I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Mr. Shen Qi is back

Shen Qi finally decided to sign a contract with Peking University. When he was still in the UK, Peking University took the initiative to contact his dad.

As Shen Qi’s legal guardian, Shen Zhishan, who is experienced in society, has full authority to handle the contract matters.

You don’t need to worry about signing a contract. His dad signs a contract with someone who teaches him every day. He is an old driver.

On September 1, the new semester of Nangang No. 2 Middle School started, and Shen Qi became a senior high school student.

I’m back to school, it’s great, it feels so wonderful.

Xueba does not pretend to be forceful, just like walking at night in Jinyi.

Because of language barrier, Shen Qi didn’t pretend to be sleek in the UK. He just did test questions and test questions, and won three international awards at once. It was really boring.

There is no language barrier when I go home. It’s good that the golden kennel and silver kennel are not as good as my own dog kennel.

Shen Qi pushed his bicycle into the school gate and put the car in the parking shed.

A boy next to him had just locked the car. He suddenly found Shen Qi and was very surprised: “Shen Qi, you actually rode to school by yourself!”

Shen Qi turned his head and glanced: “Oh, Huo Jiawen, early. The driverless technology of bicycles is not yet mature and popular, of course I ride to school by myself.”

Huo Jiawen and Shen Qi are in the same grade. They are teammates in the school math competition team.

“Shen Qi, your legend has spread to every corner of the school. You are an international Olympic mathematics champion. You are sent to Peking University. I worship your Tianxiu answer in the national finals every day. No, you should not ride it yourself. Going to school by car, this doesn’t match your identity! Please don’t wrong yourself so much, Mr. Shen Qi!” Huo Jiawen said very excitedly, and ran away with tears in his eyes. He was moved by himself.

Without any defense, Shen Qi’s expression is like this, +_+

Huo Jiawen, this kid has not recovered from his second illness, ignore him, Shen Qi adjusts his mentality and walks to the teaching building.

During the one or two hundred meters from the parking shed to the teaching building, Shen Qi felt that the style of painting was wrong.

Men, women, old, young, students, teachers, school staff, and everyone who sees Shen Qi pay attention to him.

Shen Qi was a little uncomfortable. He came to the teaching building without seeing anything, went upstairs, and went to the third grade (2) class.

As soon as Shen Qi entered the classroom, wow, the whole class was boiling.

The order of early self-study collapsed instantly.

“Shen Qi, you have worked hard upstairs, please have a drink, the ice-cola you just bought.” The boy in front of Shen Qi’s seat handed him a Coke.

“Shen Qi, please have a snack, your favorite bear biscuit.” The boy behind Shen Qi handed the bear biscuit.

Shen Qi was caught off guard: “You are all crazy, right?”

“No, we are normal. Mr. Shen Qi, you have won glory for the country, won the international Olympic mathematics championship, and recommended to Peking University. You are the first person in Chinese high school mathematics and the pride of our second high school! Doing anything for you is worth it. !”

“Shen Qi is so handsome.”

“Very hungry.”


The whole class went into madness. They hadn’t seen Shen Qi for more than two months. They learned about Shen Qi’s legends through the Internet and word of mouth.

Shen Qi asked the heavens speechlessly: “Can the Olympic math champion be bullying?”

“Yes it is!”

Shen Qi is dull and tasteless: “If you have good grades, can you do whatever you want?”


Shen Qi scolded angrily: “vulgar!”

“It’s so vulgar!”

Shen Qi wanted to cry without tears: “Don’t be like this, classmates, all of you are like this, how can I pretend to be forced!”

“Do you still need to forcefully pretend to be forced? Isn’t there a point in your heart to force you to count, Mr. Shen Qi?”

Shen Qi: “……”

It’s messed up, it’s all messed up, Shen Qi is very messy: “No, this shouldn’t be the ethos of our 2nd class. Did I go to the wrong classroom? It changed, you all changed.”

The classroom did not return to normal order until the class bell rang.

Not everyone is so crazy. For example, Chen Xiaoting at the same table, she certainly admires Shen Qi, but she can also maintain her rationality: “In short, Shen Qi, you are very powerful, you are a real schoolmaster. Your summer vacation is different from ours. You have to understand that we are now high school third-year students, and our grades are paramount. At this stage, it is a sensitive period, you know.”

“That’s what I said.” Shen Qi thought about it and understood. He looked back at the last row of seats: “Where is Xu Rui?”

“Go to the track and field competition,” Chen Xiaoting said.

“Oh, he said on WeChat, I forgot.” Shen Qi nodded and took out the Chinese textbook. The first session was the Chinese class, and the Chinese teacher walked into the classroom.

Actually, Shen Qi no longer needs to learn Chinese. He doesn’t need to study any subjects except mathematics, because he is guaranteed to send to Peking University without taking the college entrance examination.

This also brings about a question, how to spend the next year.

Shen Qi knows the signing rules of Peking University.

In November this year and in March and April next year, Shen Qi will go to Peking University to participate in autumn camps and spring camps. This training camp can be understood as allowing students to receive education from Peking University in advance, familiarize themselves with the environment of Peking University, and cultivate their feelings.

Shen Qi chose the Department of Mathematics at Peking University. After studying at the university, in addition to mathematics, he can at least learn physics and English. The Mathematics Department of Peking University is set up like this As for Ma Zhe and Mao Gai, the public Class, just walk around the scene, get the credits and it’s OK without spending too much effort.

The reason why Shen Qi insists on learning Chinese is because as a Chinese, Chinese cannot be too bad.

If you don’t study, there’s nothing to do. It’s so boring and empty.

If you do math every day for a long time, you will feel tired. Learning other subjects is just to adjust your brain.

Since he wants to learn, he must learn it earnestly. In fact, Shen Qi has long wanted to get involved in the field of physics. Whether it is the graphical interpretation of Kepler’s law in the provincial competition, or the topic describing the motion of objects given him by Liu Gu Closely related to physics.

The most frequent subject that intersects with mathematics is physics. It is impossible for mathematics to do not understand physics in the later stage.

The development of physics must rely on mathematics. This is the case with the “Young-Mills Theory and Mass Gap Hypothesis” in the Millennium Problem of Mathematics.

Mr. Zhenning Yang and Mr. Mills jointly proposed a hypothesis: For any compact and simple gauge group, the Yang-Mills equations in the four-dimensional Euclidean space have a predicted mass gap solution.

But the two Nobel Prize winners in Physics think they have limited mathematics and cannot find this solution, so Mr. Yang Zhenning and Mr. Mills asked mathematicians all over the world to help.

This mathematics millennium puzzle came from this, and no mathematician can solve the equation so far.

This case profoundly shows that the development of physics is inseparable from mathematics, and the language that can explain or explain physics is only mathematics.

On the contrary, using mathematics to explain or explain physics also requires mathematicians to have a deep knowledge of physics.

Sooner or later, he must go deep into the field of physics. Shen Qi decided to try the water first. Mathematics is level 6, and physics is level 3 to see what level of actual combat it is.

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