I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 469

469 Contest Finals

Lu Sheng left the Pokémon homeland and returned to White Rock Island.

If Lu Sheng were in a relationship with those live broadcasters, they would probably understand that they were still struggling at this time, because the actual number of viewers was still much higher than their expected number.

Compared with the Pokémon competition, the Contest competition, which came earlier, set off a global craze!

Contest contest!

Huang Xiaoyu deliberately bitten on “sister”.

The Contest finals have officially started.

It is only open three days a week, almost every other day, with a busy day and a rest day.

However, some of these people have high scores in the individual competition, which can also make up for the low score in the double link.

Duo session!

Thousands of Pokémon have signed up!


During the opening of the Pokémon home, another major event about Pokémon was also quite popular around the world.

In the subsequent knockout stage, the 100 finalists will be combined into 50 provisional groups, who are both competing Rivals and teammates.

From time to time, people go in and catch Pokémon. According to calculations, hundreds of tickets are sold almost every day, and the number of Pokémon that are taken away every day is only a few.

One of the most eye-catching aspects is –

“Can they steal the heat of the Pokémon competition?” Zhuo Churan asked rhetorically.

The information Lu Sheng received just now is that there are already hundreds of millions of viewers squatting in major live broadcast rooms around the world. The data is not an exaggeration.

This link undoubtedly enhances the fun of the show.

The Pokémon home was officially open to the public that day.

Some platforms have to open the second and third live broadcast rooms to divert the audience.

Even some fishing enthusiasts who are not interested in Pokémon have gradually become popular in the circle to take pride in fishing Pokémon.

“I’m looking forward to the next game.

In this case, I had to give up similar ideas, and I could only be jealous of Pokémon and watch them eat this huge wave of traffic.

Each player dresses up his Pokémon according to the rules, and carefully designs a series of moves.

Huang Xiaoyu was wearing an elegant long dress, like a princess, dazzling.

In addition, the most anticipated Contest competition is still the cooperation between Pokémon moves to form a visual impact.

When the countdown starts in the live broadcast room, the barrage also counts down.

“There are 140 players participating in the finals, which are divided into three stages. The first stage is a single Pokémon performance, the second stage is a random duo performance, and the third stage is a single two or two or a single performance. Three Pokémon show.”

Since Zhong Qing caught Magikarp, – then went fishing again.

When the audition reaches a stage, hundreds of finalists will be selected.

Zhuo Churan got the rules of the competition in his hand and read it in a low voice.

Twenty-eight places around the world hold auditions.

“Fortunately, it is not all handed over to a live broadcast platform for broadcast, and it is scattered on major platforms, otherwise only this number of people is enough to make a live broadcast room unable to operate normally.

Some people didn’t get good grades in this link because they didn’t have good relationships, they didn’t have a tacit understanding when they performed, and they were full of loopholes.

Huang Xiaoyu said with a smile: “The method proposed by Mr. Lu is good, others can only look at it eagerly, and cannot be enthusiastic. 99

After the first round of audition ended, those contestants began to rush to Yunhai City for the finals.

Lu Sheng stared straight ahead as if he were deaf.

“Sister Zhuo is right.”

“The competition is held for a month, and within this month, the heat is definitely on our Pokémon side. 35

The battle between the two women is less subtle.

It’s not about caring about the employees, but more because I want to give Pokémon time to rest, and I will be disturbed every day, and the hard-working Pokémon will also be broken by car-wheel battles.

Followed by more tourists, specially brought fishing gear to go, a trend formed for a while.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally at eight o’clock in the evening, it was the opening ceremony of the Contest competition.

Players in the same group want to get a high score, they must work well in private.

Not only him, but even Zhuo Churan and Huang Xiaoyu also dressed up and accompanied him silently.

This program is broadcast at the same time all over the world, mainly live on the Internet, and the whole process is free to watch.

Every player goes all out, no predecessors can refer to, and the moves designed by Christoph are also empty and strange.

Lu Sheng stepped onto the stage in full view, and Spotlight followed Nai all the way.


Compared with Huang Xiaoyu, Zhuo Churan’s dress is relatively low-key, but she shows her figure very well. After seeing it, Lu Sheng felt very itchy.

Since the first audition of the Contest competition was launched around the world, there have been many hot spots.

0…. ask for flowers…

Even the other genetic biology companies began to think of ways to hold the same competition, but they soon found that their own genetic biology could not use many moves, and it would be too difficult to hold a Contest competition.

At the opening ceremony of the Contest finals, Lu Sheng personally went to the scene.

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