I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 31

I don’t know.

The next morning, Shaw made breakfast for five. I don’t think this is a bad idea if you think of it as a prep practice in the North Forest.

Falco, who had been awake, had his expression back, and Shaw nodded with Leon in his eyes. It’s the usual Falco.

The magician thought of himself as a nocturnal morning sleeper, but Dredd and Lyla have been up properly. Lila is waving her sword with Falco and Leon. Dredd is watching the show.

Yes, I’m watching. Ever since morning. What is this?



“Can I help you?”


This is how it goes. Anyway, for breakfast,

“What is this, yummy!

and Lyla greatly admired me. Maybe he’s a good guy after all.

“Hey Lyla, I stayed at our place, and that’s enough. When are you going out? We’re leaving for the North Forest in about 10 days.”

Falco asked.

“Hmm, that’s it.”

Lyla says finally. I think a normal person would know you’re being told to “get out of here”. But Lyla doesn’t notice at all.

“I’ll take care of you a little more”

What? And it was Dread who said it. Besides, there is no consultation. It’s a matter of decision. Lyla shrugs her shoulders.

“If I told you, I wouldn’t ask.”

No, no, let’s hear about my son, too.

“Today I’m going with a little healer”

What do you mean? Lila looked sorry for Shaw.

“We’re gonna stick around until we’re tired of what we’re interested in, right? I’m gonna talk about magic.”

No, no, no, you only said normal things, right?

Let’s start with the magic of cold water.

“No, I have to go to the youth group”

“In the youth group, then”

I’m following you, this guy! Falco or Leon?

“Well, if you’re a youngster, you’ll be fine because people in town are watching you, too.”

I saw it with Leon’s eyes telling me to give up. Falco……

“Then so am I.”

“You’re a hunt”

Falco was taken by Leon. Lyla is also a hunter.

Shaw took his big green hair and headed toward the young group with a clown.

“What the fuck?”

Quickly Cain bit me.

“Dread. He said he was a magician. He wants to take a tour of the youth group because he’s a lake swamp man and hunters are rare.”

“I am.”

“Ah, let’s hunt for slime!


I’m not gonna let you pinch my mouth! But Dread is light on the rocks, and he looks interesting on the slime hunt. Eventually, when it’s time for a break, Cain,

“Hey, let me see your magic.”

I said out. Dredd put out a light fireball and knocked down the slime to show me. Ooh! The youth group applauded.

“Slime doesn’t have to be flipped.”

“Slime, right? But the Falcos’ monsters are mostly low-height lizard-shaped. Isn’t it easier to knock him down by flipping him over?

“Hmm, you said at your feet.”

“Hit the wind on the ground and bounce back.”


There was just a lizard. Buffoon. I won’t flip.

“The range is too wide for one. Turn it down, give it power.”

Bashun. He’s flipping and mogging. Dredd’s a Doya face!

“But the flames are easier.”

“Because if you cook, you can’t take the meat. Even Demon Stone should be clean.”

“Mm, the Demon Stone does get somewhat worse”

“The slime is also burnt and painful, so it’s acid and gray. If you’re going to get a flame out, make it smaller and warmer.”

“I can handle smaller, but I don’t know about higher temperatures”

“Mmm, blacksmith fire. Like where, the white one. Shrink regular fireballs.”


Juh. What do you think? Yeah, it’s success. Exactly.

“Flames are still easier to adjust.”

“You can’t just do whatever you want.”

“Mm. Then teach me cold water”

It’s troublesome but the magic of cold water and cold wind was taught by everyone in the youth group who wanted to be funny. Dredd was out of the picture, honestly listening to it and quickly mastering it, even though everyone said no.

Everyone will be here in the third day to see Dread spending time in the youth group at that rate, and both Leon and Falco seem to enjoy being surrounded by the youth group.

Lyla seemed to enjoy watching it too.

“Hey, little healer”

“It’s Shaw.”


Lyla has spoken to me. Unusual.

“How do you know what Falco’s trying to say?

“Why, if you look at it, you know what I mean?

“I don’t know.”

What do you mean you don’t know?

“It’s easy for people like Dredd. It puts everything you want to do in your mouth. But Falco doesn’t always say anything. Whatever you want to do, whatever you want.”


“Then Lyla would like to have a croissant lizard for lunch. So, Falco likes just lizard ham. What if they tell you to unify me on the same thing at the table?

“Of course, I would claim to be a croissant lizard. If you want Falco, you can say so.”

“You know.”

Shaw told Lyla.

“This story isn’t just about what you want to eat.”

“What do you mean?

“Falco is sweet, so I’d rather eat what Lila likes than what she likes”

“I don’t have to worry about anybody, I can make my own claims.”

“Still, it’s easier for you to hear it in one go than many times.”

“That’s right.”

“So I’m sure Falco has been trying to make it easier for Lyla while we’re together.”

“Were you silent for me?


“I don’t want that…”

“If you’re upset about being told back, that means you don’t want to be told back. Lyla wasn’t upset when she was told back?

“… I did”

“Falco also read what Lyla wouldn’t say.”

Lyla let her mouth shut.

“So how does Falco know about me? How does Shaw know about Falco?

“I love it, so I want to know. I love them, so I want to do something fun for them.”

“I love it… even though I love Falco. If you’d told me, I’d have done anything for you.”

“Hey, Lyla, to Dread.”


Shaw said patiently.

“You say you love it, you hug it hard, it’s too long in five minutes, so in about three and a half minutes, and if possible, you put a kiss on it, and that’s about five times,” you say?

“You don’t have to say that. Lovers are one another.”

“Even Falco was the same. I really wanted you to hug me, to be nice, to know that I didn’t have to tell you, and I still couldn’t tell you. That’s who I am.”

“Such a person…”

“It’s not like Lyla. Even if you’re my son, if you’re going out with someone like that, you have to try to figure it out. Because I’m gonna give up right away.”

“Even though he’s my son, he’s not like me”

“Think about what Falco wants to do, think about it. And not just what you want to say, but what you didn’t say.”

“What I didn’t say?

“Did I say I like Falco?

“… I didn’t say that.”

“If you don’t tell me, you won’t tell me.”

“No more! It’s hard for Shaw to say!

Lyla’s been a punk for 80 years, something I didn’t know.

Still, I hope you understand. For Falco.

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