I ŌTsutsuki Naruto: Left Eye Reincarnation Right Eye Reincarnation

Chapter 56

Chapter 56: The Transaction Between Payne And Orochimaru (Part 1)

The border battle of the Fire Nation is imminent.

Hidan faced yet another enemy.

“Hidan, end it quickly, or the leader will blame you, and I can’t bear it for you.”

“Or you want me to do it.”

Kakuzu’s cold voice sounded.

“Hey, Kakuzu don’t disturb the sacrifice of the evil god.”

“It won’t take long, fifteen minutes, and I will sacrifice them all to Lord Evil God.”

Hidan spoke wantonly.

In an instant, the figure rushed out again.

“Be careful, don’t collide with him head-on.”

Hyuga Tokuma opened his mouth, and his figure quickly backed away.

And Temari nodded, and also stepped back.

The attacks in the hands of the two did not stop at all.

“Wind Style, Scythe Itachi!”

“Earth Style, Huangquan Swamp!”

The battle started again in an instant.

It’s just that neither Hyuga Tokuma nor Temari have any confidence in how long this battle can last.

And the other side.

Payne’s figure has come to the dark crypt.

“Oh ho ho, look who’s here.”

“Isn’t this our respected leader?”

“I don’t know what to do with me as a traitor?”

Orochimaru’s gloomy voice sounded, and his figure slowly came out from the darkness, beside him were Yakushi Kabuto and Uchiha Sasuke.

At this moment, under Orochimaru’s training, Uchiha Sasuke’s strength has been improved by leaps and bounds. Seeing that Chakra fluctuates even infinitely close to the Jōnin level, the dark aura on his body becomes more and more intense.

Even Payne couldn’t help but glance at Uchiha Sasuke.

And Uchiha Sasuke just glanced at Payne coldly, and didn’t say anything.

“Orochimaru, you should know why I came to you?”

“what do you need”

Payne spoke calmly.

“The leader is really refreshing, I want a small piece of the leader’s cells.”

Orochimaru spoke sullenly, and couldn’t help looking at Payne, his expression couldn’t help but be full of greed.


Payne was silent for a moment, and the next moment he raised his right hand, and a small piece of meat floated directly to Orochimaru.

Payne’s figure also turned around immediately.

“The border between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind, the vortex Naruto is rushing over quickly, I need you to send someone to stop him immediately.”

Payne’s leisurely voice came out, and his figure disappeared into the cave.

It’s just his words that suddenly made Uchiha Sasuke’s originally calm eyes move a little more.

“Hey, Sasuke-kun, your bond is very strong now, even with Rinnegan Payne, it’s tricky.”

Orochimaru took the cell and looked at Uchiha Sasuke with a chuckle.

“Rinnegan, you say the man’s eyes are Rinnegan?”

Uchiha Sasuke froze for a moment, his pupils contracted violently, and a stunned voice sounded.

Rinnegan, one of the three major pupil techniques, although it is as famous as Baiyan and Sharingan, in fact Rinnegan is more famous than Baiyan and Sharingan. It is the eye of the legendary Sage of Six Paths. Uchiha Sasuke did not expect it to be Rinnegan.

“Yes, and not only Payne has it, but your companion, Naruto-kun, seems to have it too.”

Orochimaru chuckled and spoke again.



“How can it be?”

Uchiha Sasuke was not so calm for the first time, his pupils contracted violently, with disbelief.

How Uchiha Sasuke is unfamiliar with Naruto.

That was his friend, and in the communication with each other, he did not know when he had become a close friend.

Uchiha Sasuke is also extremely complicated about Naruto’s emotions.

He regards Naruto as a true friend deep in his heart, and he is unwilling to be surpassed by Naruto again and again.

It is precisely because of the stimulation of Naruto and the obsession with revenge that Sasuke has come to the present step by step.

Originally thought that in the battle of the Valley of the End, he had completely surpassed Naruto.

His Sharingan has even evolved to the Sangouyu, but now if what Orochimaru said is true and Naruto has awakened Rinnegan, then he will undoubtedly be surpassed again.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Sasuke clenched his hands unconsciously.

“Nothing is impossible. Payne belongs to the Uzumaki clan, and Naruto-kun is also the Uzumaki clan. Maybe the Uzumaki clan is the awakened Rinnegan.”

Orochimaru smiled lightly, the minced meat in his hand was completely shattered under the sweep of his Chakra.

“You are?”

Watching Orochimaru’s actions, although Uchiha Sasuke was still shocked by Naruto’s changes, he was still a little confused at the moment.

“It’s just the flesh and blood of the puppet, it’s not the body.”

Orochimaru explained with a chuckle.

“Let’s go, it’s time to help the leader, just Sasuke, you can also meet the current Naruto-kun.”

Orochimaru’s stern laugh sounded out.


Uchiha Sasuke accident.

“The wind in the ninja world has already begun, so naturally Naruto-kun cannot be turned around alone.”

“Dou, Impure World Reincarnation has been improved recently, and it’s up to you next.”

Orochimaru’s laughter echoed.

“Yes, Master Orochimaru!”

Words echoed.

The figures of the three disappeared into the crypt immediately.

And outside.

Penn walks out.

Konan didn’t know when he had come to the side.

“Orochimaru may be able to detect your cells.”

Konan frowned.

“It’s okay, he’ll do it.”

Payne shook his head.

He hands over the cell, and Orochimaru receives it, both knowing that the cell is fake.

But both knew Orochimaru would make a move.

All it takes is an excuse.

“Let’s go, we should leave too!”

“Make sure, Three Tails location.”

Payne opened his mouth, and his figure left here directly.

He didn’t intend to pay attention to the follow-up matters.

Although Orochimaru’s strength is not strong enough, even Payne has to admire his ability to deal with it.

Even if there was an accident, he had already figured out how to deal with it, and he wasn’t too worried.

Of course Naruto doesn’t know this at the moment.

He took the nine Jōnin and was still moving quickly towards the destination.

The goal is also getting closer.

Suddenly Naruto stopped.

“This is?”


((First update) There are still a few more to be put on the shelves, and then ask for a first order)

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