I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 721

Chapter 693 Scientists’ desire to spend money can ne

The legally effective procedure is over, and then it enters the specific stage of operation.

Before doing gene therapy, you must first buy the necessary hardware and software.

To find a supplier to buy hardware and software, Shen Qi put forward his suggestion: “The micro robots and microneedles, as well as the supporting operating software, are available on the market. The most well-known supplier in the world is Germany. ART, the domestic Huahan Gene is also number one in Asia and the world’s forefront, and it is trustworthy. My purchase suggestion is to choose between ART and Huahan Gene. If you have other suppliers, you can also recommend it.”

Everyone said: “Agree to Director Shen’s two-choice procurement plan.”

“Han Meng previously purchased 5 million yuan in basic equipment and equipment, saving our research team one or two million yuan, and also bought the best goods. It can be said that he spent a small amount of money to do big things and did very beautifully. This time the gene therapy The purchase of hardware and software should be handled by Han Meng. Which hardware and software to buy, and what specifications and models to buy, Han Meng has the final say, after all, you are the protagonist of this gene therapy experiment. The purchase amount this time is relatively large. In the procurement process, please be sure to pay attention to integrity and discipline. That’s all I want to say, everyone is busy and go.” Shen Qi arranged the work of the biological laboratory, and the meeting adjourned.

The 3 billion base pairs of humans were sequenced as early as 2003. So far, only 2% of the content encodes more than 20,000 human genes.

With just these 2% content coding, it is possible to technically edit and modify thousands of disease-causing genes.

If it encodes the remaining 98% of the unknown genetic material, it will be a masterpiece.

Encoding is one thing, and controllability after encoding is another issue.

The 120 billion kilometers of human DNA lines, cells that keep dividing, the speed of change at the molecular level far exceeds the efficiency of human exploration.

What is the ultimate form of biology?

Shen Qi fell into deep thought.

The actual advancement of the first research phase of the “Gene Engineering Research Project” has exceeded the research scope originally set by Shen Qi.

The 11 million research funding issued by the National Natural Science Research Fund is simply not enough. The price of only an A2 type micro robot produced by ART is as high as 3 million euros.

With the addition of supporting microneedles, programming software, implantable modules and cell targeting agents, the total price of a set of the most advanced gene therapy equipment and raw materials is more than 5 million euros.

The 100 million RMB scientific research sponsorship from the Shen Zhishan Foundation will be used first. As the “Gene Engineering Research Project” is gradually launched, new funds will be applied for within the budget.

The Shen Qi Research Center’s research budget for this year is 900 million RMB, the highest among all departments and schools of Quanyan University.

Shen Qi allocates 300 million in physics, 280 million in chemistry, 300 million in biology, and 20 million in mathematics.

His favorite mathematics, he only gave an annual scientific research budget of 20 million yuan.

This is the nature of the subject. The most expensive subjects are physics and biology, and then chemistry.

Mathematics is diligent and thrifty.

“Boss Shen, the annual scientific research budget of our mathematics room this year is only 20 million. How can this be enough?” Zhou Yuan, the director of the mathematics room, couldn’t sit still. He had more than 20 mathematics researchers combined into 10 mathematics research projects. The average research budget of each research group this year is RMB 2 million.

Central Physics Room, buy a nano-level processing equipment, 9 million US dollars.

The central chemistry room is doing phase II clinical research on chemical drugs. This year’s funding is 120 million yuan.

In the central biology room, except for Shen Qi, who is also the head of the room, the other five people are Ph.Ds who fled back to China. They bought a set of fancy gadgets that weighed less than a catty and cost 5 million euros.

There is no harm without comparison.

Zhou Yuan and his brothers and sisters who are doing basic theoretical research feel humble.

“No way, the center is poor. We have to tighten our belts and spend the past few years.” Shen Qi was also helpless. The state gave his center a research budget of 900 million yuan a year, and his center is only one of Yanda University. Department, and 900 million yuan is higher than the annual scientific research budget of some 985 universities.

It can be said that the state has given the Shen Qi scientific research center the greatest support. The annual scientific research budget of his department is higher than that of the entire university of Shanxi University.

For such a wealthy university affiliated department, there is only one Shenqi Research Center in China.

But in the field of scientific research, scientists’ desire to spend money can never be completely satisfied.

“No matter how poor you are, you can’t be poor in mathematics. Without mathematics, how can there be rationality and chemistry?” Zhou Yuan is an extremely determined mathematics fighter. The scientific research funding of 20 million is really not that much. 20 million is placed outside, and you can only buy a commercial house of more than 100 square meters in a better location in the capital.

“That’s the truth, but Yu’an, I really can’t squeeze out the money to add to the math room. It is also not advisable to dismantle the east wall to make up the west wall, not to mention the cost of our psychological metaplasia section this year is also stretched.

“Boss Shen, our mathematics room only has a scientific research budget of 20 million this year, which is really not enough. I will show you the details and see for yourself. The research on the partial overall principles derived from the BSD conjecture, this has to be done? Drag coefficient Model, this is a project in cooperation with the Ninth Institute, right? The application of the NS equation in the electromagnetic gun system is also a project in cooperation with the Ninth Institute. This is a political task. Don’t we dare to do it? Easy to be beautiful? And, as Hodge guessed…”

“…So Boss Shen, touch your conscience and tell me, is 20 million enough?” Zhou Yuan poked Shen Qi’s heart.

“It’s really not enough.” Shen Qi shook his head and said again: “Yuan, you can go outside to sponsor, raise your own funds.”

“Where can I get sponsorship?”

“Shen Zhishan Foundation, you go find them.”

“It’s really hard for your old Shen family. You use the power of a family to subsidize China’s scientific research.” Zhou Yuan certainly knows the relationship between Shen Zhishan and Shen Qi. How long can your company last?”

“I believe this is a task: to make the money you can make fairly and honestly Make money as much as you can, and then give it out as much as possible.” Shen Qi quoted a famous quote from the old Rockefeller, Then he said: “Yuan, is there only money left between our brothers? You asked me three times this month, all for money.”

Zhou Yuan smiled: “Apart from money, maybe there is only wine left between us.”

Shen Qi: “We are the brothers when we go to drink tonight.”

Zhou Yuan asked in turn: “Is it interesting for two old men to be boring?

Shen Qi He said, “How many girls do I need to arrange?”

“Obey boss Shen’s arrangement.”

“Before arranging the girl, you first tell me, to what extent do we need to study these scientific research projects in cooperation with the Ninth Academy? Experiment or actual combat? Local or global?”

“These are all political tasks, what do you think, Boss Shen?”

“Then I understand, I will arrange a few more girls for you tonight.”

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