I Was Stuck on the Same Day For a 1000 Years

Chapter 181: Why is he?

Chapter 181: Why is he?

1: Why is he?

Wu Chen didnt hide what he was going to do to Wu Yurong, because he knew Wu Yurongs character too well!

Li Ruobing had similarities with Wu Yurong in character, which was one of the reasons why Li Ruobing regarded Wu Yurong as a predecessor idol. Both of them didnt want to succumb to fate, they wanted to resist!

Wu Yurong successfully resisted!

The difference between the two was that Li Ruobing was strong and domineering, and dared to confront everyone directly. No one could do anything about it, not even the old man of the Li family!

She was very strong! Always fearless!

Wu Yurong was not. In this regard, she was very similar to Li Ruobings other extreme. Its not that she sought perfection, but that she could calculate, go around in circles, and pretend to agree. She was fatal!

Wu Yurong successfully controlled her own life!

And her pursuit in life now was more money, higher status, and absolute control over her life! She hated the unthinkable!

Li Ruobing didnt care how many secrets Wu Chen had.

As long as they didnt threaten her, then she wouldnt get to the bottom of it!

In this way, she lived more easily on the road of resistance in life.

But Wu Yurong didnt!

Even if she had been made to understand that Wu Chen would not threaten her, but as long as she did not understand, especially when it involved her, she would be very wary.

She would investigate. She wanted to know everything, and she would always be on guard in her heart!

People who were too deep in their own thoughts would always live very tired and think too much every day.

Wu Yurong was one of them!

This had a lot to do with the psychological shadow left by her sudden loss of control in her life. She was not as strong and fearless as Li Ruobing.

In addition, Wu Yurong and Li Ruobing had one thing in common, that was they like the strong!

The Ding family? What will you do? Wu Yurong stood up and looked at Wu Chen with a strange look on her face, and the most incomprehensible thing happened to her.

Wu Chen! Hes just hes just the boyfriend of the granddaughter of Li Family! A person who couldnt even be counted as the Li family! A person with no background, except that his girlfriend is very powerful and has a background, but he has nothing special to show!

This was Wu Yurongs perception of Wu Chen.

Although she could guess that Wu Chen must have something extraordinary, maybe even possessing special skills, otherwise Li Ruobing wouldnt be able to fall in love with Wu Chen! But in todays society, no matter how powerful a person was, there was a limit. This was an era where relationships, contacts, and backgrounds were all that mattered!


Wu Chen? Engage in the Ding family?

There was already a funny sense of bragging.

Where does the confidence come from?

This was no longer self-confidence, conceit, or even arrogance that could be described. It was beyond that limit, like a madman talking madly.

Ruobing likes you very much, Ms. Wu. Wu Chen looked at Wu Yurong with a smile, She respects you very much, and also likes your style. To her, you are a senior worthy of her learning from.

Wu Chen suddenly mentioned Li Ruobing.

He changed his voice and said, So I think it is necessary for me to remind you, lest Ruobing would feel sorry for you.

It was a very far-fetched reason.

Because the reason was not important, what was important is that Wu Chen mentioned Li Ruobing.

Wu Yurong didnt want to chat with Wu Chen anymore, the words were too nonsense!

But Wu Chens words reminded her.

Wu Chen said it long ago that Li Ruobing knew it.

Although Wu Yurong now extremely disbelieved Wu Chens nonsense, Wu Chen sorted out this matter very clearly logically. If something really happened to the Ding family, it would indeed implicate her, Wu Yurong, because of Huo Wanqiu, a key person!

Mr. Wu, can you wait a moment? Wu Yurong said with a soft smile.

Wu Chen raised his hand and signaled Wu Yurong, Please go ahead.

Wu Yurong sat down, picked up the phone, flipped through the address book, and found the number marked Li Ruobing. She had known Li Ruobing very early.They had known each other not long after Li Ruobing came to Donghai, but there was no special relationship or connection. It was the friendship of handing over business cards at a banquet.

It was worth mentioning that Wu Yurong and Li Ruotai had almost the same relationship. Li Ruotai could not make friends with Wu Yurong. However, in Donghai, Wu Yurong had a deep relationship with Lu Guangnian, Su Ruiwen and other local tycoons.

Wu Yurong dialed Li Ruobings number.

It went through soon.

Hello, Ms. Wu. Li Ruobings voice sounded from the phone. She was used to calling Wu Yurong Ms. Wu, which was a very respectful address without any tendency.

Boss Li, business is booming. Wu Yurong greeted with a smile.

Business is booming, Li Ruobing replied, her tone was not habitually cold, but a normal tone.

Boss Li, your boyfriend Wu Chen is here with me now. Its very presumptuous of me to invite him over suddenly, Wu Yurong said again.

I know. Li Ruobing said, Wu Chen mentioned to me that he has been in contact with your daughter recently. Im sorry Wu Chen has his own habits in doing things, and Im not very good at interfering.

Wu Yurong frowned

Li Ruobing cant control Wu Chen?

Are you acting?

Wu Yurong had already guessed just now that Wu Chen was bluffing and hearing big words, trying to set her off, and now she felt that it was Wu Chen and Li Ruobing working together to set her off, but on second thought it was wrong.

Wu Yurong liked Li Ruobing very much. She liked Li Ruobings personality and her toughness.

She felt that Li Ruobing lived more freely than her

Although the two of them had limited contact, there was a feeling of sympathy, and Wu Yurong didnt think it was unreasonable for Li Ruobing to come here suddenly to trick her thing.

Hmm Wu Yurong pondered for a moment, glanced at Wu Chen, and smiled at the phone, Just now your boyfriend told me that something will happen to the Ding family! He wants to mess with the Ding family. Does the boss know?

Yes, Li Ruobing said.

Wu Yurongs expression became subtle, Li Ruobing really knew it! Moreover, Li Ruobings attitude was very strange, neither surprised, nor explained, nor said much, and there was no turmoil in her tone.

Boss Li knows? Then you your Li family or Wu Yurong didnt know how to ask, it was too strange.

You can talk to Wu Chen about the details. Li Ruobing interrupted, Ms. Wu, actually I dont really know what Wu Chen has arranged. Some things were discussed in private by him and my father. He didnt tell me all the content, and my father wouldnt tell me

What Li Ruobing said at the moment, not all of it was what Wu Chen had told her to say, in fact, Wu Chen had only told her the main points, just play it out as you please, and had instructed Li Ruobing that she didnt need to lie! Just tell the truth!

Li Ruobing cooperated.

Because Wu Chen told her the ultimate goal of contacting Wu Yurong to make Wu Yurong an important force against Ding Ruilong and even the Ding family!

This was what Li Ruobing would like to see!

Of course she hoped that there would be a powerful person to help Wu Chen, because that would also help her!

After hearing Li Ruobings words, Wu Yurongs expression completely changed.

Wu Chen bypassed Li Ruobing and directly joined forces with the Li family?!


What qualifications does he have?

What is it?

Arent the Li family and the Ding family cooperating?

In fact, what Li Ruobing said was not very clear, but Wu Yurong could feel that Li Ruobing was not only unable to control Wu Chen, she even had limited knowledge of what Wu Chen was doing! Wu Chen reached the point where he could discuss with Li Maoren secretly!

Thats it, then Ill talk to him. Im sorry to bother you, Boss Li. Although Wu Yurongs face changed, her tone didnt change at all.

After hanging up the phone, Wu Yurong looked at Wu Chen again, with a smile on her face.

Mr. Wu, would you like something to drink? Wu Yurong stood up and asked as she walked towards the wine cabinet in the corner of the office.

She wanted to reverse Wu Chens routine!

Wu Chen knew that as long as Wu Yurong took wine when entertaining guests, it was the beginning of her routine!

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