I Became the Legendary Emperor Throughout the Ages After I Started Giving Away My Territory

Chapter 342

Yet, all this was far from over.

Aside from the venomous snakes, there were many other pests, such as cockroaches and rats, that continuously plagued the army of Great Shí.

The most terrifying were the ants.

These tiny creatures could crawl onto one’s body unnoticed, biting through the skin and causing unbearable itching, making it impossible to sleep day or night. And worst of all, ants were everywhere, impossible to eradicate and defend against.

Fleas were another endless nuisance.

Thus, lately, the Great Shí army was utterly exhausted just dealing with these snakes, insects, rats, and ants. The military advisor was livid with rage: “Damn it! Truly damned! I really don’t want to stay here any longer!” He hadn’t had a good night’s sleep in days.

While one could guard against visible creatures like snakes and rats, how could one defend against ants and fleas?

One day, he awoke to find his body covered in ants, which really disgusted him.

“Do you always have so many snakes, insects, rats, and ants in your Great Shí Kingdom?”

The Great Shí Marshal gave a wry smile: “Advisor, it wasn’t like this before! For some reason, there have been many more of these pests recently. Perhaps it’s due to some abnormal environmental changes! Please bear with it, Advisor. Once this war is over, you’ll be free of this.”

The advisor was going mad: “How long do you expect me to endure? I don’t want to stay another day!”

The other generals from the Great Wu Empire, who were Innate, nodded in agreement.

Although they had protective True Qi and were not harmed by these creatures, the sight of them on their body was still revolting.

“By the way, is it the same situation over in Great Xia?”

The Great Shí Marshal had a thought and waved his hand, sending someone to gather information.

After the time it takes an incense stick to burn, the scout returned to report.

“Reporting to the Marshal, Advisor, and all the generals, Great Xia has not suffered from the affliction of snakes, insects, rats, and ants!”

“Not at all? Why?” The advisor exploded in anger.

They could have found some solace if the situation had been the same.

But to find out that it wasn’t was particularly unbearable as if the heavens were being unfair.

“How can they not be affected? Great Xia is less than thirty li from here. With such a short distance, if we’re suffering, it’s impossible for them to be unscathed!” The Great Shí Marshal said in disbelief.

“Reporting to the Marshal, the situation is indeed as stated, and I dare not conceal anything!” the scout reported loudly.

“Ah, you may step down,” the Marshal said helplessly, waving his hand.

He was already furious about this matter, fuming with rage.

Upon learning that Great Xia was safe and sound, it was like pouring oil on fire, pushing him to the brink of exploding.

Wanting to lash out but not knowing at whom, all his anger turned into a sigh.

The other generals exchanged glances and also sighed.

Even with their immense abilities, they felt powerless to change the situation.

At that moment, a great commotion arose from outside.

The Marshal and others went out to see that a mutiny was taking place.

Among them, a soldier with a face full of pustules stood in the center of the camp, crying out loudly: “This is an unjust war! That’s why the heavens have sent snakes, insects, rats, and ants to punish us, to make us recognize the difficulty and retreat! We can’t keep fighting! If we do, none of us may survive! Today it’s them, tomorrow it could be you, you, and you…”

Moved by his cries, many soldiers dropped their weapons.

Others, recalling their recent experiences, though not abandoning their arms, were visibly shaken.

Could it be that this was truly an unjust war, and thus the heavens were punishing them?

Looking up to the sky with a newfound reverence, they remembered that heaven was always overhead.

“Spreading false rumors!” The Marshal approached decisively with a dark expression and beheaded the crying soldier without hesitation.

Then, standing before everyone, he spoke with a resounding voice: “Do not believe his nonsense! We of Great Shí are the army of righteousness, fighting a just war, carrying out the will of heaven! This is just the darkness before dawn. If we endure the night, we will welcome the light!”

After calming the troops, the Great Shí Marshal returned and addressed his officers: “Keep a close watch. If anyone continues to spout nonsense and wavers the morale of our troops, you are to immediately…”

He made a throat-slitting gesture.

“Yes, Marshal!” they all responded.

The advisor sighed deeply and said, “Although this method can temporarily suppress the soldiers, there will eventually be another mutiny if the fundamental problem is not resolved in the long term. It’s difficult indeed!”

“But what can we do now?”

Great Shí Marshal said angrily, “We can’t break through in battle, nor can we retreat. What do you expect me to do?”

The advisor opened his mouth to speak but ultimately let out a sigh.

They had already exhausted all the methods at their disposal and were now out of options.

“I’ll go and discuss with the two Grandmasters. Perhaps they might have some ideas!”

One of the Grandmasters suggested, “I plan to sneak into Great Xia territory secretly and catch them by surprise! Once their rear is compromised, our chances of victory will greatly increase!”

This plan is not advisable!” the other Grandmaster objected.

“For some reason, Mo Yuyan has become extremely fierce, and only by joining forces can we restrain her! Once you leave, I won’t have the strength to hold the line alone, and it could jeopardize the entire army!”

“That’s why I plan to do it stealthily! They won’t be able to detect me if I was disguised as an ordinary Innate!”

“But I’m still worried! Before, we sent out several dozen Innates, and to this day, there has been no news. I fear they have already met with disaster! Your journey might be fraught with danger…”

“Those people? How can they compare to me?” the first Grandmaster said confidently.

“Although there are many Grandmasters in Great Xia, who can stop me aside from that divine sword? That divine sword is always kept in the imperial city to secure their fortune. As long as I’m careful, nothing will go wrong!”

“Perhaps that’s true!”

After the discussion, the Grandmaster infiltrated Great Xia’s territory with full confidence.

Just as he was about to make his move, a sword light descended from the sky and claimed his life.

Truly, he came in haste and left just as quickly.


At that moment, Mo Yuyan, who was meditating in the military camp, suddenly opened her eyes with a look of joy, “Senior, you’ve come!”

The familiar voice reached Mo Yuyan’s ears, “Yuyan, I have something to tell you…”

After listening, Mo Yuyan nodded repeatedly, “Senior, I know what to do!”

That very night, she went to Chai Yuxin’s camp to report the important matter.

The next day, the Great Xia army launched a total offensive.

Chai Yuxin shouted loudly, “Great Shí aids the tyrant and insults Great Xia, heaven and earth will not tolerate it! Soldiers of Great Xia, follow me now and fight for justice!”

“Charge!” The Great Xia army surged forward.

Great Shí Marshal, the advisor, and others turned pale, “How could they attack at this time?”

At that moment, Mo Yuyan also charged into battle. Standing unsupported in the air, she called out loudly, “Lu Shengdao, come out and face me!”

Lu Shengdao was the remaining top-level Grandmaster in the Great Shí camp.


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