I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 33

33 The Red And Blue Dawn Head Is Born!

The bank’s loan was quickly released to the company’s account.

After Lu Sheng received the money, he immediately got in touch with Sun Yong, whom he had negotiated with last time, and formally signed a contract with Sun Yong, transferring 80 million yuan and winning the ownership of the laboratory!

The location of the laboratory is relatively remote, and it is not particularly convenient to go back and forth in the future, but the place is large enough to meet the development needs of Lu Sheng in the early stage.

“Pleasant to work with.”

Lu Sheng ordered someone to keep the contract and shook hands with Sun Yong warmly.

“Pleasant to work with.”

Sun Yong turned back reluctantly, glanced at the laboratory one last time, and left without looking back.

Half an hour later, Lu Sheng returned to the company’s old laboratory and announced the matter.

Immediately, everyone in the laboratory cheered.

This heralds a new phase for the company, where it no longer has to work in the small labs of the past.

“Chu Ran, I’ll take you to the new laboratory tomorrow, and you’ll be responsible for bringing people to move there. As for this…”

“It doesn’t need to be discarded, it can still be used, and arrangements will be made at that time…”

Lu Sheng was considering a candidate when someone came in excitedly from outside.

“Mr. Lu, supervisor, the eggs are hatching!”


The crowd laughed.

Double happiness.

Lu Sheng stopped talking and couldn’t wait to go to the incubation room with everyone.

Inside the incubator, there are cute little creatures breaking through the eggshell…

Not only are the Pichu eggs moving, the Squirtle eggs are shaking too, and the shells are cracked!


A piece of eggshell fell off.

It wasn’t Pichu who burst out of the shell first, it was Squirtle.

The little blue figure, whose eyes have not yet opened, came out of the eggshell, and the round body shrank into a ball.

“Wow, cute!”

“A turtle? What a cute little G-head!”

“So smooth, with blue skin?”

Everyone gathered around Squirtle’s incubator, watching.

Lu Sheng saw the Pokémon Shell Smash process for the first time, and was pleased: “Looks like another batch of healthy babies! The little ones may be hungry. Find some nutrients and try them out.”

Everyone started to get busy.

Lu Sheng gave a similar value when setting the Shell Smash speed gene.

This batch of Pokémon eggs was not inspected for more than two hours before and after.

Lu Sheng also helped with feeding.

Pichu and Squirtle all came out Shell Smash, but Charmander’s eggs were shaking, but there was no Shell Smash trend.

Just as Lu Sheng hesitated to help Charmander, cracks appeared on the surface of the eggshell.

Soon, the eggshell shattered, and a red Dawn’s head stuck out and fell beside the eggshell!

“Yeah, a new creature came out.”

“What type? Looks like a lizard?”

“How does it feel like the blue turtle’s brother, another Dawn head?”

Everyone was speechless.

Why are the two new creatures newly designed by Lu Zong, all with bald heads?

The little one looks cute and a little silly.

“Dawn head…”

Lu Sheng was quite speechless when he heard everyone’s comments.

There are Dawn heads protruding from the eggshell, and the picture is indeed a bit emotional.

After the new batch of Pokémon eggs hatched, the cute little creatures were fed and sent to the biological nursery room, adjusted to the appropriate temperature, and carefully cared for.

Lu Sheng participated in the whole process, Pikachu Jiji looked curiously on the side, handed everyone bottles and towels from time to time.

After a few hours, they gradually opened their eyes, full of curiosity about the world.

When Lu Sheng extracted the genetic code, the first element he designed for each Pokémon was “closeness to humans”.

The little guys sensed the taste of intimacy from human beings, babbled, rubbed and rubbed with their little heads, Zhuo Churan and others were once again cute!

“It’s such a cute little guy. It hurts my heart to think that they will be separated from us in the future.”

Zhuo Churan is feeding a blue Dawn head, and when he talks about this topic, his eyes are slightly rosy.

The time for the first batch of Pichu to be sent away is getting closer and closer, and the laboratory staff and the little Pichu get along day and night, somewhat reluctant.

Lu Sheng was silent.

No way, for the company’s development, it must be so.

The only thing that can be done is to protect the Pokémon as much as possible.

Under the comfort of little Squirtle, Zhuo Churan’s mood gradually improved, and he couldn’t help saying: “By the way, Mr. Lu, you said that they have special abilities, what could it be?”

“Isn’t that obvious? One is a turtle, the other is a dragon, and the corresponding basic abilities are naturally water and fire.”

Lu Sheng was holding Charmander in his arms. He had just eaten and was sleeping soundly.

It’s strange to say that Charmander’s tail originally had a small flame, but it hasn’t appeared yet, I don’t know if it was just born!

If Lu Sheng remembers correctly, the flame on Charmander’s tail represents his own vitality.

Just now he almost thought that Charmander was going to die, but after checking, Charmander’s heartbeat was still there, and he could eat and drink.

Maybe it has something to do with the culture environment in the laboratory.

“Huh? It’s… a dragon?”

Zhuo Churan looked Charmander up and down and wondered: “Looks like a fat lizard. If there is no dragon in the world, the road always uses lizard genes, right?”

The rest of the people nodded in agreement.

“Well, it’s almost the same. Isn’t there a company in the West that has created a ‘dragon’ genetic organism? It’s not much different anyway.”

Seeing their questioning eyes, Lu Sheng explained, “I know what you’re thinking, why the genetic creature dragon created by others has big wings, but it doesn’t. Don’t forget Pichu, do you understand evolution?”

There is indeed a powerful Grand Duke in the West, Breeder, who has used genetic dragons, using a variety of genes to fuse together to create a behemoth.

There was even a black genetic creature dragon that escaped from the laboratory and rushed into the wild, often seen by hunters who entered the mountains.

“Evolution… Can it grow wings? Will it become a large genetic creature in the future?”

Everyone was interested in Charmander, touched his feet, looked at his back, and still thought he looked like a fat lizard.

“Certainly, I believe that the little thing will not be weaker than any genetic creature dragon in the future!”

Lu Sheng is confident.

As long as you can brush out the advanced pills and take two pills, isn’t Charizard there?

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