I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 137

A boy who wanted to be a swordsman or a magician.

Shaw, woken up by Hal with his open face, let him take a bath for now, refreshed and then slowly went down to the dining room downstairs. Of course, it was in Falco, who had fallen asleep with Shaw, that Hal was awake. Falco had just been kicked out of the room.

I’m tired, but I don’t even flutter. Exhausted magic is also largely recovering. Shaw went down the stairs with a firm foothold.

The dining room, which was supposed to be rinsed, was for some reason full of people and full of enthusiasm.

One of them noticed Shaw and Hull coming down the stairs.

The dining room quietly returned and everyone stood up in unison.

“Uh, what. Scary.”

Shaw stuck to Hal’s arm by surprise.

The people who stood up, one knee after another, lowered their heads.

“Had this habit?


Shaw was a little jerked off by Hal.

“Even I put up with this yesterday, so Shaw put up with it a little bit”


When I stood up with my face up, it was Garsh’s father, or mayor of the town, who came by Shaw’s side and said he had rubbed off.

“Shaw. As a representative of the town, I thank you. Thanks.”

Though it was a short word, it was realistic and conveyed more feelings than decorating a lot of words.

But other than healers and pharmacists, you didn’t see the Shaws fighting demons.

Shaw wondered that there should have been no damage to the town.

“How do you know that face? You are truly humble.”

When I looked next door, Hal looked like he was going to illuminate. Hal must have thought the same thing yesterday.

“It was just a short night yesterday, so I just listened. Most people in town must have been there today to see the falling demons.”

Right next to town, two demons the size of a house.

The last one I defeated was the hunter in the deep woods, but they made it because there were people who fought the demons for more than two hours.

The people’s story of a line of deep forest and that it was Rik in their town spread with surprise and confidence after seeing the real thing.

Actually, Croywatlizards also came as far as they could see from town, and some people said they went to see it.

“So the hunters told me that one of the defeated acabanesaurs would be taken to the center for testing, but one of them could be consumed in this town.”

No way, we’re all getting together.

“I’d like to thank you, I’d like to meet you, but I also want to thank you for having Acavanesaurus steak.”

Everyone stood up in those days and looked like they were on the table for fun.

Shaw was laughing at Hal unexpectedly with strange, relieved things.

“Sa, it’s the acabanesaurus the ladies defeated!

A large plate with sliced grilled meat served on a pile was placed on the table, said Don.

What a pain.

The Acavanesaurus steak, which I thought was tense, had a slightly stiff, habitual flavor, but had a great reputation for being very tasty.

Eventually, when I had finished eating, Alfi quietly came down from upstairs.

Not even twenty years old yet, this little apprentice healer looks calm and calm all the time. Shaw thinks the Canaan people who were panicking because of the mentor’s terrible injuries must have been saved by Alfi’s calm demeanor, too.

Alfi like that is a hot guy all the way out of sight.

When you smile calmly at the people of the bustling city,

“Shaw, Hal, and Rick. My mentor woke up.”

That’s all I said, I tried to get back upstairs.



Shaw and Hal stood up and followed Alfi quickly, but noticed that Rick was not following along the way.


When he asked with his gaze that he was not coming, Rick, who was pompous, stood up in a panic.

“Me too?


“You said Rick now.”

Rick’s anxiety about whether he could go with him, almost an outsider, blew me away.

I’m coming.

“Oh. Firm.”

I don’t think Cyrus himself knew what was solid, but that’s what he was called and Rick was sent out of the dining room.

Alfi, for one thing, knocked quietly on the door of the room, without waiting for a reply.

“I’m coming in.”

I just said no and opened the door.

I could see my mentor lying with his eyes open under a weakly lit light. I still look terribly pale. Edgar was with me by my side. She is similarly pale.

“Dear Sain,”

When Shaw unexpectedly called, the mentor slowly looked at Shaw and let his eyes loosen just a little.

Unexpectedly running over, the mentor slowly raised his right hand, which was out on the futon, and hit Shaw’s cheek.

“I never cry.”

“I’m not crying. Because it’s hot today.”

Shaw, who replied reflexively, finally realized he was in tears.

“He was alive. Dear Sain, he’s alive.”

“Hahaha. I thought you were dead. It’s something I’ve been unscrupulous about.”


When Shaw answered with a bit of obstinacy, he was relieved by the tone of his voice, and both Hal and Rik approached him beside his mentor.

“Hal, Rick. I saw it during the battle. It worked really well.”

Something’s wrong with the most injured man looking the greatest, and Shaw accidentally chuckled. Still, I’m worried about my mentor’s missing limbs, and I look at the bed all the time.

“Alfie told me about my current situation earlier.”

The mentor was as if he were talking to the public.

“The town representative thanked me, but I didn’t have to.”

The mentor, who laughed all the time, looked up a little to see if something hurt because of it.

“Dear Sain!

Shaw, it’s okay.

The mentor, who told him not to worry, began to talk about himself in a pompous way.

“I really wanted to be a swordsman, and I wanted to be a magician.”

Edgar, sitting secretly beside him, raised his face all the way up.

“Hahaha, Edgar, I didn’t want to be a pharmacist though”

Edgar, who was turning to the side supporting the Shaws because he had no strong magic or healing power, was severely discouraged this time by the failure to rescue the Shaws, who were supposed to manage to let them escape in time.

When I thought it was dangerous, I was running out to the meadows. But the demon couldn’t make it to jump the show, and the hunter in the north town ended up helping the show.

I must have felt strongly that if I had the strength, I could be a swordsman or a magician.

So knowing that the mentor thought the same thing, I guess he was annoyed.

“So even though I am a healer, I have continued to train swordsmen, and in fact I would have been useful in Nordham”

“Yes, Master Sein”

I replied so that Alfie could fool me.

“I was happy when I saw Hal’s magic and thought there was still something I could do. I enjoyed the magic of the flames I unleashed with Shaw this time.”

“It wasn’t fun, Master Sein. Totally no more.”

The big acabanesaurus, it was just scary. Shaw managed to encourage his dull feet and finally attacked.

“I could fight as a swordsman, not as a healer. I really enjoyed it.”

To the mentor who was still saying that, Shaw didn’t know whether to be angry or cry.

“But you looked in a hurry because you do unfamiliar things.”

The mentor glanced at his own hands and feet, which were gone.

“Alfie told me my left hand and left leg were gone, and I thought if I were still alive, I’d still be able to work on the cure.”

We all didn’t know what to say to what a mentor-like word, but Alfi shook his head to the side.

“Dear Sain, you talk too much. Rest today so you don’t drain your health.”

The mentor continued to speak as if Alfi’s words had not been heard.

“But I can’t. Magic doesn’t turn your body well. With my left hand and my left foot, I lag behind. If you lag behind, you can’t bring out the power of healing”

“Dear Sain,”

“What should I do?”

“Dear Sain!

The strong words of Alfi, which were not always there, interrupted the words of the mentor as well.

“Master Sein, we’re here. Me and Shaw, your brilliant disciples.”

Shaw grabbed the mentor’s right hand softly, and Alfi held that hand with both hands.

The mentor closed his eyes softly.

“Your healing is always warm.”

“Rest today. I need to get my strength back for healing.”


The mentor fell asleep as he was.

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