I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 720

Chapter 692 I agree

“The most common gene mutations that cause prostate cancer are: AR, 62.7%; ETS family, 56.7%; TP53, 53%***TEN, 100% Forty seven.” Shen Qi drew up a preliminary plan for gene therapy for Han Meng.

According to the genetic test results, Han Meng is most likely to die of prostate cancer.

Then start treatment with prostate cancer-related genes.

In the plan, we must first sort out the pathogenesis of prostate cancer at the genetic level.

“In addition, BRCA2 gene mutations have been found in 13% of patients with advanced prostate cancer.” Cui Hualin assisted Shen Qi in this work.

“In the non-androgen receptor-related gene mutations, the PI3K signaling pathway accounts for 49%, the DNA repair system accounts for 19%, the cell cycle kinase CDKs accounts for 7%, and BRAF accounts for 7%. 3. The WNT signal pathway accounts for 5%.” Du Yuan’s academic attitude is the same as everyone’s, speaking with data, and any experimental design is based on proven or predictable data.

“I’m familiar with the next part of the analysis. Loss of heterozygosity in the PTEN gene reduces the expression of PTEN protein, which leads to genome instability and induces high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia. Yes, that’s right, that’s it. “Tang Yaxing continued.

Wu Junqiang added: “In the case of genome instability, chromosomes are prone to rearrangement and recombination, such as the TMPRSS2-ERG gene fusion, which will promote the occurrence of prostate cancer. When the PTEN gene is homozygously deleted, the downstream molecule AKT continues Activate and induce the invasion and metastasis of prostate cancer… Hey, brothers, this is what I wrote my master’s thesis. At that time, I asked my supervisor, since we have figured out the genes of thousands of diseases, including cancer At the level of the pathogenic mechanism, why don’t gene therapy technologies be widely used in clinical practice? Although there are risks in modifying genes, some people may live for another 20 years without changing them. If the disease develops, they have It may only live for two years. There is a Western saying that a moment’s life is also life. Using technology to allow a person to live for a few years or more than ten years is not a good act to save lives? Of course, people who can receive gene therapy , Provided that the expensive treatment costs are affordable.”

Shen Qi asked: “What did your instructor say?”

“My tutor said two words: negative entropy. Until today, I have not been able to understand the true meaning of these two words.” Wu Junqiang said inexplicably.

“It’s a pity, Professor Hu died young.” Shen Qi sighed with a sigh, unexpectedly giving birth to a boyish love.

Wu Junqiang’s tutor, Professor Hu, left when he was in his fifties. The real cause of death is unknown, and his family has been looking for clues.

“Director Shen, what is the true meaning of negative entropy? I have checked the literature. The concept of negative entropy was first proposed by Schrödinger. Schrödinger is a physicist, so why would my tutor quote a physicist? What about the concept? What is the relationship between negative entropy and biology? I really don’t understand, and I would like to ask Director Shen to clarify.” Wu Junqiang asked Shen Qi, the winner of the two promises, and he realized that Shen Qihe His mentors seem to have a common academic philosophy, but this philosophy is relatively advanced, so advanced that even a doctoral student like Wu Junqiang who has studied and worked in a famous biological laboratory can hardly get a Key-point.

Shen Qi said: “Ervin Schrödinger’s first job is a physicist, and he also has a second job and a third job. Schrödinger is an all-rounder, and he is not only proficient in physics. Xiao Wu, this question you asked. , It involves a quite complex theoretical system, which is a level deeper than genomics. Even I know one of them but not the other. So let’s not discuss Schrödinger’s whimsical ideas for the time being, let’s return to the subject. Our protagonist at this stage is Han Meng.”

Han Meng clasped his fist and said, “Director Lao Shen and brothers are bothering you.”

The pathogenic mechanism of Han Meng’s gene therapy has been sorted out clearly.

Next is the detailed discussion of technical operation.

Through gene sequencing, it is predicted that a seemingly healthy person may suffer from a certain disease, or a certain mutation is detected in a person’s DNA, and then the foreign normal gene is introduced into the specific gene locus of the chromosome in the target cell and replaced with a healthy gene Abnormal genes, regroup the DNA to achieve the purpose of curing diseases.

In terms of technical operations, there are two ways: one is to take out the cells from the patient, introduce the missing DNA into the cells, and then transplant the processed cells back into the patient. It is called in vitro gene therapy.

The second is to inject healthy genes directly into the patient’s organs, which is called in vivo gene therapy.

Shen Qi’s setting is in vivo gene therapy.

The technical outline is to use micro-robots to manipulate microneedles to directly inject normal foreign genes into Han Meng’s defective cells.

“So Han Meng, do you agree with our plan?” Shen Qi asked.

“I agree.” Han Meng rolled up his sleeves and took the pen and documents that Shen Qi handed him.

This document is the “Scientific Experiment Volunteer Agreement.”

The main terms of the agreement are: I understand the contents of the experiment, voluntarily participate in this experiment, and bear all risks and possible consequences, including but not limited to triggering new mutations, disappearance of vital signs and other consequences.

Attachment: “Han Meng’s current gene sequencing results”, “Han Meng’s gene sequence prediction after gene therapy (case

The “Scientific Research Experiment Volunteer Agreement” was drafted more rigorously, and the rigor was reflected in the text description and attachments.

After Han Meng received gene therapy, his figure and appearance would not change.

But biologically, he will become another person.

For example, if the current Han Meng has a criminal record, he filed a record with the Public Security Bureau and kept it, and the Public Security Bureau extracted his DNA sample data and stored it in a computer for future reference.

So after receiving gene therapy, Han Meng’s DNA will not match the DNA he filed with the Public Security Bureau.

The achievements and crimes of Han Meng in the past will become history in biology.

The brand-new Han Meng will start a whole new life.

Therefore, Shen Qi attached “Han Meng’s current gene sequencing results” and “Han Meng’s gene sequence prediction after gene therapy (case, and asked Han Meng to sign and suspend.

Han Meng has no criminal record, and he has not committed any crime.

He is willing to help others. He helped his grandmother cross the road, donated the books he finished studying to Hope School, planted a forest on Fuqianbao, and adopted a little hen from the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

From a moral point of view, Han Meng is a good person.

Han Meng’s highest achievement is that he published three SCIs as a work during his Ph.D. study in Canada.

In front of Shen Qi, the three SCI works are not worth showing off.

So Han Meng signed and pressed his fingerprints in the signature box of the “Scientific Research Experiment Volunteer Agreement” without any regrets.

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