I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 47

Chapter 47 Kakashi Strengthening Plan 2 (Second)

In the open space.

Kakashi’s battle with Namikaze Minato soon broke out.

But even if Namikaze Minato died young, Kakashi has grown up for more than ten years. From the age point of view, Kakashi is even two years older than Namikaze Minato at this moment.

After all, Kakashi is already twenty-six years old now, and Namikaze Minato has just been resurrected, counting at the age of death, he is only twenty-four years old now.

However, in the past ten years, Kakashi’s strength has not been significantly improved, and he has only reached the level of Elite Jōnin from Jōnin.

And even Elite Jōnin has a big gap from Kage-level.

Namikaze Minato is a genuine Kage-level, and it’s not just an ordinary Kage-level, at least it’s a high-end Kage-level.

The battle was almost a one-sided result.

In less than twenty breaths, Kakashi fell directly to the ground.

“Minato-sensei, you are too strong.”

Kakashi said with a wry smile, even though he had tried countless methods, Kakashi had nothing to do in the face of the Flying Thunder God, the teacher who was elusive.

“Haha, Kakashi, you’ve been a little slack these years.”

Minato smiled and pulled Kakashi up.

“Father, see if Teacher Kakashi can learn about Flying Thunder God.”

Naruto walked in, looked at Kakashi, couldn’t help being moved, and then spoke to his father.

The role of Flying Thunder God is beyond doubt.

Teacher Kakashi wants to improve, but in fact, there are only a few directions.

Without the Ōtsutsuki bloodline, he cannot evolve towards Ōtsutsuki.

However, the strength of Mr. Kakashi is not the end. After decades, Kakashi who lost Sharingan can also reach the Kage-level level.

Kakashi, who has just become Elite Jōnin, can naturally continue to improve.

The continued development of Thunder attribute Chakra and the utilization of Obito Sharingan are good directions.

But Naruto thought of his father’s Flying Thunder God.

As Mr. Kakashi who has obtained the Obito Sharingan, he also has a certain space talent. It may not be a problem to master Flying Thunder God.

And as long as he masters the Flying Thunder God, even if he is not as powerful as his father, it is enough for Kakashi to go one step further.

“Flying Thunder God?”

“Alright, I will let Kakashi try it next, but Flying Thunder God is very difficult to master. I have taught many people, and so far only the three of Xuanjian have barely gotten started, and only three of them can perform it.”

Namikaze Minato smiled wryly.

He is not a self-preserving person, Flying Thunder God has taught many people.

But basically can’t learn.

Can’t even get started.

There are only his three guards in front of him, and the three of them still need to perform together.

The former Obito, Kakashi, and Lin couldn’t even get started.

But thinking of Kakashi and Obito’s Kamui, Namikaze Minato nodded.

I couldn’t learn it before, but it doesn’t mean I can’t learn it now.

With Kamui, he has already mastered time and space ninjutsu, and it may be possible to learn Flying Thunder God.

“Thank you teacher.”

Kakashi froze for a moment, then thanked Namikaze Minato.

“No problem.”

“Come with me, Teacher Jiraiya is practicing fairy arts over there, so we won’t bother you, just go to the other side.”

Namikaze Minato spoke.

Then he took Kakashi and walked to the other side.

And Naruto did not follow the past.

This time he was only responsible for sending Mr. Kakashi over, and he didn’t plan to stay here any longer.

After all, he doesn’t have much to improve in a short time.

Just get used to the Rinnegan slowly and then transplant another Rinnegan.

As for the others, don’t think too much about it for now.


The white smoke dissipated, and his figure disappeared in place.

Konoha Village.

Naruto’s figure reappeared.

In the following time, his life became relatively dull.

Although he was alone again, but now he would never feel lonely again.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

this month.

While Naruto is familiar with Rinnegan, he is also familiar with the power in his body now.

With the transplantation of Rinnegan, the unsealing of Kurama, and the awakening of blood, Naruto’s body has undoubtedly undergone earth-shaking changes.

This feeling is even similar to that of the Fourth Ninja World War in the previous life.

At that time, his strength also improved by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

From mastering Kurama Chakra Mode, to Kurama Mode, to Fairy Fox Mode, and then to Six Paths Mode.

The strength has improved by leaps and bounds within four days.

Although the promotion this time is not as exaggerated as in the previous life, after all, even if he has reached the present, his strength has not touched the Six Paths level, but this feeling of transformation is already very close.

Of course, there is a difference, that is, this time he has undergone a fundamental transformation, a sublimation at the bloodline level, not just pure power acquisition.

In his previous life, whether it was Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, Kurama Mode, or Six Paths Mode, they were essentially external forces, but at this moment, except for Kurama Mode, all forces are affecting him.

The most direct manifestation of this is that the Chakra that belongs to him in his body is improving all the time.

Before that, his Chakra amount was about 4,000 Kakashi teachers, and the chakra difference from the Uncle First Generation should be 1,000 Kakashi teachers.

Now a month has passed, and his Chakra has increased by 500 Kakashi teachers, which is one step closer to the Chakra of Uncle First Generation.

With the current situation, it is believed that within a few months, he will be able to fully reach the level of Uncle First Generation, and even be able to go further and reach a higher level.

This is the effect of his own transformation, which is unmatched by his previous life.

In his previous life, he was already in his thirties when he reached the level of Uncle Chakra of the First Generation, but in this life, he was only twelve years old, which is almost a gap of twenty years.


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