I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 139

Instructor’s Kake

“It’s just today!

Shaw woke up refreshed.

“Oh? Don’t surprise me, Shaw. You wake up screaming sometimes.”

“That, Falco”

There was no Hal who was supposed to be there all the time, and in the next bed, Falco lay down with his head supported by his elbow. I’ve already changed.

“I’ve been watching you.”


Shaw snuck up and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. I’m worried that no one was out.

“No one was out there.”


“Hahaha, stay”

Shaw threw his pillow at the next bed. Hi, Falco doesn’t have anything to say Delicacy.

Falco is up, grinning with a thrown pillow.

Shaw got out of bed and buried his face positively in Falco’s pillow.

Falco held Shaw softly with each pillow.

“Do you want to do it today”



As the hunter hunts, the healer heals.

Sweet and overprotective Falco for Shaw, but Falco never stopped Shaw from doing his job.

“Do you have a chance”

“Yes, rather than me and Alfie doing it, there’s probably no chance of winning”


He said if you want to do it, you can do it. Always around, I felt inspired.


Shaw received a pillow from Falco and put it back in bed.

Falco is about to fall asleep in bed again.

Shaw stared at it.


Why does Falco seem so happy to reply when he hasn’t heard anything?

“Change of clothes”


Falco has the face to say go ahead.

“Oh, my God.”

Falco complains of being thrown a pillow again.

“I’m going to get dressed, so you’ve got to get out. I don’t have a delicacy.”

Shaw pushed Falco out.

“Wait, dude.”

Batan. Shaw closed the door.

“Ah, pillows.”

He’s a very troubled adoptive parent, Falco.

Shaw’s face just had a soft smile on it.

After breakfast, the normal two-room instructor’s room at the inn was packed with a little more people.

Shaw on the right side of the instructor’s bed and Alfi on the left. Hal next to Shaw, Rik next to Alfi. Leon, Falco and Edgar at the foot of the bed.

The other bed is pulled over to the end and a few Canaan healers are holding back there. Not only Rick, but also because his mentor told him to come and see it if he had to.

“Doesn’t Gaius show his face”

When I saw the faces in the room, my mentor opened his mouth.

“He said my job is to represent the town. He said he’d show his face when his mentor healed.”

“You’re a coward.”

To Alfi, who answered, the mentor, who laughed all the time, was not like he was floating in yesterday’s fever, he was back to his usual mentor and relieved the Shaws.

“Okay, I’m going to start healing”


The mentor closed his eyes.



Alfi’s right hand is placed on the mentor’s left shoulder, and Shaw’s right hand holds the mentor’s hand. And on the bosom of the conductor, Alfi’s left hand and Shaw’s left hand were connected.

“I’ll be there at once.”


During Aura’s treatment, it wasn’t just one fine memory at a time that reminded the soul. It was Aura’s very existence. Bright laughing aura, hopeful aura, naughty aura.

Shaw opens his mouth with his eyes closed.

“My mentor always gives me both hands and holds me up. The knees that give me a ride are a little stiff, but they’re big and secure.”

“My mentor always opens his hands and accepts the nasty, the painful, the fun and the new. Walk harder than anyone.”

Alfi continues.

“The fist bones of the conductor I know are stiff. As soon as I did something wrong, Gatsun and Kobuki flew in. That must have made my head harder.”

“Falco, wouldn’t that be too bad for you”

Laughter unwittingly spills into the room at Leon’s words as he plunges into Falco like he did out there.

“He has a tough face, but his eyes on children are sweet and warm as a sun.”

Hull’s small voice sounds.

The magic that was gently flowing to the mentor warms up. The glow of a weak soul increases slightly.

Aura said. Because I can’t see myself, I can’t remember who I am.

So instead the Shaws remind me of the mentor.

“Sarah, Sarah, beautiful long hair”

“You’re not gone.”

Something’s wrong with Rick’s penetration.

“When the mentor thinks it’s funny, it just goes up a little to the right of the mouth.”

“Speaking of which, under the pharmacopoeia of my left palm, there’s a mole, you know?

“I didn’t know that either.”

My mentor accidentally answered Alfi’s words, and now it’s time for the room to be filled with laughter.

It’s connected. There’s power in the hands of both of us.


“Okay, we’ll move the shape first. I have a powerful left leg.”

“I have a gentle left hand.”

From the right hand and foot, copy and flip.

Come on, in that faint form, now is the time to gain strength from the Goddess.

In the form of a dignified walking instructor. In the form of a mentor who gently opens his hands.

Until you return to the shape of a radiant soul.


Everyone there must have felt something warm, though invisible.

“It’s Shaw, it’s Alfi. You guys are really warm.”

Possy, I feel the weight of Shaw’s head on the right and Alfi on the left.

Where there wasn’t supposed to be anything earlier, you feel the weight.

The mentor opened the eyes he was crushing.

It’s the view I saw one day.

Even then, they were in Aura’s bed, falling out of magic.

Yet when I was in Shaw, I fell asleep feeling comfortable with Fushi, Fushi.

“As always, you get a puffy sleep when you’re asleep, Shaw.”

“That’s where you’re cute.”

Falco, a parent idiot, pinches his mouth.

The mentor gently took Shaw’s head with his right hand.

And I slowly pulled my left hand out of the futon.


“Apparently, you managed to move.”

With his left hand, he took Alfie’s head.

“I also have legs. Goddess, thank these little, brilliant healers”

If Alfi had been awake, he would have scolded me for being small is superfluous.

“I’m going to put Shaw to bed. The usual magic will run out.”

“Well, Alfie’s on this side of the bed,”

Shaw was lifted by Falco, and Alfi was transported to the next bed by two men, Edgar and Leon.

As if there were no miracles.

As if this were the usual routine.

I don’t say funny things about the face of a healer in the town of Canaan who is taken lightly and sees it.

“Hahaha. This is the north town”

“What’s up, mentor? Has the injury healed and gone crazy?”

Leon says rude things. This is the usual, too. The mentor shook his head sideways.

“Nothing. It’s just, you know. It’s time to go home.”

“Oh. Gaius said we’d go home after the star festival.”

We should have reached this town at the end of spring, but it was sometime in the middle of summer.

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