I, The Father Of Pokemon!

Chapter 65

65 (Subscribe)

The scholars at the biological exchange conference saved Huang Yuetao!

They came to the third floor from the other side of the stairs, so they did not meet Lu Sheng and others.

When Lu Sheng arrived at the scene, he saw a dozen genetic creatures Beat Up a muscular kangaroo and a grey python…

Opposite a group of people, there was a red-haired woman and a blue-haired man, who seemed a little anxious.

“Damn it! A bunch of bastards that broke our bad things.

“Let’s go, Huang Yuetao has run far, and with them, we can’t achieve our goal…”

The two of the Ice and Fire Alliance missed about one link.

Rescue came so quickly, it was not in their plan.

Huang Yuetao also won a silver lining for him because of a prank.

Even the scholars he wanted to step on saved him with practical actions.

If it wasn’t for the scholar he hated before, he would have been punched out of the brain by the boxing champion Kangaroo!


The two Ice and Fire League killers retreated while fighting.

Their genetic creatures are indeed battle-hardened and have a strong will.

Although the two genetic creatures were already scarred, they still resisted round after round of attacks, and even frightened a few timid creatures with their powerful aura…

The two killers retreated a little closer to Lu Sheng’s side.

“Mr. Lu, stop them!

A scholar shouted.

Lu Sheng watched from the sidelines, not intending to take action at all.

Leaving them alone can cause more trouble for Huang Yuetao, so there is no need to remove them.


If you can’t keep it, won’t you cause trouble for yourself?

The two looked strangely dressed, and Lu Sheng suddenly thought of the Rockets…

Not sure that people are organized.

They didn’t come to kill Lu Sheng, so there’s no need to waste their energy.

Seeing that Lu Sheng was indifferent, the two of the Ice and Fire Alliance were slightly relieved, and they retreated to the hall where they had jumped into the Alliance to open the Conference.

Scholars are in hot pursuit.

“Lu Sheng, why don’t you stop them!”

Hobbes was also present, taking the opportunity to attack.

“Why stop them? Am I your father? Or your grandfather?

Lu Sheng sneered and retorted, almost making Hobbes dizzy!

No one can blame Lu Sheng, after all, it is not someone else’s obligation, and there is no need to cause unnecessary trouble for oneself.

After they made the move, they realized that something was wrong, and they felt a little regretful in their hearts.

The genetic creatures of these two people are not as powerful as Normal. If they escape, they will have endless troubles!

Fortunately, everyone has driven the two to a dead end. Unless they jump from the upstairs, it will be difficult for them to escape.

Lu Sheng also followed, wanting to see what happened.

It’s one thing to watch the fun, and the second is that the two people’s hairstyles are a bit like Jessie James…

“Everyone, don’t send it any more, our Ice and Fire Alliance will remember your kindness.

There was an extra metal ball in the red-haired woman’s hand, and Solaceon threw it in front of her.

The red light flashes on the metal ball…


Everyone was shocked.


The metal pellets cracked, releasing a large amount of white smoke.

Everyone didn’t know whether it was poisonous or not, so they quickly stepped back and covered their mouths and noses.


Everyone heard the sound of glass breaking.

followed by a high-pitched whistle…

The thick smoke cleared, and everyone looked out the window, only to find that there were two more big birds at some point.

The red-haired woman and the blue-haired man each grabbed the paw of a big bird, and the boxer kangaroo and the knife python were in their arms.

The big bird flapped its wings and flew with them to the heights.

The siren is approaching…

The thick smoke is not poisonous, otherwise it may accidentally injure the user.

Everyone suddenly realized, ran to the window and looked out, there were only two small black dots left in Soaring in the sky.

They were discussing who the two were, and the three genetic creatures that appeared just now were all unseen species.

What kind of organization is the Ice and Fire Alliance? It seems a bit mysterious.


Lu Sheng squatted down and picked up a red Blue Card at the position where the two of the Ice and Fire Alliance were standing just now.

The card material is special and the touch is smooth.

Half of the red part is a little warm, and half of the blue part is cold.

“Ice and Fire Alliance?” Lu Sheng wrote down silently.

Half an hour passed.

Lu Sheng leaves the exhibition building.

0…. ask for flowers.. 0

The police have come to the scene to deal with it and made a note with everyone by the way.

When asked why Lu Sheng didn’t stop others, Lu Sheng only said that he was stunned and didn’t know what was going on.

Of course, the police did not ask too many questions, and it is not a personal obligation.

This time, many people were killed and injured, mainly because of the many people from the Yuejin Alliance who died.

Lu Sheng had a brief meeting with the director, and the other party was involved in the troublesome affairs again…

Such things, as long as they happen together, are big events!

The police of Yunhai City began to investigate, trying to find out their whereabouts from the surveillance cameras and where they went after they left.

They left from the air, and the police wanted to find them, but it was estimated that they would not be able to do it for a while.


What’s more, the two of them are dressed in disguise, and they may even have differences in height-

Like wearing height-enhancing shoes!

So, this case is particularly difficult.

Ice and Fire League!

This name appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

The card that Lu Sheng picked up was taken away, and the police wanted to see if fingerprints could be extracted from it.

If fingerprints other than Lu Sheng are extracted, clues may be found through the fingerprint database.

Lu Sheng suspects that the Ice and Fire League killers dare to leave a sign card, and he is definitely not worried about finding fingerprints. The police are afraid that they will have to work for nothing…

Because of this commotion, the International Gene Biotechnology Exchange Conference had to end ahead of schedule.

However, a group of people were present and saved many lives and were reported by the media.

Also reported are several important topics today, as well as Lu Sheng and Fern.

The video of the battle between the two has been circulated on the Internet at home and abroad, and most people’s first thought after watching it is: “Fern’s brain is pumping?

Many people left a message saying that Fern underestimated the enemy and lost the game without paying attention to it.

Others have focused on Squirtle’s “Bubble” attack, arguing that Squirtle’s move is unstoppable.

Everyone has a strong interest in Squirtle again, praised Pokémon Company and Lu Sheng, thinking that Lu Sheng is very innovative…

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