I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Gangster AreYouOk

“Congratulations to the host’s upgrade to level 2 in physics. The host’s observation, memory, imagination, judgment, derivation and other indicators in the field of physics have been significantly improved compared to the previous level, and enjoy the real bonus from mathematics. Deduct 1,000 points Points, with a balance of 37,873 Xueba points.”

“Congratulations to the host’s upgrade to level 3 in physics. The host’s observation, memory, imagination, judgment, derivation and other indicators in the field of physics have been significantly improved compared to the previous level, and enjoy the real bonus from mathematics. 3000 points are deducted. Points, with a balance of 34,873 Xueba points.”

Shen Qi took out 4000 Xueba points to smash physics continuously, raising physics to level 3.

In the past six months, based on personal experience of upgrading mathematics, Shen Qi has a deeper and deeper understanding of the performance of the level mapping set by the system in actual combat.

0 level is a spicy chicken, but it doesn’t mean an idiot. This is Shen Qi’s starting point. He is a scumbag and often fails in exams.

Level 1 mapping is the average level of the class in actual combat.

Level 2 can be the king and dominate in the class or even in the grade, which belongs to the most elementary school hegemony.

Level 3 is an advanced student, you can go to the provinces and cities to participate in subject competitions.

Level 4 is a student who is close to the professional level, and can achieve good results in the national arena.

Level 5, professional level, this level can go to international competitions.

6 level, advanced professional players, how to map the achievements in actual combat needs to be further investigated. Shen Qi’s mathematics has just risen to level 6, and it takes time to verify the actual combat effect.

Math at level 6, Physics at level 3, English at level 2, and other subjects are at level 1. After thinking about it, Shen Qi upgraded the four subjects of Chemistry, Biology, Chinese and Physical Education to Level 2.

Ignore history, geography, and politics. Level 1 is just level 1. These three courses have been cancelled in the third stage of the science class.

Host, Shen Qi

age, 17

Mathematics Level 6 (0/150,000)

Physics Level 3 (0/5000)

Chemistry Level 2 (0/3000)

Biology Level 2 (0/3000)

Language Level 2 (0/3000)

English Level 2 (0/3000)

Sports Level 2 (0/3000)

History Level 1 (0/1000)

Geography Level 1 (0/1000)

Politics Level 1 (0/1000)

Balance Xueba points: 30873 points

After proper general adjustment, Shen Qi’s subject matrix has clear levels, and the main talent mathematics is at the forefront. Mathematics has a certain real bonus to physical and chemical students, and the core leadership position and the highest level of mathematics must be guaranteed.

Among the three subjects of physics and chemistry, Shen Qi wanted to be the first to intervene in physics, so physics was promoted to level 3.

Chemistry, biology, Chinese, and English maintain level 2 standards, which are suppressed in the grades of the class. After all, he is an international Olympic mathematics champion. If Shen Qi’s other subjects are suppressed by his classmates, what will he talk about? Physical education is a relatively special subject, so I won’t show it for now.

After the Chinese class is over, Physics class follows.

“High school physics is nothing more than two main sections, mechanics and electromagnetism. There are no big problems.”

Shen Qi read through the physics textbook. The mechanics of high school physics is nothing more than Newtonian dynamics and energy momentum. Electromagnetism is a little bit more troublesome, including electricity and magnetism. Among them, electricity and magnetism are subdivided into many branches, Coulomb’s law and Ohm. Law, Ampere’s force, Lorentz’s force, Lenz’s law and so on.

Compared with abstract mathematical formulas, theorems, and inferences, Shen Qi feels that many laws of physics are much simpler and more specific. At least Lorentz also drew a diagram to show the magnetic field and electric charge so that readers can understand. The conscience of a scientist.

Hmph, Lagrange, Abel, Fermat, who are the people like to draw pictures with you, especially Fermat, he is too lazy to write a few words, you like to read it, you can’t understand it. Professor Wiles started working on Fermat at the age of 10. It took 30 years to get this big French abstractionist. How many 30 years can human beings have in their lifetime?

“Students, the Ministry of Education has adjusted the syllabus for the college entrance examination, and the wave-particle duality of light has been changed from elective to mandatory.” Physics teacher Zhao Hongtao said on the stage. She is a female teacher, and she is more kind when she is almost fifty.

“According to my years of teaching experience in middle schools, wave-particle duality can be said to be the most difficult part of high school physics. Students must follow my explanations in class. If you don’t understand in class, you will I can’t understand it by myself, and I can’t grasp the center of gravity.” Zhao Hongtao said bitterly, I hope the students in Class 2 must listen to the class carefully.

I’m in the third year of high school, and the students are under a lot of pressure, and the burden on the teachers’ shoulders is not light.

Zhao Hongtao wrote a question on the blackboard: “What is the wavelength of the de Broglie wave of an electron with a kinetic energy of 1.0 eV?”

“This…” Shen Qi hasn’t touched a serious physics book for a long time. In the mathematics journals he subscribed to, he often sees the names of physicists such as Einstein, Heisenberg, and Schrödinger.

For most of the mathematics papers involving these people, Shen Qi basically browsed them quickly and did not go into the details. De Broglie was in the same group with them. Has high school physics entered the field of quantum mechanics?

“This question is difficult to understand electronic static energy and De Broglie wave. I will order a classmate to answer it.” Zhao Hongtao’s eyes locked on a student with a very kind expression: “Shen Qi, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Our Olympiad Champion, let’s do a demonstration. You don’t have to stand up, just sit and talk.”

“This question is really not difficult… De Broglie wavelength…” Shen Qi searched for relevant physics knowledge in the knowledge base, because physics has just reached level 3 and has not had time to sort out some messy information in a fragmented manner in Shen. Odd’s brain fluttered.

“Quantum mechanics… Heisenberg uncertainty principle… Schrödinger’s pick-up method… Who, who imprisoned the cat in a dark cage…” Shen Qi’s brain was painful, and his answer was incoherent.

The whole class was stunned, and Zhao Hongtao waved his hands again and again: “Shen Qi, all I want is a De Broglie wavelength. Don’t make it so complicated, just use high school physics knowledge to solve it.”

“Scientific electromagnetic guns, unreasonable machine guns… For the absolute value of time, light manifests as fluctuations… I can give the static energy of electrons, E0=m0C2=0.512Mev, kinetic energy Ek

“Shen Qi, are you okay?” Chen Xiaoting asked worriedly.

“Shen Qi, is this… crossing the robbery soaring?” The classmates were stunned.

“Forget it, Shen Qi, don’t answer, take a rest.” Zhao Hongtao found that something was wrong with Shen Qi.

Finally, Shen Qi’s brain no longer suffered severe pain, and he returned to normal: “According to my calculations, the wavelength of the de Broglie wave of an electron with a kinetic energy of 1.0eV is 1.23nm.”

“The answer is correct.” Zhao Hongtao nodded, and said a little worried: “Shen Qi, if you feel unwell, you can go to the infirmary to rest.”

“Excuse me, Teacher Zhao, I do feel a little uncomfortable, maybe it’s a fever. I’ll go to the infirmary to take some medicine.” Shen Qi stood up and left the classroom of Grade 3 (2).

“Shen Qi, are you okay?” Chen Xiaoting asked worriedly.

“Shen Qi, is this… crossing the robbery soaring?” The classmates were stunned.

“Forget it, Shen Qi, don’t answer, take a rest.” Zhao Hongtao found that something was wrong with Shen Qi.

Finally, Shen Qi’s brain no longer suffered severe pain, and he returned to normal: “According to my calculations, the wavelength of the de Broglie wave of an electron with a kinetic energy of 1.0eV is 1.23nm.”

“The answer is correct.” Zhao Hongtao nodded, and said a little worried: “Shen Qi, if you feel unwell, you can go to the infirmary to rest.”

“Excuse me, Teacher Zhao, I do feel a little uncomfortable, maybe it’s a fever. I’ll go to the infirmary to take some medicine.” Shen Qi stood up and left the classroom of Grade 3 (2).

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