I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Naruto Dispatched, Support (Fifth)

Outside Konoha Village.

Naruto and his party set off quickly.

Although the Shiranui Genma team has mastered the formation of Flying Thunder God, but there is no mark of Flying Thunder God at the location of the Fire Nation patrol force.

It can only rush over quickly.

As for Tiansong Technique, although Naruto felt that there should be no problem with himself, others obviously couldn’t bear it.

With rapid footsteps, the scenery of Konoha Village quickly skipped in front of my eyes.

The actions of Naruto and the others were undoubtedly extremely fast.

After all, even the three Shiranui Genma are not inferior to the average Jōnin in terms of speed, let alone the others.

While running fast, everyone’s eyes turned to Naruto inadvertently.

Even though they have heard all kinds of legends about Naruto, when they actually saw Naruto performing tasks with them, everyone still couldn’t help being shocked.

“Hey, Asuma, is Kakashi this strong?”

Behind him, Guy asked Asuma next to him with doubts.

“Very strong.”

“Should be stronger than me.”

Asuma smoked a cigarette and spoke with a wry smile.

Asuma saw the super-covering Wood Style that day with his own eyes, so he naturally knew how strong Naruto’s strength was at the moment.

“No way!”

Hearing Asuma’s words, Guy rang out with an unexpected voice.

The eyes of the others couldn’t help turning around.

“The strength of the vortex Naruto should surpass most of us.”

Looking at Guy’s expression, Yamanaka opened his mouth pondering as he thought about the previous scene.

And his words immediately made the others a little uneasy.

If it was just Asuma’s opening, everyone would still be skeptical, but now Yamanaka Haiyi also spoke.

“Hai Yi, you are not kidding!”

Akamichi Dingza spoke, and looked at his old partner.

“No kidding!”

Yamanaka shook his head, the Chakra surging out of Naruto’s body that day in his mind, even recalling this moment still made him feel a shudder.

Facing Yamanaka Haiyi’s nod, everyone couldn’t help being silent at the moment.

Looking at Naruto’s back, the strange look became more and more intense.

Whirlpool Naruto is only very old. If their memory is correct, the other party just graduated from Ninja School this year, and now he has grown to such a height.

“Haha, this is youth, it’s decided, this time when I go back to the mission, I will dance 500 laps around Konoha Frog.”

Guy laughed loudly.

All of a sudden, everyone was speechless.

“Okay guys, be careful. What Lu Jiu means is that the main goal this time is to ensure the safety of Naruto, the whirlpool. If Sand Ninja Village cannot be rescued, the three of you, Huoxuanjian, Bingzutongtong, and Dieiwaxi, will immediately take With the vortex Naruto leaving, the enemy is held back by us.”

As if thinking of something, Sarutobi Asuma spoke positively.


Several people nodded.

For this task, several people are naturally clear.

It is indeed extremely important to save Sand Ninja Village.

However, it also depends on the situation.

If there is really nothing they can do, then their priority is to keep the safety of the vortex Naruto.

And just in the midst of a few people running.

The border of the Kingdom of Fire is located.

Hyuga Tokuma gasped heavily.

At this moment, his face was a little pale.

Looking forward, the eyes are full of horror.

Less than an hour.

Almost all of his patrol troops of the Fire Nation were killed, and he was the only one left.

Of course, death is nothing. The moment he became a member of the patrol force, Hyuga Tokuma knew that he would die at any time.

After all, once the war comes, these patrol troops are the first to be cleaned up.

As far as the villages are concerned, these patrols are a warning.

Use their deaths to let the village know that the enemy is coming.

However, no matter how much he thought of death, the way of death in front of him still made Hyuga Tokuma’s heart shudder.

Just now, he didn’t know how his teammates were dealt with.

I saw the figure in front of me only fighting them for a moment.

Then he drew a strange magic circle on the ground, and then that figure pierced his heart with Kunai.

That’s right, it penetrated to my heart.

And the next moment, his companion died directly.




In just one hour, all four of his companions died.

If it wasn’t for the strength of the white eyes that allowed Hyuga Tokuma to avoid a head-on collision with Hidan, I am afraid that he would not be able to survive at this moment.

And that’s just one person.

His eyes couldn’t help looking to the distance, there was also a person there, and he hadn’t made a move until now.


“It should be that we have obtained something from us, and then use it as a medium to establish a relationship.”

Hyuga Tokuma panted heavily, and the thoughts in his mind were flowing rapidly. The strange deaths of his companions made him fearful at the same time.

It also made him catch something vaguely.

It’s just that at this moment, he still can’t determine what it is.

And he may not have this time.

Even if the white eyes can make him avoid it time and time again.

As a physical ninja, it is impossible for him not to fight others.

“Damn it!”

Hidan laughed and spoke with a hideous voice, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

“Not good!~”

Hyuga Tokuma’s expression changed, and his figure retreated subconsciously.

But this moment is too late.

“it’s over!”

Hidan spoke wantonly, and the scythe seemed to slice through Hyuga Tokuma’s skin.

But at this moment.

“Wind Style, Scythe Itachi!”

A cold voice sounded, and the next moment a gust of wind swept out instantly.

Hidan was about to touch the scythe and the person who was about to touch Hyuga Tokuma’s body, and they couldn’t help but fly backwards.

Hyuga Tokuma opened his eyes unexpectedly.


Looking at Temari with astonishment.

Originally, when Hidan and Kakuzu were chasing him, he let Temari escape first.

But I didn’t expect Temari to return at this moment.

“The news has already been sent back to Konoha, as a ninja of Sand Ninja Village, how can he escape alone.”

Temari spoke in a deep voice, with a determined face.

Especially when she looked at Hidan and Kakuzu in the distance, her expression was even more sad.

Originally, Kankuro and Baki were responsible for intercepting the two, but now that the two have arrived, the ending of Kankuro and Baki can be imagined.

One of these two is his teacher and the other is his younger brother.


(fifth more)

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