldrik embraced her, suggesting it was time to let go.

“Let’s let him go.”

“Uh-huh, huh.”

As she cried in his arms, Kraush looked towards Lakradiyon. She then stood up.

“Mr. Kraush Balheim.”

As she did, Soldrik called out to Kraush.

“I’m responsible for obstructing your path. I gave the orders…”

“That’s enough.”

In the end, their actions had bought time to deal with the Armed Princess.

“Take good care of Pendal.”

With that, Kraush turned to leave. As he walked away, unseen by the others, a faint spark passed through his hand.


It was Pendal’s skill. In the last moments, Kraush had stealthily stolen Lioner through Black Hood.

[Acknowledged as more than a worthy adversary]

The second dial had unlocked, revealing the third dial.

[To inherit Pendal’s will.]

For this, Kraush had spoken his final words to Pendal, allowing him to steal Lioner as the dial unlocked.

‘Call it petty if you will.’

To save this cursed world, every means must be employed, even if it means consuming everything. From the day of his return, Kraush was determined to stand at the pinnacle and avert the world’s demise.

So, Kraush stole Pendal’s Lioner.

‘At least.’

He would ensure it wasn’t in vain.

* * *


Alone in the foremost carriage of the eighth floor sat a man. Once an assailant of the Demonic Bastion, now a tragic figure consumed by it. Kraush was here to defeat him, standing before the last door after resting in the carriage for about a day, loosening his muscles with light sword swings. Despite lingering aches from his battle with the Armed Princess, his Lunar Body trait had sped up his recovery.

While he might not defeat Nakcheon in this state, he felt ready now, having acquired Pendal’s Lioner. After a discreet trial, Kraush was certain it could bring Nakcheon down.

“Lakradiyon, are you prepared?”

“Yes, anytime you’re ready.”

Hearing her response, Kraush nodded.

“Let’s go.”

He then pushed the door open.


The sound of rusted hinges filled the air as Kraush’s eyes fell on the trembling carriage room. This carriage area was unlike the others; seats were empty, the wooden floor was damaged here and there, and the most peculiar aspect was the presence of only one door.

Before that solitary door sat an old man, a long sheathed sword by his side.

Nakcheon, with his weapon Rain Thunder Prime, marked with lightning bolts on a black base as if carved from a tree struck by lightning.

Nakcheon, once a guardian of entry into the ninth floor, now greyed with age, awaited there.

“Click, thud-”

After confirming Lakradiyon’s entry, Kraush closed the door.

Nakcheon’s shoulders twitched at the sound, and with a crackling akin to bones realigning, he began to rise.

The noise suggested how long it had been since anyone had entered the eighth floor.

Standing up, Nakcheon’s eyes glowed red.

“Lakradiyon, you know what to do.”

Kraush named her, having already shared the strategy to defeat Nakcheon.

While Kraush used Ignis to engulf the carriage in flames, Lakradiyon’s task was to engage Nakcheon, holding him off.

So, she drew Jade Heaven and stood before Kraush.


At her word, Nakcheon unsheathed Rain Thunder Prime.

But the drawn sword lacked a blade, causing onlookers to question its efficacy.

Yet, in that moment, Rain Thunder Prime proved why it was among the world’s ten great swords. A golden light surged from its tip.


Thunder roared, and the golden light, with overwhelming force, momentarily reversed the ambiance.

As the golden light condensed, a blade shimmered, revealing its sharp edge.

Rain Thunder Prime, a sword that amplifies its wielder’s aura to form a blade, could become the greatest or worst sword, depending on who wielded it.

Hence, swordsmen claim if the world’s greatest swordsman were to choose a weapon, Rain Thunder Prime would suit them best.

And this was precisely why Kraush had insisted on preventing the Sword Sage from obtaining Rain Thunder Prime.


Now, Rain Thunder Prime, united with Nakcheon, shone its golden blade, intimidating Lakradiyon with its overwhelming presence.

Because that golden light showcased Nakcheon’s true level.

“Here it comes.”

Kraush’s brief comment preceded Lakradiyon bracing herself against Nakcheon’s advance.


Lakradiyon, following Nakcheon’s step, managed to block Rain Thunder Prime with Jade Heaven, though she staggered under the old man’s surprising strength.

Once again, it was clear why Icarus had fallen before Nakcheon and why Kyran had sacrificed himself to ensure their escape.


Behind them, Kraush ignited the Black Hood, beginning to set the carriage ablaze.

Nakcheon’s gaze shifted backward, noting Kraush’s unusual action.

But Lakradiyon immediately positioned herself, implying Nakcheon would have to defeat her to reach Kraush.

‘My role is to buy time.’

She had fled once before, but this time she vowed to prove differently.


With her brief invitation, Lakradiyon and Nakcheon clashed once more.

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