I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 468

468 Is Really Lu Sheng!

“Lu Sheng?”

Zhong Qing shouted again.

“You reacted just now! Stop pretending, I already guessed your identity. 99

She noticed that when Lu Sheng’s name was called, Lu Sheng stopped at his feet.


Lu Sheng turned his head with a smile, and didn’t want to hide any more.

Now that it has been guessed, there is no need to guess the riddle with Zhong Qing.

“It seems that the pseudonym cannot be reversed with the original name in the future. 35

Lu Sheng took off his mask and revealed his true colors.

“Wow, it’s really you!”

Zhong Qing exclaimed with surprise and joy on her face.

Unexpectedly, the passerby who spends two or three hours with her will be the legendary Lu Sheng, the creator of Pokémon!

Thankfully, she always felt the voice was familiar, and she couldn’t remember which friend she was close to. It turned out to be close to Lu Sheng’s voice in the video she saw before.

Should have thought about it earlier in the morning!

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m just an ordinary 057 person.”

“Bah, common man Lu Sheng?

Zhong Qing looked at Lu Sheng carefully, and said seriously: “You are not ordinary at all, in everyone’s eyes, you are a normal existence! Without you, would there be a Pokémon? It’s too modest to say that you are ordinary.

“Haha, without Lu Sheng, there will always be Chen Sheng and Zhao Sheng, and someone will always design a creature similar to Pokémon in the future.

Lu Sheng didn’t talk nonsense.

When a technology has been developed, it can always develop to the extreme.

Maybe one day, someone will design a genetic creature similar to Pokémon, or even more powerful than Pokémon.

Everything is possible.

As for how long it will take, it may take more than ten years, or it may take decades.

Technology has been advancing, and the genetically engineered organisms are bound to become more and more powerful.

“That’s hard to say! Not everyone is as smart as you are.”

Zhong Qing rummaged through the backpack, took out a small notebook, and took out a pen, “Sign me! Also, I want to take a photo and show it to my friends, I must envy them! Haha.

Lu Sheng did not refuse.

Sign it, take a photo together, and it will be done soon.

“Well, can I have a contact number?”5

Zhong Qing put away her things and whispered again.

“Wechat friends.


The two became friends.

Zhong Qing was full of joy, and suddenly her voice changed: “If you buy Pokémon in the future, can you give me a friendship price from your channel…”


Lu Sheng refused immediately.

“Ah, why!”

Zhong Qing said distressedly: “I’m a poor man and can’t afford too expensive Pokémon.”

“I can give you a few Poké Balls, and you can catch them in the Pokémon home in the future, work hard, and have enough food and clothing. 99

Lu Sheng smiled slightly.

The reason for not agreeing was mainly because he was worried that Zhong Qing would be a second-hand dealer.

If you buy cheaply from him and sell it at a high price, it will destroy the channel of the Pokémon company.

This kind of thing will never be allowed to happen, even if Fang and Lu Sheng know each other and are friends.


Zhong Qing’s eyes lit up.

The price of each Poké Ball is not low, and a few cost tens of thousands.

“No wonder Pokémon wants to get close to you…”

Zhong Qing stuck out her tongue and said playfully, “I thought you put some rosemary on your body to make Pokémon fall in love with you.”

“Haha, let’s go.”

Lu Sheng turned around and saw a few people not far away.

They are also watching Lu Sheng and Zhong Qing, the same group of people they met in Guolin before.

One by one, their eyes stared, almost fixed on Lu Sheng’s face, their eyeballs didn’t move, they seemed to recognize Lu Sheng, and their mouths opened in surprise.

Lu Sheng smiled at them, and took Zhong Qing away from the artificial lake.

When the two of them walked away, the few people looked at each other, and one by one came back to their senses.

“Fuck, what did we see just now?

“Looks like Lu Sheng…”

“Damn, it looks like it’s really him!”

“Quick, take out your phone and look for it.”

There was a rush.

It is relatively remote and the mobile phone signal is not very good.

It took half a minute before they found the photo of Lu Sheng.

“Look! 35


“Do you remember what the girl called him just now?

“Sheng Road?”

“That’s right! 95

“Isn’t Sheng Lu Lu Sheng in turn?

“Fuck, what did we miss!”

After a group of people sorted out the matter, they regretted it.

It should have been a good fit just now, and if you want Pokémon in the future, will you just have it?

But they almost got into a fight with Lu Sheng.

At this time, they also understood why Lu Sheng could wave his hand casually, and his Pokémon would lean over like a dog, not even obeying their orders.

“Alas, I had known that I should have been kinder. 35

“It’s our problem…”

“He doesn’t seem to care too much, he’s a nice guy.”

“Indeed, it would be great if you could get the contact information.”

They beat their chests and feet, wishing they hadn’t treated Lu Sheng rudely before.

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