I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 727

Chapter 698 Sophisticated and complex operation

“Dean Li, is that XT80?” Han Meng is most concerned about XT80, after all, this set of gene editing equipment will be used on his body.

Dean Li nodded: “Yes, our researcher will show you how to operate XT80.”

In fact, the researchers are already operating the XT80 for experiments, and they are doing experiments every day.

The experimental sample is a human embryo cultivated in vitro. It comes from a human embryo storage room and is a member of Dean Li’s millions of troops.

The sample is on the 13th day of its life cycle, so “it” is used to describe this sample here.

When the sample develops to the 14th day, according to the regulations of international organizations, the third person should be changed to “he” or “she”.

The 14-day principle is: in principle, various biological experiments can only be performed on human embryos within 14 days.

International organizations believe that a fertilized egg is a mature person in a moral sense by the 14th day of its development.

The “it” that develops to the 13th day is very small, a sac-like object with a maximum diameter of a few millimeters. “It” is filled with liquid, and the ectoderm of “it” will develop into the epidermis, nails, hair, teeth, sense organs and nervous system The endoderm develops into the digestive system, liver, pancreas, salivary glands, and respiratory system. The mesoderm becomes the dermis, muscles, tendons, circulatory system, and excretory system.

“This sample has one more chromosome 21.” Dean Li explained simultaneously, concisely and accurately, cutting into the theme in one sentence.

“Oh.” Han Meng carefully observed the experiment process, and the details of the experiment were displayed on the computer screen connected to the XT80.

Humans have two groups of 46 chromosomes, and one extra chromosome in the sample is obviously abnormal.

60% of fertilized eggs with an extra chromosome 21 will be aborted in the mother’s body when they develop to a few months. Survivors are different from normal people in terms of IQ, appearance, and figure, which is called Down syndrome in medicine. Syndrome or congenital stupidity.

An unknown researcher operated the XT80 micro-robot to control the microneedle and perform gene editing on the sample.

Chromosomes are genetic material, and each single group of chromosomes contains all the information codes.

Gene is the carrier of genetic material, and the code involved in all the development of the organism is delicately wrapped in the small material particles such as the fertilized egg, which is a miracle in itself.

Unlike gene sequencing and text reading/translation operations, XT80 is almost entirely controlled manually by researchers, and its operation details are extremely complicated.

After a complex operation at the molecular level, the researcher re-edited the genetic material in the sample, removed the defective gene in the sample, and injected the normal gene into the sample.

The sample received gene therapy at the stage of fertilized eggs, and it said goodbye to Down syndrome.

“The XT80 operation is very troublesome, but the effect is very good.” Han Meng made an evaluation.

Dean Li said: “The second-generation XT80 will be greatly optimized. When the time comes, gene editing will be as simple as playing a game on a mobile phone. After about two years, the second-generation XT80 will be officially launched. If you can’t wait two Years, then this generation of XT80 should also be able to meet your current needs. This generation of XT80 is indeed a bit cumbersome in operation, but it does not matter, our product engineers are on call to ensure that you learn how to operate XT80, after all You are all excellent talents with high IQ, and learning new things will definitely be fast.”

“Yes, Dean Li, in the field of biology, you are more professional than us. The six of us also come to you with a learning mentality this time to learn advanced experience and technology.” Shen Qi said modestly, seeing is In fact, he is satisfied with XT80.

Although Shen Qi and the others were intended customers, they did not even pay a dime deposit to Huahan Gene.

Under normal circumstances, customers who have not paid a deposit cannot come to this laboratory full of core technologies.

Shen Qi still has a good face, and Hua Han Gene is full of sincerity in his reception.

Shen Qi asked: “Dean Li, after this 13-day sample has been used for this gene editing experiment, what are you going to do next?”

Dean Li replied: “Save the experimental data and dispose of the samples.”

Shen Qi felt that Dean Li did not tell the truth: “Really deal with it?”

“The 14-day principle hangs over our heads, of course we have to deal with it.” Dean Li pointed to the air above, as if the sword of Damocles was hanging there.

“But your boss’s mental instructions seem to be dismissive of those principles.”

“Haha.” Dean Li smiled nonchalantly, and he asked back: “So Academician Shen, what is your attitude towards those principles?”

Shen Qi thought for a while and said, “Let us dissipate our ignorance and stubbornness like a flame of imagination.”

“Hahaha!” Dean Li laughed loudly, his right index finger and **** subconsciously gathered together and pressed against his belly button.

Several researchers in the laboratory also made similar moves.

Dean Li and unnamed researchers made small gestures similar to ceremonial and ceremonial actions, which were all captured by Shen Qi. He yearned forward and said: “I am more and more interested in meeting your boss.”

“If there is a chance, there is a chance.” Dean Li became more enthusiastic, and he said again: “Will you continue to investigate the operation of the XT80 or go to other places to check it out?”

Shen Qi asked, “Can we enter anywhere in this building?”

“Below the seventh floor, feel free to visit. Above the seventh floor, I am afraid I have to stay Is it so open? Shen Qi thinks that both public and private should take care of domestic brands. If he and his team go there When I went to ART’s German headquarters, I was afraid that I would not be able to enjoy such open treatment. He said: “We have a more intuitive understanding of the operation of XT80. Then, we will ask your product engineers to do more work on us. Training. If Dean Li is free, we would like to follow you to visit the human embryo freezing storage room, the molecular dynamics research room, the isolated organ storage room, the night radiation spawning room, the neurological research center, the resurrection extinct biology research room and the microbiology room. I just saw the structural drawing of your research building on the first floor. The places I mentioned are all below the seventh floor. ”

“Academician Shen’s memory is croaking.” Dean Li marveled at Shen Qi’s unforgettable super memory. He showed a warm and open hospitality and led colleagues from Yan University to visit those outsiders according to Shen Qi’s request. Said a very mysterious laboratory and storage room.

“Huahan Gene’s stock has pulled a few daily limit. It seems that I have to buy some Huahan Gene.” On the way to the Resurrection Extinction Biology Laboratory, Shen Qi learned that Huahan Gene’s recent performance in the stock market is bullish. Soaring to the sky, ran to no friends.

Dean Li mysteriously provided internal information: “Then buy it now, Huahan Gene has to continue to rise.”

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