I Came From The Comprehension World, And I Broke The Ninja World

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Collective Shock! Confused Little Kakashi!

At this very moment—

Almost everyone in Loulan who could look up saw the huge golden divine bird in the sky.

That huge golden divine bird has gorgeous light feathers all over its body, and behind its golden tail feathers is a long trail of flames, just like the thousands of rays of light rising when Zhaohui was first born, spreading the fire of hope all over the whole world.

Even though it was daytime, the light seemed to be a bit more dazzling than the sun in the sky, and it was extremely dazzling.

this moment–

The sky seemed to be divided in two.

A bunch of dazzling golden threads cut through the sky, pushed the light, and divided the clouds in the sky into two layers. The light and fire formed a clear dividing line, which shocked everyone below.

It’s obvious—

At this moment, this golden divine bird gliding in the sky is exactly Lin Yan’s original destiny~Heaven-level spirit beast—

Three-legged Golden Crow!

In the Shan Hai Jing on Earth, the three-legged Golden Crow is said to symbolize the sun – the sun god bird.

On the other side of the cultivation world, the three-legged Golden Crow also symbolizes the sun, but it is not a sun bird, but a heaven-level spirit beast.

The three-legged Golden Crow was originally a mid-level heavenly spirit beast, but because it stayed in the Nurturing Spirit Pool of the Beastmaster’s Ten Thousand Beast Hall for too long, it had not been activated by a predestined person for thousands of years. Insufficient, so that some of its blood vessels have degenerated.

From the middle grade of the sky, it has degenerated to the low grade of the sky.

It takes a lot of geniuses and earth treasures to slowly make up for the degeneration of the bloodline of such a heavenly spirit beast.


A lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even though the three-legged Golden Crow’s blood has degenerated a bit, it is still a heaven-level spirit beast.

Although it seems that there is only one level difference between the heaven-level spirit beast and the earth-level spirit beast, this is the difference between heaven and earth, and it is an insurmountable fortune.

Because the various high-level inheritance memories that heavenly-level spirit beasts possess are far higher than those of earth-level spirit beasts.

In the same situation——

A low-level spirit beast at the early stage of Golden Core can challenge five high-level spirit beasts at the early stage of Golden Core at the same time, and remain invincible.

One against five is not a problem at all.

If it’s 1v3, it’s definitely a sure win.

If it is 1V1, it will be completely crushed, and the earth-level spirit beasts of the same realm will hardly have any power to fight back in front of the sky-level spirit beasts.

In other words——

The overall strength of a low-grade heaven-level spirit beast at the early stage of Golden Core is almost equivalent to that of a high-grade earth-level spirit beast at the late stage of Golden Core.

If it is a low-grade heaven-level spirit beast in the late stage of Jindan, then its comprehensive strength can completely match that of a high-grade earth-level spirit beast in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

This is the difference between a heavenly spirit beast and an earthly spirit beast.

What is the sky, what is the earth, the class gap between the heaven and the earth between the spirit beasts is not so easy to bridge.

Just like in Ryūchi Cave, when facing the fake golden elixir White Snake Immortal, Six Tails Fox Xiaobai knew that he was invincible, so he wanted Lin Yan to release “Huo Boss”, which is Lin Yan’s natal heaven-level spirit beast, the three-legged Golden Crow, to deal with it. White Snake Immortal.

At that time, the three-legged Golden Crow was at the late stage of Foundation Establishment, and against a White Snake Immortal of the “Pseudo-Golden Core Early Stage”, it would definitely be able to win easily, or even crush it.

“Okay…so beautiful!”

Uzumaki Naruto’s eyes widened, and he looked up at the sky in shock.

“What kind of bird is that…..it is burning with flames all over its body, but it can’t burn people…how on earth did it do it? This is….it’s too powerful!”


Namikaze Minato also murmured in shock: “Is that the so-called natal spirit beast? There will be such a powerful Summoning beast in the ninja world in the future…”

No wonder this guy can become the elder of Konoha Mirai…

Tsunade-senpai is really lucky……

Namikaze Minato thought silently in his heart.

together with this—

Princess Sara of Loulan is in one of the tall buildings not far away.

Today is the succession ceremony of Loulan’s new queen.

The reason why Sara left in a hurry just now was to rush to participate in the succession ceremony of the new queen specially held by Minister An Lushan for her today.

The succession ceremony is about to begin, and as the new queen of Loulan, she must not be late.

but a

Just when Sara was halfway through changing the Queen’s costume, the whole building suddenly shook violently, as if a very strong earthquake had occurred.

next second——

Sarah saw a large piece of dazzling golden flame suddenly lit up outside the window, and a bunch of huge golden objects who didn’t know what it was quickly passed by the window and flashed Sarah’s eyes fiercely.

“what is that?”

Sarah didn’t know why, so she ran to the window immediately, and then saw a huge golden divine bird with gorgeous light feathers and golden flames all over its body.

This is not the most important-

The most important thing is that on the back feathers of the huge golden bird, there are hundreds of Loulan villagers, all of whom are her people.


Seeing such a miraculous and beautiful picture, instead of being surprised, Sarah’s eyes were full of surprise and fear.

“In the end what happened?”

Sara’s pupils shrank tightly, and her heart tightened instantly: “Why did that bird kidnap my people in Loulan? What exactly is it trying to do?”

The naive Sara is still covered to the bone by Centipede.

‥…seeking flowers 00

Based on this scene alone, she didn’t know that it was Lin Yan who sent his natal spirit beast to save all the villagers underground. Instead, she thought it was the strange bird that kidnapped her Loulan people, and even wanted to find Centipede Help save people.

the other side–

In the sky.

On the back of the three-legged Golden Crow.

Little Kakashi, who is only 11 years old now, is staying with a group of ordinary Loulan villagers with a look of doubt on his face.

“What kind of bird is this… What the hell happened just now…”

Little Kakashi originally accepted the mission entrusted to him by Namikaze Minato, and sneaked into the underground factory of Centipede ahead of time, secretly buried the detonating charm, and prepared to make ten mistakes at the critical moment.


But little Kakashi never expected—

Just as he was putting on the detonating talisman stickers, a raging fire suddenly ignited at the top of the factory, and the two directly burned machines exploded instantly, causing a huge shock

At the same time, the fire was still spreading crazily to the surroundings. The hands and feet of those Loulan villagers and workers were tied with iron chains, and they could not escape at all.

In addition, because there were too many people and the fire spread quickly, little Kakashi was powerless even if he wanted to save him.

But little Kakashi still rushed down to save people, intending to save one by one, it was impossible to watch hundreds of people in the factory being burned alive under his nose.

However, the next second——

As soon as little Kakashi rushed out, he saw a huge golden divine bird flying out of the ground with golden flames all over its body!

Wherever the golden divine bird’s wings went, the flames were all extinguished immediately.

And then–

It was a “swish” sound——

I saw that the light feathers on the wings of the golden divine bird flicked casually, and instantly cut off the east iron chains on all the villagers.

Immediately afterwards——

Seeing the golden divine bird flap its wings lightly again, a strong wind blew up in an instant, and all the villagers were immediately fanned into the air by an invisible mysterious force, and all fell on the back of that huge golden divine bird.

Including the dazed little Kakashi.

at last

With a clear cry of the divine bird.

In this way, the little Kakashi and a group of ordinary Loulan villagers were all taken out of the underground factory by Lin Yan’s natal spirit beast, the three-legged Golden Crow, Luffy, and went to the sky.

Little Kakashi never dreamed that he just wanted to blow up a factory secretly, but now he went straight to the sky……

Little Kakashi:

how to say………


It’s quite exciting…

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