I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 19

A journey to the hunt

From the north town to the border of Rock Cave, along the mountain towards the west, slightly south by carriage for 10 days. For almost a month, after continuing to defeat the demons, it takes another 10 days to come back. Sounds like an inefficient story, but there are so many demons that I have to go and help.

Iwadong is a mining country. Take on the metal of the continent in one hand. Naturally, it’s a country with lots of rocks and demons all year round, but in the northwestern mountains bordering the deep forest, for some reason, there’s a huge outbreak of kreuwalizards in July. If left alone, the croissants descend south along the border, eventually reaching the plains, and have driven the fields between harvests to total annihilation in the past.

They also have the power to attract demons to the grains that people grow. So the plains are not for everyone else either, and hunters cannot be served, but send merchants to give them away in the form of saying buy croissants lizards. The lizard buys everything for a certain price. Besides, you buy grain from the plains with that money, so in the end, the plains don’t lose money either.

With that explanation, Shaw is on his first carriage journey. There are 20 hunters in the northern town. Five healers, including an apprentice, and three apprentices, essentially, because the apprentices are Alfie and Shaw. Two medics. Two diners. We all do chores.

While going along the mountain, we’ll put in a break on the way and do a good hunt there. It’s a mountain in the northwest mountain range, so there’s a higher incidence of demons along these mountains than usual.

Shaw first saw Falco hunt up close. Falco, who usually hunts alone, but in the northwest mountains it becomes a mass battle. With Gaius at the apex, step back a little and make a Falco to the right, Leon to the left, triangular shape. The hunters spread like fans on its basic shape, forming a line that does not miss the demons to the last one. Three adult healers refrain behind it. Shaw and Alfi further behind, with the pharmacist, refrain.

He said it was a tactic of war he thought because Gaius couldn’t move. He moves the demon left and right as he defeats the demon without moving a step. Distributed demons are further dispersed as left and right hunters defeat them. The demons are sorted so well as to be on the net that they are defeated to the last one.

Still, the demons that escape are defeated by all the healers. That’s why I want a healer.

Anything injured in the battle immediately falls back on the front and asks the healer to heal or potion. The hunter in the back steps up for missing one. The cured hunter follows.

Ten days, that training. Gaius, Leon and Falco were really cool. Shaw kept his mouth shut because I would say it, but Shaw’s respect seemed to be all over the place, and Falco was always in a good mood. If only Shaw was in the best mood.

Between training and travel, Shaw and Alfi hunt for slime. We’re going on a journey, we’re going to see the scenery, we’re going to train, we’re going to do chores. In addition to the monsters hunted by hunters, there are many slimes in the wasteland along the mountain.

Shaw and Alfi let their faces shine. A penny!

Shaw and Alfie now run around while the hunter rests relaxed. The hunters were amused and annoyed by the two hunting the slime quietly with sticks and buckets, but had to admire the ingenuity.

So you want to try? They don’t do that anymore. Why would you do that?

A young hunter sifts his sword in the slime and shows it to me. Shh. Slime loses shape. The demon stone turns gray? It won’t. If the hunter finishes his apprenticeship, the sword speed will also increase. The slime will cleave before it accumulates acid, so it becomes a clean water colored demon stone. Still, when I grow up, I don’t have to pick up change for my kids. That’s why.

So the hunters have tried Shaw and Alfie’s stick for fun, but later they are having fun keeping an eye on the kids. It was supposed to be a slaughtered air heading for the hunt, which was strangely soothing thanks to Shaw and Alfi. And enough healer moves to keep you fit. In addition, Gina’s husband, Gold, is following as a cook this year. At the border, the hunters of the northern town were full of energy and strength.

Nordham, a border town. It is a city at the foot of a mountain range spanning deep woods and rocky caves. Because of the large number of people, they do not enter the town and camp. There’s always a certain place.

A big hunter came there. It’s the same age as Gaius. He has dark blonde hair and green eyes. This is what the man said when he slapped Gaius on the shoulder with a bang.

“Gaius, is the northern town finally here!

“Gail, you kept me waiting. 20 North Towns, Join the War”

“Thank you, I think I’ve been contacting you, but this year there are a lot of them. Yet hunters gather only the usual number of years. Maybe we’ll have him go to the Rock Cave.”

“I guess I spoke up. We’ve brought more towns north than usual.”

There’s a hunter in the lake this year.

“So did winter. Is there something in the lake swamp?”

“I don’t know, maybe the lake swamp has a lot of demons, too. There are a lot of injuries this time. Oh, the mentor’s here, too! Thanks for this!

The mentor came too.

“Apprenticeships came in this year, so in order to gain experience, in addition to three healers, two apprentices and two pharmacists came here.”

“What luck! Excuse me, mentor, but I don’t have enough healers. I manage to do it in the potion inventory, but some things are not well, if possible, could you look at it and do it?”

“I don’t mind. But let the apprentice do it.”

“No complaints”

Gaius, okay?

“Yes, the northern town is fine. Go and come.”

Both Shaw and Alfi were called by their mentors.

“It’s just one job. Apparently, there aren’t enough healers. The three healers treat people who seem relatively heavy, and the apprentice does otherwise. The pharmacist needs to get into the potion now.”

“I’m coming too.”

“Falco. Right. Will you pay attention to the whole thing as well as Shaw”

“Of course.”

Shaw didn’t follow Falco’s intentions. At that time the conductor said:

“Shaw, do you follow the summer hunt as an apprentice”

and. Shaw replied that he would do it.

“It may not be about talking to a little kid like Shaw. But this year, I feel like the demons are moving differently. I want to go hunting this year in a full mood. Shaw, you may not have noticed, but there are other things that have changed about you as well as healing moves like Leon and Gaius.”

“Something unusual?

“Mm-hmm. A little magic immediately tells me what’s wrong with them. Where the magic used to heal is efficient”

“But we’re all doing it, right?

“I couldn’t do it until last year, you know?

“Did you learn that from me?

“Yes. We’re all good healers. I immediately noticed the difference and was keen on it. Especially since Alfi is close to his age, or he was able to do it quickly”


“You’re the one who’s amazing, Shaw. You don’t have to use that power. but when I have to use it, I don’t want to spare my healing moves,”

The instructor’s inquiry hit me. Not in this at the beginning of the hunt yet…… The Shaws who toured their thoughts that way were taken by Gail to the church in town. It’s a better church than the north town. When I opened the door, there were about 30 wounded and exhausted healers sitting there treated with all their shapes.

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