I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 58

58 Mr. Lu Is My Guess Right?

Lu Sheng talked with Henry all the way.

Occasionally, professional terms popped up in Henry’s mouth, but Lu Sheng couldn’t understand it very well.

To enter the exchange meeting, several people need to show an invitation letter.

Secretary Wen was relatively straightforward. The other party recognized his identity and let him go directly, and was very polite.

Along the way, many people are quietly paying attention to Lu Sheng.

As Secretary Wen said, the vast majority of people brought genetic organisms, which are basically rare species in the outside world.

Some species may not be for sale yet!

Pikachu, Squirtle and Charmander are relatively small in size.

Someone rode a big tiger to the exchange meeting, and when they came in from the outside, it was very cool.

Someone rides a big bird into the window…

If he hadn’t known in advance that there was going to be a genetic biology exchange here, Lu Sheng almost thought it was a circus.

All kinds of genetic creatures, some of them are docile, some of them are violent.

However, all obey the master’s orders!

Genetic creatures that do not obey their masters are either locked up and domesticated, or destroyed after birth.

Lu Sheng and the others moved their chairs and sat down.

Someone sent a pair of earphones in the middle of the meeting. There must be multiple languages ​​in the exchange meeting, and someone in the background translates it instantly.

One after another, people arrived.

At a glance, there were hundreds of people, plus the pets everyone brought, and the spacious hall was a little crowded.

There are some Media Reporters in it, shooting everywhere.

Some media reporters pointed the camera at the three little guys in Pikachu, and took a slap.

Everyone seemed to be very interested in them, and even a few women came to ask Lu Sheng, and then touched the three little guys.

Everyone’s first thought when they saw Charmander was basically why his tail was on fire.

Lu Sheng only said that Charmander liked it without explaining much.

Hobbes of Northum Group also came to the scene, greeted Lu Sheng briefly, and took a seat with the people around him.

“I’m on stage to start.”

Secretary Wen explained and walked to the stage.

Lu Sheng had nothing to do and looked around.

There are all kinds of people, some people Lu Sheng has seen on TV and the Internet before, but today is the first time to see a real person up close.

Among them, there are long-established experts and designers who have become famous in the past two years…

“Hey, Miao Lina?”

Lu Sheng noticed that in the corner, Miao Lina was bowing her head silently, with a spirit dog lying beside her feet.

This time, there is no Guli around Miao Lina, presumably only Miao Lina received the invitation this time.

“good afternoon everyone……”

Secretary Wen began to speak.

Miao Lina raised her head when she heard the voice, just meeting Lu Sheng’s eyes.

Then quickly moved away, like a frightened deer!

“Am I so scary?”

Lu Sheng touched his cheek and smiled without taking it seriously.

With Miao Lina’s previous temperament, it is impossible to be willing to sit in the corner.

Mostly because they don’t want to be noticed by him…


Lu Sheng didn’t think she was guilty of what she had done before.

“Eighty percent because she’s not as good as me, so she’s afraid to meet me. She has always been a competitive woman.”

He looked back, thinking silently.

Secretary Wen made a brief opening speech on the stage. First, he welcomed everyone on behalf of the chairman, thanked the host for choosing Yunhai City and so on.

Speak a lot of official language!

In the middle is some recent changes in the field of genetic biology, and by the way, Lu Sheng’s Pokémon company is brought out without a trace.

Lu Sheng once again became the focus of the audience.

Everyone applauded for Lu Sheng, and Lu Sheng nodded to all around…

After Secretary Wen came down, the person in charge of the exchange meeting came to the stage to give a speech, and briefly explained the belly draft prepared in advance, and once again mentioned evolutionary gene technology——

“…Let’s thank Mr. Lu from the East Dragon Country again, he has opened up a new path for our genetic biology, evolution!”

“Although everyone is currently researching, and only Mr. Lu has mastered this genetic technology, I believe that in the future, everyone will be able to do it one after another.”

Lu Sheng’s face was calm, but his heart was actually panicked.

But don’t ask him to give a speech at that time, his technology depends entirely on the system, and he has the strength of a hammer!

“Okay, then when everyone comes to the stage to speak, who will start?”

The audience was quiet for a few seconds, and a middle-aged man came onto the stage with a prepared manuscript in his hand.

The speeches on stage are all voluntary.

Sharing technology is also voluntary.

But most people will not reveal all the details at once, and they must hide the key hand.

In this way, it can not only win everyone’s attention, gain international reputation, and make a contribution to the development of the field, but will not hurt the fundamentals.

Although only a few hundred people attended, the Exchange Conference has attracted international attention.

If you can be famous in the exchange conference, the benefits will be more than a little bit.

For example, a certain scholar came to the stage to show the latest research results. Some manufacturers learned that if they wanted to obtain technology, they could only go to him for authorization and pay a high fee.

Scholars who can usually amaze four at the exchange conference can make a lot of money later.

Like Henry, who was very enthusiastic about Lu Sheng before, he used to be a researcher at the Northum Group, but later he came out to work alone, and became a billionaire by relying on a technology shared at the conference!

“Today, I will simply share with you a recent research result…” The stage began to speak.

Lu Sheng couldn’t understand, but he had to pretend.

In the eyes of outsiders, he nodded slightly from time to time, thinking that he was fascinated, but who knew that he was feeling sleepy when he heard a bunch of professional terms.

Skip one by one on stage.

“Isn’t Mr. Lu on stage?”

Henry on the side was slightly disappointed, and smiled again: “Then it’s time for me to perform!”

He walked up to the stage confidently.

The audience erupted into applause, and it was clear that he was recognized by many scholars.

“Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I’m your good friend Henry, and I’m here again this year.”

“Haha, in fact, when I was doing technology sharing last year, I didn’t disclose the technology I was focusing on at the time, because I felt immature at that time.”

“After two years of painstaking research, I think that today, in front of many outstanding designers from all over the world, I can reveal some progress!”

Henry spoke to everyone in fluent English.

The translator’s instant translation came from Lu Sheng’s ear…

“There are many coincidences in the world. A technology we have been working on has been completed in advance by a talented designer present. The mysterious creature designer from the East, Mr. Lu Sheng, has used a technique on the new species Squirtle. technology!”

“Since you’ve seen the video, you must be wondering why Squirtle is small, but has a large enough water storage capacity.”

“Let me tell you, it doesn’t store water in its body! If I’m not mistaken, Squirtle has the ability to absorb or create hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and induces some kind of catalyst in the body, which can quickly make hydrogen and oxygen atoms into water molecules.”

“That’s why we can see them spitting water continuously, but mistakenly think they have a lot of water!”

“This technology, we are currently researching.”

“According to the progress, it may take one or two years, or two or three years to have real results. Mr. Lu’s technology is ahead of us by a few years!”

“Mr. Lu, is my guess correct?”

Henry smiled, as if he had discovered a major secret.

All eyes were focused on Lu Sheng.

Lu Sheng’s smile freezes…

[Thanks to “Yifu” for the reward]

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