I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 726

Chapter 697 The blazing and unrestrained imagination

A line of eye-catching characters hung above the main entrance of the Huahan Gene Research Building: “Cure several diseases and benefit all mankind.”

Shen Qi and his party followed Dean Li into the lobby of the building. What they saw was a giant wall screen. A Murakami-style face occupies half of the screen, which looked a little scary.

The glass cover under the screen displays a microscope, thermometer, stethoscope, anesthetic, aspirin, kidney dialyzer, oral contraceptives, endoscope, cardiac pacemaker…all are important inventions of Western medicine.

The huge face on the screen is talking: “I will do my best to take medical measures that I believe are beneficial to the patient, and not cause pain and harm to the patient. I will not give the poison to anyone, nor will I instigate others to use it. No matter what. Entering someone’s house is just for treatment, not doing whatever you want, not accepting bribes, and not seduce the opposite sex…”

If he had not heard this famous quote, Shen Qi would really not recognize that this huge face with a strong violent cartoon style was Hippocrates.

Hippocrates was a doctor in the era of Perek in ancient Greece, and was hailed as the “Father of Western Medicine” by the Western medical community.

Shen Qi asked with interest: “Dean Li, did you ask Murakami Takashi to design this Hippocratic face?”

“Yes, it’s not expensive, it only cost more than 700,000 US dollars. Mr. Lu gave me the hand-drawn drawings of Takashi Murakami. In my office, it seems that Academician Shen also has a lot of research on art.” Nodded long and made a please gesture: “Please inside.”

Everyone walked in along the west corridor. There are also wall screens on both sides of the corridor.

A bunch of faces on the screen stared at the pedestrians passing by. They were Galen, Visali, Pavlov, Hartwell, Hymens, Landsteiner, Greengard… Passing by this corridor, they seemed to relive. Go through the history of western biomedicine development.

Out of the corridor, he suddenly became clear.

Here is a small hall with a tall physical statue in the center.

The bust statues of Watson and Crick, which are more than three meters high, are vivid. Watson’s eyes are deep looking up and Crick is smiling.

In the middle of the statues of the two biologists, there is a huge noose-like color model with a height of 5 meters, which is a very vivid DNA double helix structure.

Every human body has a double helix structure. The essence of DNA is actually a nucleic acid molecule.

When the double helix structure nucleic acid molecule was enlarged to the height of three people and appeared in front of Shen Qi and others, they stopped in awe.

In the small hall sounded a voice like fire and electricity and clouds and fog: “The silicon age is over, and the carbon age is coming as scheduled. What is carbon? It is mice, viruses, genes, evolution, development, and life… This is the carbon age 1.0 We still need to work hard. We are going to enter the Carbon Age 2.0, which is synthetic mice, artificial viruses, engineered genes, double evolution, data development and artificial life… Everyone, the revolution has not yet succeeded and cannot stand still. I will keep watching. You, look at your imagination like flames, dissipating ignorance and stubbornness, and creating a new era…The silicon era is over, the carbon era…”

This sound is played in a loop, reminiscent of the school-wide announcement played by the principal through a loudspeaker while reading.

Shen Qi closed his eyes and listened. Five of his doctoral students looked around, seemingly wanting to find the speaker of this voice.

Dean Li stared at the air with an extremely religious attitude. His right index finger and **** were brought together, and his fingertips were pressed against his belly button, his body was straight, as if he was performing some kind of etiquette.

Shen Qi suddenly opened his eyes and asked Dean Li: “Carbon Age 1.0, Carbon Age 2.0, who proposed these concepts?”

Dean Li returned to normal, he said two words: “Boss.”

Shen Qi asked again: “The boss of your company, isn’t Mr. Lu?”

Dean Li said of course: “General Lu manages the company and the boss guards the company.”

“Oh, like this.” Shen Qi said calmly. He felt that the boss mentioned by Dean Li seemed to be Dean Li’s spiritual leader? And President Lu is just the administrative leader of Dean Li?

“The concept your boss put forward is in line with my academic thinking to a certain extent. How do you call your boss?” Shen Qi asked curiously.

Dean Li: “Boss.”

“Oh, like this.” Shen Qi became more and more curious. The boss is quite mysterious. Could it be that the boss has a big name?

Shen Qi raised an earnest hope: “Then can I meet your boss?”

“I’m sorry, Academician Shen, our boss is not here.” Dean Li shook his head to apologize, and said: “Let’s go upstairs. There is an XT80 experiment today, I hope you will be satisfied.”

Dean Li led Shen Qi and others to the second floor. Before entering the sterilization cabin, everyone put on protective suits, masks, and headgear.

“Dean Li is young and promising, are you less than 40 years old this year?” When Shen Qi saw Dean Li, he was deeply impressed by this person.

Dean Li has thick hair and ruddy skin, and he looks a few years older than Shen Qi.

It is remarkable that a person under the age of forty can become the dean of the Huahan Research Institute.

“I’m not that young. I have passed the year of knowing the destiny.” Dean Li smiled and guided Shen Qi and the group of customers into the sterilization cabin, disinfected and sterilized.

After the necessary sterilization process was completed, everyone came to the experimental research area of ​​the building.

The doors of one laboratory after another were closed tightly, and a few researchers in white or blue coveralls and masks were walking in the corridor. They could only visually determine whether they were male or female from their bodies.

The temperature in the corridor area was around 15 degrees, which was much warmer than the snowy outdoors, but it made Shen Qi and the others feel a deep cold.

A door opened, and the air-conditioning swooped down the corridor.

Shen Qi’s cold deep into the bone marrow intensified, and the room that opened the door was the human embryo freezing storage room.

A researcher came out carrying a cylindrical container. The cylindrical container was bubbling with white gas.

The researcher nodded to Dean Li, Shen Qi and the others, and said hello, and then walked quickly to another room without saying a word.

The door of the human embryo freezing storage room closed automatically, and Shen Qi could not see the specific situation inside.

“Every fertilized egg is a potential person. We have more than one million people here.” Dean Li followed the researcher carrying the human embryo container to the door of Laboratory 028, and the researcher had already entered.

“You have an army.” Shen Qi said and followed Dean Li into Lab 028.

It is much colder in Lab 028 than in the corridors. Researchers are operating various instruments and doing various experiments quietly.

The ingenious manipulator disassembles and assembles samples in the billowing white mist, which are samples of DNA, bone marrow, and umbilical cord blood.

A robot the size of a pinky thumb is receiving samples in the delivery window, and a row of gene sequencers work at high speed and precision, emitting a faint green light, reminiscent of fireflies at night in a graveyard.


Han Meng sneezed, he slightly bent over, clasped his arms to observe everything in the laboratory, this posture made him feel a little warmer psychologically.

Very advanced laboratory. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

This is Han Meng’s intuitive feeling.

Han Meng, who has studied and worked at the P4 Canadian National Biological Laboratory, feels that Huahan Gene’s laboratory is no worse than foreign ones.

Only from the hardware evaluation, the Huahan Genetic Laboratory has the strength of P4 level.

Miniaturization, automation, and digitization are fully utilized here. Samples are first entered into the text library before sequencing, and then read, and then the genetic code is mass-produced. These sophisticated experiments are programmed by the researcher, and the remaining molecular-level operations are handed over to highly automated, digital robots, manipulators, and various instruments to complete.

The researchers here test everything, including corgi, English short, domestic pigs, wild boars, alpacas, penguins, rice, okra, E. coli, lactic acid bacteria, influenza viruses, HIV… and DNA samples of various patients, including self-inflicted Children with autism, women with diabetes, middle-aged men with tumors, elderly people with dementia, and even dead people.

Ah… Ah hee!

The posture of arms folded for warmth made Han Meng feel colder instead.

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