I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 725

Chapter 696 The power of genetic inheritance

Three days later, the results of each grade group of this Spring Festival Cup semi-finals were announced.

Name: Shen Nuofei

School: Experimental Second Primary School

Group: fifth grade group

Achievement: First prize

“Five-and-a-half-year-old student Shen Nuofei is the youngest player to win the first prize in the history of the Spring Festival Cup. Congratulations to student Nuofei Shen!” — Congratulatory message from the Organizing Committee of the Spring Festival Cup.

“[Shen Qi’s daughter created a new history of Chinese elementary school mathematics competition!] — In the just-concluded Spring Festival Cup elementary school mathematics competition, Shen Nuofei, the daughter of the famous mathematician, physicist, and chemist Shen Qi, was five and a half years old. Age, won the first prize in the fifth grade group, she is the youngest player in history to win!” — News from the push APP.

“[The power of genetic inheritance] —Most of the children under the age of six have not yet entered elementary school, and Shen Nuofei has won the highest prize in the elementary school mathematics competition in the fifth grade group. Shen Nuofei’s father, Shen Qi, is the world The most outstanding mathematician in China is the Philippine Prize winner. Shen Nuofi’s mother, Ou Ye, is also an excellent mathematician. She is expected to win the Philippine Prize this year for proving the BSD conjecture. We are marveling at Shen Nuofi’s creation of history At the same time, I have to admit the magic of genetic inheritance.” — A report from Hotsou.com.

The Spring Festival Cup was originally not so attractive, so the media reported on it at the first time.

There are more gifted children in China, and we report a gifted child to the people all over the country every day. There is no shortage of material every day, 365 days a year.

Why the media only reported on Shen Nuofei, perhaps because of Shen Nuofei’s parents.

Classmate Shen Nuofi received the first honor certificate in her life.

“Nuofei is awesome!” Shen Qi lifted Nuofei high and let him ride a horse on his shoulders.

“Slightly, dad, run!” Shen Nuofei drove her father and ran from the first floor to the third floor in Academician Shen’s villa, then from the third floor to the basement, and finally returned to the living room.

The certificate of honor for the first prize of the Spring Festival Cup was shining, and Shen Nuofei made up the last piece of the puzzle of the Shen family in the field of mathematics.

Through the efforts of two generations of father and daughter, this family has collected a full set of mathematics honors from elementary school mathematics competitions to the Fields Medal.

The Shen family became one of the most legendary families in the history of mathematics. In time, Nophie has younger siblings, and this family may continue to flourish.

The first semester of Shen Nuofi’s first grade ended with perfect results.

Shen Qi still had some work to do before the Spring Festival.

Han Meng reported to Shen Qi in business: “Director Shen, the bidding technical documents have been sent to Huahan Gene. I think I can go to Huahan Gene to inspect the Huahan XT80 series and other aspects of their company.”

Shen Qi agreed: “No problem, we should go. After all, they are definitely more professional than us in terms of equipment and instruments. If it’s an inspection, it’s actually a study.”

The pilot can fly the aircraft, but the aircraft operating instructions are written by the aircraft manufacturer.

The group of people like Shen Qi will do experiments, but the experimental equipment is manufactured by the equipment supplier.

The equipment supplier is definitely the person who understands the equipment best, and the equipment user only needs to master the equipment operation method.

Including Shen Qi, these six biological researchers have never used Huahan XT80 series gene editing equipment.

Therefore, it is necessary to go to Huahan Gene Company to understand the operation method of XT80 on the spot.

“I want to call a brother to go to Huahan Gene Company with me. After all, the person who performed gene therapy on me is not myself.” Han Meng said that he is a healthy patient who is full of disease-causing genes. , The patient cannot operate on himself.

In other words, in addition to Han Meng, there must be at least one person who can master the XT80 operation method.

“Six of us, let’s go to Huahan Gene.” Shen Qi made a decision. He said, “Whether it’s good to go to Huahan Gene for training, it’s okay to ask Huahan Gene’s engineers to come to our laboratory to train us. I hope we Everyone can master the use and maintenance methods of XT80 at the fastest speed.”

The gene editing equipment is different from a mass spectrometer.

The operating methods of mass spectrometers produced in the United States, or Japan, or domestically produced mass spectrometers are similar, and some skilled laboratory dogs can operate without reading the instructions.

There are only a few well-known gene editing equipment manufacturers, and each manufacturer has a different technical route.

Even if the technical routes are similar, the operating systems and modules are very different.

It is also a micro-robot for gene editing. ART-A2 and Huahan XT80 are similar in use, but they are equivalent to two different products in terms of operating details.

The most important thing is, whether it is ART-A2 or XT80, Shen Qi has never used it personally, so he wants to go to Huahan Gene Company for field investigation.

On the other hand, in the field of biological research, especially in the field of genetic research, Huahan Gene is much better than the biological laboratory of the Shen Qi Research Center.

Huahan Gene has been established for decades and has completed many outstanding scientific projects such as anti-SARS research, Yanhuang series research, and rice gene project research.

The Biological Laboratory of the Shen Qi Research Center has only been officially in operation for a few months. Their laboratory is led by a mathematician, physicist and chemist, and the members are five Ph.

Party A’s visit to Party B is a relatively well-known argument. In fact, Shen Qi and the others are studying.

The headquarters of Huahan Gene is in the capital. They are listed companies. They both sell products and do scientific research. The premise for this kind of technical company to sell products is to do research. If they can’t research the core technology, their products will have no market.

All technology companies with Chinese characters often have several things in common.

First, the staff salaries are amazingly high.

Second, technology is paramount.

Third, customer first.

Fourth, work overtime during the Spring Festival for orders.

As the Spring Festival approaches, Huahan Gene’s headquarters in Zhongguancun is still busy, and there is no sign of a holiday.

Six people including Shen Qi came to Huahan Gene, and they were received by the president of Huahan Gene, the dean of Huahan Research Institute, as well as product director, sales director, production director…

Huahan Gene accepts those leaders with this standard, which is the highest standard for reception.

“Mr. Lu, we are not here to inspect our work, but to learn with an humility.” Shen Qi couldn’t laugh or cry. Our laboratory is just willing to buy a set of your products, so don’t be so excited.

Under Shen Qi’s suggestion, the president of Huahan Research Institute eventually accompanied them to visit the headquarters.

On the way to the research building, Shen Qi asked: “Dean Li, how many researchers do you have in your research institute?”

Dean Li said: “The number of researchers in the capital headquarters plus the South China and East China branches is more than 1,000. All of them have a master’s degree or above. One third of them are PhDs. Well, there is a post-doctoral mobile station. Engineering staff Half of Huahan Gene’s employees are technical employees.”

“Oh, awesome!” Shen Qi sincerely praised that Huahan Gene has tens of thousands of employees, half of whom are technical. The more than 1,000 researchers named by Dean Li are mainly engaged in academic research.

There are five biological dogs under Shen Qi. There are no more than 200 people including all the researchers in the center of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

In a sense, Huahan Gene is also a scientific research institution.

Shen Qi asked again: “It is said that fresh doctoral students come to work here, with an annual salary of 2.5 million starting from the top?”

Dean Li: “It also depends on the school, their specific research directions, and their performance from undergraduate to doctoral level. Not every new PhD student can get a basic salary of 2.5 million, and some have worked for several years. I only got a PhD with an annual salary of over 1 million.”

“Your treatment here is really good.” Shen Qi secretly said, it is no wonder that many universities cannot recruit excellent researchers, and the salary offered in universities is too low compared to some companies. The doctors and masters with a little technical content are very good these days, where can the money be given?

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