I Will Leisurely Become Healer in Another World

Chapter 55

Travel Day

The next morning, Hull’s Sorcerer’s Guild did contain a reward for three years of hunting. That was much more than Hal thought, but if Dredd told me, he was nonetheless told that it was a reward as an apprentice, not a magician.

“Though I may be able to claim achievements and squeeze them out more”

“No, I’ve got enough money to qualify for graduation and start a new life, so that’s enough”

Hal answered Dredd that with a neat face. That’s how I just lowered the funds for my trip, and I gave Shaw back the money I borrowed for each wallet. When Shaw pulled the money out of his wallet, he only gave me his wallet.

“Your wallet is a gift. Deep Forest is full of skincare.”


Hal put back the money he put down and grabbed it all the time as he received his wallet feeling different from yesterday.

When that’s over, all you have to do is go back to the deep forest.

“Thank you for everything, Mr. Linus”

“Hal, that’s what the Deep Forest people did to me.”

“No, only Mr. Linus looked right at me in a country where no one cared about me. Thanks to you, we can start over.”

That’s how Hal, staring straight at Linus, had no more shadows where he had just been injured. Unexpectedly reached out to Linus, Hal had a gentle hug.

“Be careful.”


That’s how when I tried to get in the carriage, two young men came from the magic school, who came in a uniform robe. One seems injured and the other lends his shoulder. The mentor frowned when he saw it. The injury has not healed. I guess.

“Terry, Feer. Why…”

“Young man yesterday.”

Leon and Falco stood next to Hal and Shaw subtly. Yesterday’s momentum has allowed us to do something again today. I could walk away right away, but I didn’t want to leave you sad.

As the two arrived by the carriage, Phea stepped forward, taking her hand away from Terry’s support. Terry’s expression was harsh, but yesterday’s outrage had disappeared.



We called each other names for the first time.

“I graduated, and I heard that my foster parents in Deep Forest would take me away, and so…”

In one day yesterday, rumors seemed to have flown through the college.

“Before you go, I wanted to apologize for a word”


Hal snapped his neck. Terry would know. Something that I was told was terrible yesterday. But Fia, why?

“Your role was to redeem the young sorcerer.”

“No way.”

Such a horrible, lonely job.

“The job of launching magic that will be more glorious than anyone else’s signal for hunting. The joy of defeating one demon after another that you don’t have to look for. I knew you were injured, but if you put on the potion, it would heal. Everyone had magicians who were confident in their magic power to leave such an important task to the youth.”

When I tried being a magician who wanted to achieve results, he said it was a job he wanted enough to get his hands out of his throat.

I can’t help being told that. And even if I knew that from the beginning, Hal probably would have said no if he could.

“It wasn’t that good. It was always horrible for demons to come together. No potion was paid for the injury. More importantly, the injury was almost allied magic, but no one helped me.”

Hal told Feea pale.

“I didn’t know. When you launch your magic gloriously, the horrors of a massive collection of demons. Scared of being out of magic. And magicians who are supposed to be colleagues who shoot magic without even looking at me or anything like that. It also means that even if you are injured, you will be left alone until the hunt is over. Everything.”

After all, nothing changed, even if Hal got hurt.

“I was injured after I drank all the potions I had, and as soon as it didn’t heal, it was in the box.”

Feir grinned sarcastically.

“I was supposed to be able to join a decent hunt in a year. But only backwards support anymore. I regret it, but I can’t help it.”

Fia said this when she took a good look at Hal.

“Heard this idiot from childhood yesterday went to complain about you. Pathetically, I couldn’t help but be angry with Terry and me. Hal.”

Feea looked like a crying laugh.

“I’m sorry I didn’t try to find out. I’m sorry to leave you alone. Being dumped by your allies also means that you are so scared. I can’t do anything anymore, but I just wanted to drop you off.”

It’s too late. Empathy, sympathy. Still another bright feeling to travel through the lake swamp.

Hal just nodded and tried to get in the carriage.

“Wait a minute.”

When Shaw came forward instead, he looked back at the mentor. The mentor nodded firmly.

“Feer, get your hands on me”

“You, what? Suddenly.”

Fier was confused, Terry panicked,

“Hey, if you want revenge for yesterday, do it to me.”

I said. Shaw looked at Terry with a cold eye and Terry accidentally took a step back.

“Can’t you see this yellow belt? There’s no way a healer can take revenge.”

Shaw’s eyes are stupid? He said.

“Sa, fiere.”


“But it’s not. Feer.”

The words of the little apprentice healer weighed heavily on why, and Fia had a terrible hand.

“I’ll shed my magic.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“… my left knee is a little shadowed. So there is also a strain on the right side. I wonder if he fell, a wound behind his left shoulder. Maybe a little hot.”

“Huh? Ah, hot…”

“Patience! Because people in the lake swamp really don’t like to get healed!

Not that many scratches. I could have healed without as much difficulty as I did when I was Hull.

“You can’t just rely on potions. You don’t have to get hurt, seriously, go to church and check it out.”

“Wow, okay.”

Feer, are you okay?

“Yeah, yeah.”

Falco approached Terry, worried.


“Hey, what’s up?”

It scares me even if I know I won’t be harmed when I’m seen down by a hunter. Terry managed to squeeze out the words. Falco said this there.

“My Shaw doesn’t fail to heal. You got it.”

“Wow, okay.”


Falco whispered.

You said yesterday that my lover…

“So what?”

“Childhood,” he said.


Terry took the most damage today. Sure enough, Terry hasn’t left childhood for Feer yet. When Falco looked at him, he boarded the carriage without looking back any more. The one who popped my show. There’s no way I’ll forgive you.

With such a single act, I took Hal on a trip to the Deep Forest.

“Well, I’m gonna raise my voice.”

Yesterday, for the first time since the city heard about Hull’s case and worried about it, Fia finally realized that she was dying the sorcerery to get the sorcerer’s purpose wrong. It helps people in the city. Forget about it. I just wanted my own good.

“Start over as a backup.”


Terry called out to Fia, who was just walking.

“What? Come quickly.”



“I can walk. Normally.”

“… really. Little healer just now!

Looking back, the carriage had already turned around the corner of the road and was invisible.

“Healers heal at no cost at all times. Even such a small child understands the healer’s philosophy. I, too, work hard for people as a magician! Let’s go, Terry.”

“Oh, oh.”

The two headed to the sorcery. Terry turned around again when he stopped. I’m not quite as ready as Phea, but I have to at least try to stand next to her.



Terry rushed to Phea early. Blame someone already, don’t run away.

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