I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 464

464 Pokémon On Command

“Fuck, how did he do it?”

“it is good!”

Look at Lu Sheng again…

0…. ask for flowers…

No need for Mew, because the guy just stole it from the tree and ate more than one.

“Go up and pick some fruit for me.

More than one or two, in a circle.

Lu Sheng didn’t answer.

Zhong Qing is still worried that Pokémon will overreact.

“Is it the staff here?”

So she also stepped forward and wanted to touch it a few times.

The Pokémon was immediately alert, either flashing or sparkling.


The Pokémon did swarm, but in a way that wasn’t quite right.

You don’t have to do it yourself!

Really wait until that stage, indicating that there are enough Pokémon in the world.

He had already planned to let Butterfree do it, but he didn’t expect Pokémon to show his friendly side and take the initiative to go forward and surround Lu Sheng Charm.

Zhong Qing was even more speechless.

Zhong Qing put down her fishing gear, blinked her eyes, and her hands were itchy.

Zhong Qing smiled awkwardly and did not dare to move.

“I said that my physique is special, do you believe it?

A group of people originally wanted to see Lu Sheng embarrassed and beaten up by Pokémon, and then they would help and win Zhong Qing’s favor.

“Yes, it must be so!

If it weren’t for the protection of Pokémon around him, he might have become the Mulch of the fruit forest!

Gently caress, body and mind satisfaction!


Just when Zhong Qing doubted whether it was useful, Jellicent’s Pokémon climbed to his feet, pointed at himself with his short finger, and rubbed his head next to Zhong Qing’s trousers.

She couldn’t resist the temptation of Pokémon and gave in.

In fact, the answer is very simple. At present, there are not many of them. This fruit forest can completely satisfy their belly. Occasionally, the staff will bring meat to supplement them.

They looked at each other.

Wearing a mask and hat, how do you know if you are handsome?

They immediately had another conjecture.

“she is my friend.”


If the number increases in the future, the number of fruit trees will not keep up with the number of Pokémon, their food will decrease, and their posture will change.

“Is the Pokémon in here so gentle, what have we… met before? 35

He was almost telling Zhong Qing: The guest officer is here to slap me!

Lu Sheng handed Zhong Qing a few and kept two for himself.

“It might be a staff member, otherwise how could he get close to him, and how could he come in with confidence!

I even saw Pichu and Cyndaquil rolling on the ground, exposing their belly.

Zhong Qing was completely speechless.


“Dude, can you pick a few more for us?”

What the hell, is Pokémon sexist? Why do men touch men and not women!

Zhong Qing heard Lu Sheng speak.

Zhong Qing’s touches and touches greatly satisfied her hand addiction.

Lu Sheng didn’t talk nonsense, it was indeed a special physique, “Let’s pick some fruits, just a few.

A few people made random guesses, and seeing that Lu Sheng was safe, they also wanted to try it.

Who would have thought in a blink of an eye…

“Sheng Lu, how did you do it?

Not long ago, they entered the orchard, first threatened by Pokémon, then picked the fruit, and immediately beat up by – Pokémon.

Lu Sheng patted the long-tailed monster beside him.

It’s not like the group of people just described, they are too family.

“Hey, why don’t you attack him?

One was eaten on the spot and the other was thrown to Pikachu.

It is more likely that at some point in the future, hatred and even hunting will begin between Pokémon!

Hello, are you so obedient?

They saw that Lu Sheng could also direct Pokémon to pick fruit, and they were even more convinced that Lu Sheng was an employee here.

Of course, this stage will come very late, perhaps more than ten years.

That guy is prettier than us?

In fact, as they guessed, Lu Sheng is not an employee here, but he is better than an employee. The relationship between Pokémon and him is more intimate than that of the employees.

What about Razor Leaf, Ember, Water Gun?

“what’s the situation?”

But to be on the safe side, they are still watching, after all, Lu Sheng and Zhong Qing haven’t picked the fruit yet.

After all, the Pokémon home is open to the public, and a large number of people come to capture it every year, which can reduce the growth rate of Pokémon.

A group of people can’t figure it out.

“All right. 35

“Wow, each one doesn’t feel like Mikey, how come the Pokémon in the wild are also chubby.

Zhong Qing wondered.

The long-tailed monster quickly climbed to the top of the tree, picked seven or eight tree fruits, and then delivered them to Lu Sheng one by one.

Picking a fruit from a tree can instantly provoke Pokémon!

“Did he have something on him?

Lu Sheng can predict the future trend, but will never stop it.

Zhong Qing was also stunned.

That’s not how you treated us just now!

The premise is that Lu Sheng speaks!

As if taking it for granted, he squatted down, stretched out his palms naturally, and crossed them on their stomachs.

Maybe you can assist Lu Sheng’s relationship and pick a few fruit?

“Hey, what’s going on! 55

Lu Sheng and Zhong Qing were about to leave, and a group of people behind them approached them.

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