I Became the Only Non-mage in the Academy

Chapter 130: Hunt? (2)

[Ranking of the top 5 promising heroes to watch in Korea.]

[1st place: Han Seok-woo (24 years old), 2nd place: Yoon Han-gyeol (27 years old), 3rd place: Im Na-rae (27 years old), 4th place: Moon Cho-rong (27 years old), 5th place: Lee Seo-ha (18 years old).]

ㄴJustifiable. Now at 24, Han Seok-woo, ranked 1st, shines brightly with the forecast of becoming the most perfect hero. He was even hailed as a once-in-a-lifetime genius by the Korean Hero Academy.

ㄴWhen exactly was that story from? lol. Currently, in the Korean Hero Academy, there are more than 5 people who have shattered his records.

ㄴThe students at the Korean Hero Academy now are truly legendary. Even the third year, which was touted as a golden generation, is being overshadowed by the first year’s momentum, and for the second year, Sung Han-byul really has no response.

ㄴFor real. They are already competing on equal footing and matching the higher ranks.

ㄴBut isn’t Lee Seo-ha already at a level where he can beat and surpass the higher ranks?

ㄴIt appears that way in the videos, but the videos are of poor quality, and there’s a possibility of manipulation.

ㄴThat’s true.

[But is Lee Seo-ha really 18 years old?]

-How can an 18-year-old be there? Isn’t that fraud?

ㄴYeah. He just turned 20.

ㄴBut the rumors are seriously widespread. From the moment he entered, he set new record highs in the exams. And then that was it?

ㄴThe record for the exam seems to be renewed all the time.

ㄴBut it seems to end with Lee Seo-ha. He’s in the 1-minute range?


ㄴNonsense ㅗ

ㄴNo, for real. That’s why all the scouts are going crazy.

ㄴlol A newbie or a really low-ranking hero it seems. That’s why the Korean Association, the government, and the guilds were all in chaos. There’s a rumor that the emperor cherishes him a lot.

ㄴI would too. He’s really handsome.

ㄴAre you the Emperor? lol Getting enchanted by looks lol lol.

[The reason Lee Seo-ha can rank as a promising hero at just 18 years old.]


Watching his fighting style reveals that each hit carries enormous destructive power.

While normal heroes might use 10 mana to exert 1 in a fight, he manages by expending only 5 or 6.

Naturally, heroes of the same rank struggle to keep up. Even those of higher ranks find him challenging. But what about the top ranks?

lol No chance.

Instant defeat.

He shines brightest when facing those in the middle rank.

ㄴHaven’t you seen the video? He was overpowering those at the higher ranks.

ㄴSung Han-byul was weakened, and he delivered the final blow. The Book of Creating Talents and the Infinite Cup that grants infinite mana are just laughable, right?

ㄴHe was preoccupied with blocking the annihilation. But just managing to block that is pretty extraordinary. Even those at the higher ranks struggle with it.

ㄴAll irrelevant, why is there no mention of the Masked Man?

ㄴAll irrelevant, why isn’t our Veritas mentioned?

ㄴNo, f*ck, whether it’s the Masked Man or Veritas, just f*ck off, you villains!!!!

ㄴWhy do we have to get tangled up with the Church of Veritas? It’s so unfair.

ㄴWhy do we have to be associated with those who idolize a man in a mask??? Does our Veritas seem amusing to you??

ㄴAlright, both of you!!! Just!!! F*ck off!!!!!

Seo Ga-yeon gritted her teeth as she read the comments tearing Lee Seo-ha down.

Unbelievable. Who, what? Why did Lee Seo-ha have to be undervalued like this? Her eyes blazing, Seo Ga-yeon passionately defended him.

‘Seo-ha, don’t worry. I’ll protect you from these people.’

With fervor, Seo Ga-yeon typed away on the computer, bought with his money under the guise of support, in the house Lee Seo-ha had purchased.

ㄴStop talking badly about our Seo-ha.

ㄴOur Seo-ha is so kind.

ㄴLOL, Lee Seo-ha already has a fan club rallying behind him.

ㄴAs for Lee Seo-ha, I might not know about other things, but his face is legendary. Truly the GOAT;;

ㄴI agree;; I wish I could live with Lee Seo-ha’s face. I’d be switching girls every day.

ㄴOur Seo-ha isn’t someone who just flirts around with girls.

As she defended him, Seo Ga-yeon momentarily thought this wasn’t right.

“No, but swapping girls isn’t right. If that were the case, there would already be rumors.”

If Hong Yu-hwa were here, she might have said that boys who don’t date girls and flirt without loyalty are the most dangerous, but unfortunately, Hong Yu-hwa wasn’t here.

[A Wind Band Composed of Women, Botchi the K-pop! is Now Recruiting Female Members.]

[Alchemists are all out of their minds. They turn living humans into gods and worship them,“ condemned by the dinosaur enterprise CEO Melon Musk. He apologized to the Veritas Church for severing all business ties with the related companies.]

The electronic world was peaceful today.

I decided on the guild name and went outside with Kim Ara.

Kim Ara sneakily grabbed my hand, leading me. Her hand was a bit cold.

“But there’s one problem.”

“What’s the problem?”

“It’s cheap, and the location is good. It’s a 1-minute walk from the warp gate.”

Sounds like it had all the good conditions.

Then, was the problem money? Money was not an issue. I had over 100 billion won.

“Don’t worry about money.”


Kim Ara glanced at me for a moment.

“It’s not so much about money but a slightly different issue.”

“What is it?”

I tensed up.

If it’s not about money, then this problem could be quite serious. After all, in a capitalist society, money is a resource that can solve most problems.

“The building owner is my older brother. The eldest one.”

“…Ara’s eldest brother?”

I pondered for a moment, recalling Kim Ara’s personal details, remembering that her brother was the successor chosen to inherit the Overlord’s family lineage.

‘Why him?’

Unlike typical heirs from prestigious families, he had a very kind personality towards his siblings.

If Kim Ara had aimed for the succession, their relationship might have been different, but Kim Ara had given up halfway through.

“Let’s go inside and talk.”

We took a taxi to the place. It was a different large company than the building Ara mentioned, almost feeling like a conglomerate in size.

We went inside and headed to the reception.

“Welcome. How may I assist you?”

“I’d like to meet Kim Sung-ho.”

“Did you have an appointment set up in advance?”

“No, he’s my brother.”

“…I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you. I will contact him immediately.”

The receptionist turned pale and contacted someone.

“You may go up now.”


We took the elevator up.

‘There are quite a few people here.’

As we entered the building, it felt lively, with around 10 people. Among them, I could sense the presence of an upper rank. There seems to be one middle rank as well.

‘The middle rank must be Ara’s brother.’

Then, was the upper rank a bodyguard?

With that thought, we went up.

Knock knock.

Those waiting by the door felt a jolt at the knock.

“Come in.”


Kim Ara opened the door and entered.

Inside the rather spacious office, people were visible. Among them, a man with pomade-styled hair was seen in front of a desk. Unlike Kim Ara’s hair color, he had nearly black, purple hair and green eyes. His features were sharp, exuding the aura of a ruthless businessman.

“What brings you here, Kim Ara? I didn’t expect you to come in without contacting me first.”

“I need to buy a building.”

“A building? Which building are you talking about?”

His expression softened.

As gentle as he could be, willing to fetch the stars if Kim Ara asked.

“Well, it’s a bit difficult to explain here. My friend needs it.”

“A friend. Oh, there was someone who came with you.”

He got up with an awkward expression and approached me.

“I am Ara’s brother, Kim Sung-ho. Please take good care of our Ara.”

“Not at all. Ara has been a great help to me, and I often receive assistance from her.”

After receiving a suitable compliment, Kim Sung-ho’s face broke into a wide smile.

“Really? A friend of Ara? Should I give you some pocket money then?”

“Brother, Seo-ha earns a lot.”


At the name Ara mentioned, he tilted his head slightly.

“Is it Lee Seo-ha?”

An entity with the rank of upper class had approached me while I was climbing the stairs earlier.

He approached me without even trying to hide his rank, more with a strong spirit of rivalry than hostility.

‘Quite strong.’

Probably just a bit below Harun.

However, the sense of the Sword Demon was quiet, as if to say there’s nothing to learn from such a low level.

‘It can’t be that bad.’

Still, it was necessary to be a bit wary.

“Aho. The family name is Lee. And until recently, he was ranked 5th among the promising ranks.”

Aho extended his hand. So, he was the former 5th rank that I had overtaken.

I saw no reason to refuse the handshake, so I shook his hand.

‘Look at this guy?’

I could feel his magic trying to climb through my hand to scan my body, but all those mana attempts were denied. His expression showed he was quite taken aback.

“Aho. What rudeness are you showing to my guest?”

“…I’m sorry.”

“That’s good. We’ll soon have a place for our guild.”

Kim Ara smiled softly, like a newlywed setting up her honeymoon home. Kim Sung-ho’s gaze changed at that smile.

As if looking at a thief.

“Seo-ha? Lee Seo-ha? Oh, right. The bastard… friend that our father mentioned was you.”

Did he just say bastard? Surely not.

-I don’t need anything else but you.

The words Kim Ara had said before came to mind. A memory forcibly shoved into a corner of my recollection.

“Hmm. Would you be interested in fighting Aho?”

Kim Sung-ho said, looking at me.

“With Mr. Aho?”

“Yes, a simple sparring match. It’s not exactly a counteroffer, but by accepting this condition, all matters concerning the building will be concluded. Regardless of the outcome.”

Kim Sung-ho explained.

“Don’t worry about safety. Our facilities might not be as good as the Korea Hero Academy, but we have them. It will be under the condition that uncle watches, but considering safety, that’s not bad either.”

“Let’s do it, Seo-ha. If uncle is watching, it’ll be fine.”

Kim Ara leaned slightly towards me and said.

I thought of Kim Ara’s uncle. Currently at the lower end of the upper class, he was someone who would ascend to the highest class around the time he graduated from the academy.

‘Would it matter?’

I considered it for a moment. But there was no reason for me to refuse.

If anything, I should welcome the intervention of her uncle.

‘I’ve become too strong now.’

I was not good at controlling my strength.

“Then, where should we have the duel?”

“There’s a dueling arena in the basement… no, a fight among the upper class might be a bit difficult. There’s something like a dueling arena nearby. Do you mind media exposure?”

I thought for a moment. Maybe it doesn’t matter anymore since it’s already spread as much as it’s going to spread.

The Electronic Witch tried to block it, but even she was struggling with the level of attention it was getting.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Then, there’s a sports field nearby, we’ll rent that out.”

Kim Ara thought.

Lee Seo-ha should be able to beat this person named Aho. No, he will definitely win.

With that thought, she decided to call her uncle.

‘If uncle comes, maybe mom will come too.’

No, it’s almost certain.

Hearing that there was a man being watched by her brother and father.

And if uncle was there, it’s certain.

‘Sorry, but I’ll get ahead.’

She felt a slight pang of guilt.

Cute like a hamster, Seo Ga-yeon.

But it couldn’t be helped.

Competition was inherently cold.

Kim Ara smiled the smile of a victor.

“You want to meet my parents…?”

Seo Ga-yeon blinked and said.

Kim Ara looked at Lee Seo-ha with a blank expression.

“Yes, when would be possible?”

“Today, oh today?”

Seo Ga-yeon thought.

Come to think of it, she wasn’t wearing nice underwear today.

“That works out well. Let’s meet today then.”

Lee Seo-ha spoke with the leisurely tone of someone going out for a walk.

‘Has it already gone that far…?’

Kim Ara despaired.

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