I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 134

That warm hand.

Shaw, Hal, and Rick both knew the best thing to do was to pull ourselves back in and be protected.

If anything happened to the three of us, Leon to Falco, and how sad Cyrus would be.

But at the same time, we knew Hal was one of the leading magicians around here, no, on this entire continent. Shaw is also better than his mentor in the art of healing copies that Shaw came up with.

It was also clear that even if not technically difficult for the two of them, Rik’s magic power was high and potentially healing. Now there are more cures than any of the healers in the city of Canaan.

The healing of Shaw’s copy is also actually possible.

“Master Sein is going to leave alone, but what if Acabanesaurus comes to town with all three heads? If you lose just one head, can you handle the town? You won’t.”

When the three of us got together alone, Shaw was finally able to speak honestly inside his chest.

“Can you heal yourself if Master Sein is injured? You can’t do that.”

There’s no way I can calmly heal in pain.

“And there are more healers and sorcerers in this town than we are? You’re not here.”

“Shaw, if I’d answered it all myself, I wouldn’t have lost our talk”

To a pungent angry shaw, Hal pinched his mouth like it was open.

“I’m sorry, but Master Sein, I’m on my own.”

Exactly. I also reflected that Shaw spoke a little too much.

“That’s true, isn’t it? Though a mentor, I thought you were from the deep forest. I thought you were the most common sense person, but I can’t believe you were the most unscrupulous person.”

“I’m worried about Deep Forest, but, well, you’re right. I knew he was like that, so I thought he was gonna do it.”

As Shaw sighed, Hal nodded loudly as well.

“So, you’re gonna do it”

Rick asked.

“Do it”

“I’ll do it too”

Instructors as well as Falco and Leon will stop. But when it comes to not being able to go without, I’m sure you’ll understand.

“Well, so am I.”

Shaw didn’t really want to take Rick out. But I also understood that if I were in Rick’s shoes, I would never want to be left behind. So I won’t stop.

“Then I’ll think of the operation separately from when Acavanesaurus is one, two, three.”

The three nodded forcefully, turning their heads together.

And the three of them are now shaking off adults and running to the meadows, confirming the operation.

“Acavanesaurus is the two-headed pattern!

When Shaw screams, Hal answers.

“Shaw is the mentor, and me and Rick are the other ones!

“If the demon is flying, I’ll aim for the feathers and drop the demon first!

“If I hadn’t flown, I’d punch magic into the demons from as far away as possible and distract you from town”

I hear that if you don’t even fly, you’re not moving that fast on the ground. I just have to move around somehow and distract myself.

“I wish I could take it down, but I probably can’t!

“Wait for the night! You’re ready for a long war!

Confirmation is over. My mentor is right in front of me.

“Look! It’s flying!

Shaw’s instructions fly in Rick’s voice.

“When two bodies are flying, one at a time! Aim for the right feather on the right!

The surprised mentor looked back for a moment, but he couldn’t stay away.


It’s still far away, but I’ll be close to you in no time while you say that.

Two large, high-fever flames, to the right feather, a smaller flame, hit the face of Akahanezaur, who was flying to slip low.


When he shouted and the demon fell out of shape, he fell straight into the meadows.

I landed a little further, near the mentor, as the other head was surprised.

“Okay! If possible, totally waste one feather! I’ll go to my mentor.”

“Be careful.”

“Both of you.”

Shaw ran as hard as he could to his mentor with the momentum as it was. (13) I never appreciated my breathless strength as much as I did at this time.

“Dear Sain!

He said, “Don’t come so far.”

The mentor looked up to heaven when he closed his eyes for a moment, then put his hand forward when he returned the sword to his sheath.

“If Shaw is here, the two of us will use magic to tap our feathers first, right!

“Yes! I’m going!

A closer look at the acabanesaurus was so lame that we could clearly see that we traveled a long distance. But I can’t be sympathetic.

“from this position.”

“That’s your left feather!

Now the two of us, and the mentor, aren’t so good at magic.

Shaw put in a magic that was still close to its maximum so that it wouldn’t run out of magic.

“” Flames!

Two more flames burn their worn feathers.


I wouldn’t have even hurt myself with this much flame when I left Nordham. But Acabanesaurus, halfway across the continent, was already weak and its feathers were easily hurt.

These two heads won’t be able to fly anymore.

But the two eyes held on to the children who emitted great magic.

The mentor pulled out the sword he was laying on his sheath again.

“My magic is at best to strike once”

“I know. All you have to do is attract us and get us out of town a little bit.”

At that time Acabanesaurus moved toward Shaw and his mentor.

The two fled to parallel the town first.

“Shit! That’s a quick guide. There were obstacles all over town, so it was just too late!

Akabanezaur, who comes after Dothridsuri and the two of them while dragging one feather, is only big and travels fast.

“Dear Sain, let’s split up in two hands.”


“Master Sein will not move. Please attack from the wings. I will strike magic from the opposite.”


So to the two split second-hand, Acabanesaurus seemed perplexed for a moment, but turned his body toward Shaw, who immediately shot the magic.

Once directed, the mentor cuts with a sword from the other side. Where I was surprised and wondered, Shaw shoots magic.

Across the meadow, Hal and Rik. On this side, the mentor and Shaw. Like dancing, like jumping. That’s how we keep the demons away from town one by one.

Shaw glanced up at the sky. The sun will be down in a little while. At night, the demon stops moving.

But the mentor is already pretty tired, and Shaw saved money and used magic, but he has little magic. We’re both breathing on our shoulders.

The moment Shaw felt a little, Acabanesaurus nearly fell. I guess the demons were already at their limit after being moved around tired out.

I did not miss that sucker, and my mentor stabbed my sword in the side of Acavanesaurus.


The demon raised the scream of the Terminator and leaned toward Shaw.

My head thinks I need to avoid it, but my body doesn’t move.

There’s a distance, it’s okay, it’s okay.

Shaw felt as if in slow motion the demon would be overthrown, as he said.

More and more, around the acabanesaurus, which had just fallen by the sound of the earth, a dust of dead grass broke out.


Shaw extended his right hand to want what he saw before he fell to be a mistake.

The last tail Akabanezaur shook off, he said, didn’t jump anything.

He said it was never a mentor who fell through the universe.

“Dear Sain, Dear Sain”

Foot. Move, move. What am I here for? I am here to heal my healer, my mentor.

Shaw stood up a long time.

Step by step, step by step, and go beyond the demons.


Hal’s voice. A little more to the mentor.

“Shaw, the demon’s not here yet!

I feel signs of something moving on my back. Shaw knelt beside the falling mentor.

“Dear Sain,”

I wonder why this side of the robe is snagging.


He held me up and put me on my knees.


I wonder why there are no warm hands.

“Dear Sayne, it will heal now.”

Put your hand on the cheek of your mentor and pour in the healing light.

Of the goddess, power.


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