I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 44

Chapter 44: Namikaze Minato, Jiu Xunna’S Stronger 1.0 Project (Ninth Change)

In the morning when the morning sun shines.


And ushered in a new sunrise.

in the room.

With a light fragrance permeates the air.

“Minato, Naruto, it’s time for breakfast.”

Uzumaki Kushina’s gentle voice sounded.

Then came Naruto and Minato’s response.


“It’s coming soon, Mom!”

After speaking, Naruto came to the table with a smile.

This feeling, which he had never experienced before, made a smile appear on his face.

The three sat down.

Started to eat gradually.

Three days have passed since the revival of Namikaze Minato and Kukuna.

For three days, Naruto was somewhat silent in this kind of happy life.

Although he had experienced the feeling of family in his previous life, it was given by Teacher Jiraiya, and it was given by Hinata, not by his parents.

It feels completely different.

“Naruto, I will return the yin attribute Kurama Chakra to your body later.”

Seeming to think of something, Namikaze Minato opened his mouth in deep thought.

“No need for now, Dad, you don’t have much chakra, and Kurama’s yin chakra can just supplement your chakra.”

Naruto put down the chopsticks in his hand, and opened his mouth ponderingly.

His father, Namikaze Minato, is very strong, there is no doubt about it.

As a key figure in the Sannin World War, his father was given the title of Yellow Lightning by the ninja world, and even the enemy ninjas issued orders to give up the mission when they met their father.

But this is only in the ninja world. Facing the next big change, his father’s strength is not enough.

Not to mention the later Ōtsutsuki, even the follow-up Obito, Madara, his father’s strength is weaker.

The return of Kurama Chakra has indeed improved Naruto a lot, but this kind of improvement is not qualitative. Instead of these few improvements, it is better to give it to his father temporarily, which can also improve his father’s overall strength.


Hearing his son’s words, Namikaze Minato couldn’t help but hesitate a bit.

“Okay, eat at ease, we’ll talk about this later.”

Kukuna spoke angrily.

The two chatted and hurried to eat.

After a while, the family finished their breakfast happily.

Kukuna cleared the tableware.

And Naruto and Namikaze Minato walked to the side.

Namikaze Minato looked at Naruto, pondered and then spoke again.

“Naruto, from your memory, the future enemy is indeed too terrifying. Since we are resurrected, we must become stronger. At least we can’t drag you back. If you don’t take back Kurama, then stay here. In addition, I am going to practice with your mother, I will go to Mount Myōboku, and your mother will go to Wetbone Forest.”

“I didn’t complete my fairy art before, and I didn’t completely complete the research on Rasengan. This time, I just finished it.”

Namikaze Minato muttered and spoke.

This is the result of his thinking for a few days.

Although he had just been resurrected, he wanted to spend more time with his son.

But the memory of his son made Namikaze Minato nervous.

I also have to feel worried about my own strength.

In the end, he was in a difficult situation, but he still made a decision.

It has been resurrected now, and the days to come are still long, there is no need for this moment, it is better to work hard to improve yourself.

“I understand.”

Listening to his father’s words, Naruto nodded.

Not much disappointed.

After all, in this era, no one is more aware of the importance of strength than him.

He also agrees with his father’s choice very much.

But after thinking about it, Naruto couldn’t help but speak again.

“But father, it’s better to develop Flying Thunder God further to see if it can jump into different spaces.”

Words come out.

Naruto then looked at his father.

Flying Thunder God is an S-level time-space ninjutsu invented by Second Hokage· Senju Tobirama, which belongs to Body Flicker Technique.

Using the technique to achieve teleportation, the caster will leave the Flying Thunder God spell on the target in advance, which can make the caster or objects in indirect contact with the caster Chakra move instantly, and the spell cannot be erased after being marked Mode. The caster can transfer large targets multiple times when energetic. This technique can be used to attack, shorten the distance of long-range ninjutsu, disrupt, surprise opponents and divert targets, and can also be used for evasion and escape in critical situations. No imprint is required to activate.

In the ninja world, Flying Thunder God is undoubtedly extremely powerful.

But the key point is that when facing Ōtsutsuki, the role of Flying Thunder God is not so great. After all, Flying Thunder God cannot jump in different spaces, while Ōtsutsuki means that everyone can jump in different spaces. (The Commander in the original book was thrown into a different space by Kaguya, neither Namikaze Minato nor Senju Tobirama appeared, Flying Thunder God should not be able to jump into a different space, otherwise Obito would not want to suck Minato into the Kamui space).

“A different space?”

“I see.”

Namikaze Minato thought about his son’s memory, then nodded.

Indeed, for the next time and space, the current Flying Thunder God is indeed not enough, he needs a higher level Flying Thunder God to be enough.

Just a step forward for Flying Thunder God, even for Namikaze Minato it was extremely difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, give it a try.

“Father, if mother is going to the wet bone forest, how should I go now that Grandma Tsunade is not here?”

As if thinking of something, Naruto asked again.

“Don’t worry, I’ve asked Katsuyu to notify Master Tsunade.”

“As long as we want to go, we can reverse the Summoning past.”

Namikaze Minato spoke with a smile.

Obviously this man is already ready.


“That’s good!”

“By the way, father, this is my development of Rasengan. When you develop Rasengan, you can also look at it!”

As if thinking of something, Naruto immediately took out a scroll.

That was a few days ago, he engraved the ninjutsu of spiral shuriken on it.

It was originally intended to be placed in the Book of Seals, and this moment is just in time.

(Ninth update, there will be another update)

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