I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 20

at Nordham

“Black Wolf.”

“Black Wolf……”

“The Black Wolf is here”

“This will make it easier”

The church was full of twinkles. Black Wolf? When I saw the mentor, I gave Falco my gaze. Falco! Look up at Falco, he’s horribly faceless. Whoa, not in that case.

Shaw glanced at Alfi and saw the mentor for two.

“Shaw, Alfi, more people than I thought. Change to Op 2.”

“” Yes!

Let me explain. Shaw was discussing when his mentor invited him, when there were too many demons and too many injuries.

“I wish the town of Nordham was decent, but it just hits the road out there. I am too used to summer hunting, for better or worse. What if there are more injured people than usual…”

“Then that’s it, we need to divide the injured in order of severity”

“In order of severity?

“Because healing from one is inefficient, keep the minor injured separate and with apprenticeships and potions. The seriously injured are mentors and proper healers. That way, you won’t be out of magic.”

“So we can prioritize treatment from the seriously ill. Shaw, that’s great.”

Operation 1 is when the number of people is not so great and the allowance or gradual treatment is OK. Operation 2 is if the number of people is large and the treatment requires efficiency. That’s what I decided.

Line up the injured. First, Shaw and Alfie check for injuries with less magic.

“Dude, to these kids…”

People like that were intimidated by faceless Falco and lined up amazing. Shaw and Alfi hold both hands and let the magic flow.

“Yes, upper right arm, almost completely healed, but slightly scarce, overlap potion”

“Then, you’re on your back, hitting yourself, your leg injury seems to have been a priority and hasn’t healed enough. Have your back healed at the healer’s.”

Exactly everyone is getting healed, but somewhere halfway there was no healing and it seemed like I couldn’t go home because of that. The numbers are high, but there are no serious injuries. I’m going to allocate more and more.

“Then, that, the injury is healing…… not nutritious enough. Are you having dinner properly?

“No, not the other way around…”

A young hunter.

“Those aren’t the ones who came every town. I guess I’m tired of hunting because I’m an individual hunter who responds to recruitment.”

The hunter of his age explains it.

“But you can’t be active in this nutritional state. You have to eat your rice properly.”

“But hey, I don’t even get much proper rice in the inn. If I’m a little late, I’m done. The food in town is rising.”

Shaw looked back at Gail in surprise.

“Food from the plains is a little late.”

“So, what about the herbs?

“That’s scarce, too.”

There it is. When I look at the mentor, I say later.

“It can be a little expensive, so be sure to eat a lot of rice. If you get hurt fumbling around, you don’t have an ex or a kid, do you?

“Yeah. Right. Okay.”

“Because we are healers in northern towns. Come check your body every day if you can.”

“Oh, but…”

“I don’t mind. I’m more afraid to keep it for injuries. Every healer will see it in the first place, and don’t hesitate to come at night.”

“Thank you, you know”

“It’s Sain.”

“Dear Sain, and”

“It’s Shaw, this is Alfie”

“Shaw, Alfie”

The young hunter went home with tender eyes. It was done sooner than I thought. The rest are Nordham healers. I am surprised when I give them both my hands.

“Yes, yeah, you’re tired. I need more rest than potion, he said. Let the healing magic flow.”

“Oh, it’s warm…… thanks, it’s a little easier”

I wonder if healers heal each other in Nordham.

“There are only three healers in Nordham?

“I’m a little bit more, but we’re all in business together. So it’s a business priority. There aren’t many towns that bring healers, and they’re a little full this year.”

“Hmm. Gail!”

A mentor hears the story and calls Gail. Gail came in a hurry as he watched.

“Yes. Instructor”

“As you can see. Not enough food, not enough herbs. Healers are exhausted and many are already injured by hunters. We’ll tear it down sooner or later.”

“This has never happened before. Everything doesn’t go around well, what can I do?”

“Hold on! I urge you to buy food. If the plain is slow, it can be a rock sinus, or central. Go buy more than one. I can’t afford to buy more for this amount. Then put the youth group somewhere relatively safe and let them take the herb. Summon all healers to adjust the hunter every night. Instead, you take turns giving him a good rest.”

The instructor flies the instruction as soon as the arrow continues.

“Instructor, can’t you eat a croissant lizard?

“Don’t be eaten, Shaw, I noticed a good place. Gail, if you’re late, why don’t you just spend it in Nordham?”

“Right, originally there’s a lot of lizards this year. Even if you consume it in town, you’ll be able to secure enough to sell it. All right, let’s drop him off at the inn.”

That’s how we plan to start tomorrow, and we’re finally back in the camp. There are a number of large tents standing in the campsite, which smell good of Mr. Gold’s rice. Falco is also back in his tender face.

That’s how the summer hunt began the next day. Falco is in a very good mood during his busy days.

Falco, who rests early with Shaw, wakes up earlier than Shaw. Shaw in his arms rests puffy. I like watching that show. Eventually Shaw wakes up to help cook. It’s always a habit to yawn and rub your eyes together. That’s when Falco pretends to sleep. Why not? Because when Falco is still asleep, Shaw will futon Falco back and softly put him to rest. I knew Leon next door would put his futon back on when he was asleep too, so sometimes Leon pretends to have slept too. I don’t care if the guys around me look cold.

I also like to hunt. It’s also fun to fight Gaius and Leon in good shape and off the lead. My colleagues in the north town are protecting me behind you. He should be refraining from Shaw in the distance and watching Falco hunt.

If you get tired and go home, Shaw will see how you’re feeling. Watching Shaw heal at church and carrying him up and back home Shaw is tired and doesn’t complain. I’ve been with Shaw longer than I’ve been in the North Forest and in the North Town.

“When Shaw grows up sooner or later”

Leon says.

“You’ll make a fine healer, so it’s good to go on a journey with you”

Traveling with Shaw. Ride the carriage alongside Shaw. Shaw’s delicious rice. Shaw protects his back when hunting. I’m with you when I go to bed and when I wake up.


But then I don’t need Leon.

“You don’t have that! You were with me when I picked up Shaw.”

“There is no such fact”

“No, I’m going with Shaw”

“I won’t let you go”

I got slapped in the head.

“” Gaius…… ”

“Without yourself, don’t be silly. First of all, they don’t hate me. Here it comes. Here.”

Shaw watched the two fighting cold-eyed. Oh.

“” Shaw like that would be nice “”

Gaius shrugged his shoulders without treatment.

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