I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Shocking Dawn, Planning In Advance (Fourth Change)

In a cave.

Rays of light lit up, and on the finger of a big golem, phantoms of Akatsuki’s members appeared one by one.

Slide Body Technique.

One of Rinnegan’s abilities, Payne receives the “waves of thoughts” converted from Chakra released by members of the Akatsuki organization. Payne amplifies these waves of thoughts and then displays them in the form of phantoms in specific places. This phantom is different from ordinary reflections. When it is transferred through Payne, various spells can be activated. The phantom presents colorful bright stripes.

“Boss, what are we doing in such a hurry?”

A carefree voice spoke, and a voice came out of a phantom.

“Yes, leader, I haven’t exchanged my bounty yet.”

Another voice also sounded.

“Ah, ah, do you want to see my ultimate art, sir?”

One after another voices were mixed in, and the huge cave soon fell into chaos.

“Okay, everyone.”

“There have been some changes in the plan, and it has to be started in advance.”

“Deidara, Scorpion, you two set out immediately to capture One Tail.”

“Hidan and Kakuzu, after Kakuzu handles the bounty, go to support Deidara the fuck. After the capture is completed, you go to capture Erwei. Three Tails is currently unable to determine the location. For Four Tails, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame is in charge, and Five Tails, Six Tails Deidara, Deidara, Scorpion, Hidan Kakuzu, after you have dealt with them, go and capture them immediately. For Seven Tails, Uchiha Itachi, Hoshigaki Kisame, please work hard, and I will also leave it to you. As for Nine Tails, I will do it myself. ”

Payne opened his mouth and quickly gave orders.

“Boss, is it time to start?”

“Wow, haha, it’s finally time to start a big fight.”

“Sharen Village, hello leader, we don’t need support.”

“One Tail can be done by myself, let them taste my ultimate art.”

“Boss, what about Eight Tails?”

Following Payne’s order, Shandong, which was originally quiet, became noisy again.

Or excitement, or doubt, or laughter.

Even facing the tailed beast that others feared, it seemed nothing to them.

At least for this moment, there is no fear.

Even if someone asks a question, it’s only for Eight Tails who has no one in charge.

“Eight Tails I have arranged for others, Deidara, scorpion, you can go now.”

Payne spoke in a deep voice.

“The others are ready too.”

“After the Deidara operation, you can also start the operation, and it must be completed in the fastest time.”

“Especially the Deidara scorpion, you have to ask Konoha to react.”

Payne gave a warning, and then canceled the slide body Technique.

And the Akatsuki organization that received the order also began to mobilize all members at this moment.

Only Payne and Konan are left in the cave.

“Penn, Eight Tails, why don’t I go!”

Konan spoke and looked at Payne with concern.

“It’s okay, that guy should do something.”

Payne shook his head, then walked forward.

“That guy!”

Konan’s heart moved, thinking of the masked man.

Even now, neither of them actually believes that the other is Uchiha Madara.

He was also full of vigilance against the masked man.

This is also the main reason why the masked man can’t control the Akatsuki organization even now.

But now in this situation, Payne can only go to that one.

Akatsuki’s current strength is indeed not enough.

a day later.

In another cave.

Accompanied by the appearance of space vortices.

A man in black and a mask appeared.

“Nagato, what do you want from me?”

A hoarse voice came from the mask.

“Things have changed, and the plan must be launched in advance. Now our strength is unable to capture all the tailed beasts. As for Eight Tails, you must take action.”

Payne spoke in a deep voice.

“Accident, what accident?”

Uchiha Obito rang out with a doubtful voice.

Originally, he was going to Konoha to see Lin, but he was called back by Nagato.

And as soon as he came back, he told him that the plan had changed, which made him a little confused.

“Don’t worry about the accident, I just want to know if you still have the ability to capture Eight Tails.”

“Uchiha Madara!”

Payne spoke in a cold voice, but his eyes were fixed on Uchiha Obito’s mask.


“Although I lost all my strength in the Senju Hashirama battle, Eight Tails is not a problem.”

“Wait for me for a few days.”

Uchiha Obito chuckled.

Without further questioning, the Sharingan in his eyes turned into Mangekyō, and then the surrounding space distorted, and his figure disappeared in place.

“Nagato, that guy is extremely dangerous if not Uchiha Madara, be careful.”

Konan spoke softly.

“I know, but it’s okay, there’s nothing he can do about it.”

Payne spoke softly.

Not worried about Uchiha Obito.

In his opinion, although Uchiha Obito is not weak, he is just not weak. With Rinnegan, he is enough to face all this.

Of course, Payne, or Nagato at the moment, doesn’t know that Rinnegan is not actually his.

Not enough of these are not important now.

Accompanied by the change of Akatsuki’s organizational plan.

The entire Akatsuki organization was also dispatched.

This is the most powerful force in the entire ninja world today, and it is not one of them.

Compared with the major ninja villages, the Akatsuki organization is stronger in a single comparison.

After all, no matter how strong a ninja village is, it only has three or four Kage-levels. For example, Konoha, one of the five great ninja villages, has only Tsunade of the Fifth Generation and one of Sannin in the case of Naruto’s resurrection. Jiraiya, and Danzo, Danzo is barely Kage-level, the balance of Elite Jōnin and above the threshold of Kage-level.

As for other ninja villages, it is even worse. There is only one in Sand Ninja Village, two in Cloud Shinobi Village, one in Kirigakure, and one and a half in Rock Shinobi Village.

As for the Akatsuki organization, even if Payne Six Paths is excluded, there are still seven people.

Add Penn Six Paths and that’s even more.

Such a powerful strength is enough to easily overthrow any big country.

…………….(fourth update)

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