I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 493

493 Give Money!

“Okay, don’t be too angry.”

Rukia was injured and was still lying (aecb) on someone’s tatami. She didn’t wake up, she closed her eyes and was sleeping soundly.

Lu Sheng glanced at Rukia and sighed, he didn’t know what to do.

He just told the other party that they were in trouble, and the kind family took them in.

If he had money, he would have already found a house to rent, and he would not have to stay here.

Lu Sheng started to back away, and he glanced at Togepi quietly.

Kuchiki Rukia can’t die, she is the heroine of this world, if she dies, so many dangerous things will happen in the future, since 087 can’t handle it.

When Lu Sheng said something, he would be a bit outspoken.

As soon as she Smelling Salts stood up from his rice, Rukia’s strength is not particularly strong now, but her potential is particularly good.

“Togepi used your Psychic to hold her in place.” After saying this, Lu Sheng quickly turned and ran away.

“You saved me?”

Lu Sheng had already run halfway, he stopped and turned around to look at Kuchiki Rukia.

“you’re awake.”

“Can you give me some money?” Lu Sheng was already saying it cheekily.

“You don’t have money.” Kuchiki Rukia frowned at him and said.

“Here’s some food, let’s eat some first.”

What’s wrong with Rukia Kuchiki? Could it be that she was injured too badly, and he just let Togepi use Psychic to hurt her?

But now he is short of money and there is nothing he can do. Let’s talk about it later, and talk about getting the money first.

“If you are willing to give me money, even if you repay my life-saving grace, the two of us will not owe each other in the future.”

The family was really kind, and they even prepared some food for Lu Sheng.

Rukia was a little speechless listening to what he said, then walked over to him and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t owe you anything.”

As for asking for money, it’s the stupidest thing to do.

Lu Sheng’s eyes lit up. Yeah, why didn’t he invest in Rukia?

And at this time, Kuchiki Rukia’s body was limp and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Although he has Pokémon, he doesn’t want Pokémon to take on it!

“It’s true that I rescued you, but it can also be said that this family rescued you, I don’t have any money on me now, so I can only wrong you.

Anyway, he is the other party’s savior, and giving money is the best way to repay the life-saving grace.

“Of course I have no money!” Lu Sheng rolled his eyes, “How about you give me money?

“What’s wrong with you, Rukia? Wake up.” Lu Sheng took her to someone’s house.

So it won’t hurt her a little bit, and now she’s at a stage where her potential is underestimated, so it’s better to invest.

At least these things are very dangerous, and Lu Sheng didn’t want to take such risks.

As long as Rukia owes him a little favor, she will definitely repay her, this is definitely the most valuable investment, no one else.

When Lu Sheng raised his head, it happened to meet Rukia’s eyes.

He was also Rukia’s savior anyway, so it’s impossible to say that he didn’t even give it to him.

This is just the blink of an eye, he is also relieved, no matter what, everything will be fine.

“Rukia, you’ll be fine.” Lu Sheng suddenly saw Rukia wake up.

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