Ice Age Apocalypse: I Hoard Billions of Supplies

Chapter 95: Discussing Cooperation and Attitude

Chapter 95: Discussing Cooperation and Attitude

Zhang Yi decided to first give Chen Lingyu a taste of his authority, ensuring she knew he wasn't to be trifled with.

In Building 9, Chen Lingyu paced back and forth in her room. She wasn't nervous but rather trying to stay warm by walking around. She wore many layers of clothing, yet made an effort to look sophisticated, even donning a coat with a fox fur collar.

Receiving Zhang Yi's cold message, she took a deep breath and murmured to herself, "He really is a formidable character! I can't be careless."

Despite her composed exterior, Chen Lingyu was inwardly quite tense and even fearful of Zhang Yi. After all, his reputation had spread far and wide. It was said that he single-handedly killed half of his building’s neighbors. Moreover, he possessed an array of weapons, including a terrifying sniper rifle! The various rumors made those who heard about Zhang Yi deeply afraid.

Chen Lingyu calmed herself and typed out a message she had rehearsed countless times in her mind.

"Mr. Zhang Yi, it’s an honor to finally speak with you. We have long heard of your remarkable deeds. I sincerely hope we can meet."

"I understand you have a snowmobile that allows you to go out and gather supplies. We, in Building 9, hope to collaborate with you."

Zhang Yi glanced at the message and sneered.

"Collaboration? What can you offer me in return? Collaboration must involve a fair exchange, you should understand that."

Chen Lingyu quickly replied, "Our building is quite harmonious, with very few deaths. We have ample manpower!"

"With your snowmobile, you can venture outside to gather supplies. We can provide you with 76 people, all strong laborers."

"The world outside is now an unclaimed territory buried under snow. In other words, whoever can reach it first can claim it."

"You have the transportation and weapons, and I have obedient workers ready to follow orders. Together, we can achieve great things!"

Zhang Yi yawned and rubbed his ears.

"It sounds impressive, but it’s all empty promises."

"Tell me, how do you plan to survive tomorrow before talking about development?"

Chen Lingyu swallowed hard.

"That’s where you come in. We need you to gather food to ensure our survival. After that, our people can assist with any projects you have in mind."

Zhang Yi shook his head, losing interest.

"A leader of an MLM group might be good at deceiving desperate residents, but trying to fool me is a joke."

Too lazy to type, he sent a voice message instead.

"I’m not interested in what you’re offering. Goodbye!"

Chen Lingyu, hearing Zhang Yi’s message, panicked.

She gritted her teeth and quickly typed another message.

"You've become the object of envy in the entire neighborhood. Just provide us with food, and we’ll remain neutral towards you."

"You don't want us as enemies, do you?"

Reading this, Zhang Yi's expression turned slightly serious.

This was what he wanted to hear. Why beat around the bush with useless chatter?

"Ah, these pesky MLM people!"

"Oh, so many buildings are planning to attack me? I find that hard to believe. I’m doing just fine; no one’s attacking me," Zhang Yi probed.

Chen Lingyu knew Zhang Yi was testing her. To show sincerity, she had to reveal some information.

"Zhang Yi, you’re a smart person. You must understand the principle that possessing valuable items brings disaster. The entire neighborhood houses thousands of people, all waiting to starve to death in their homes."

"You’re the only one who can venture out for food. Wouldn’t you be jealous if you were them?"

"People haven’t acted yet because they’re weighing the pros and cons. But it's only a matter of time before they attack you."

"All we ask is that you provide us with basic food supplies, and our building will never turn against you."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi’s eyes narrowed.

This was, in a way, a threat.

"Oh? So, if I don’t agree, Building 9 will attack Building 25, correct?" His voice was icy and filled with menace.

Chen Lingyu shivered but quickly replied with firmness, "I believe you won’t choose to do that. Fighting us gains you nothing."

She was confident because of the distance between Building 9 and Building 25. If Zhang Yi attacked, he’d cut off his own escape route and risk attacks from other buildings.

"We only need some food, nothing more."

"And with my leadership and your military strength, we could dominate the entire neighborhood!" Chen Lingyu said, her excitement growing.

Zhang Yi’s smile turned contemptuous.

"This is the first time I've seen someone beg so confidently."

Chen Lingyu inhaled sharply, "This... this is cooperation!"

Zhang Yi replied indifferently, "Let me think about it. I’ll give you an answer later."

He closed the chat window, not wanting to continue the conversation.

Placing his phone on his lap, Zhang Yi began pondering the future developments.

He didn’t care much about Chen Lingyu. Building 9 alone was no threat. They had no idea how many guns and how much ammunition Zhang Yi possessed. If they attacked, he could wipe them out single-handedly with his assault rifle and his precision shooting ability.

The real problem was the other buildings. If they all banded together to attack Building 25, Zhang Yi would have to kill a lot more people, which would be exhausting.

He glanced at his fortified home. The aerospace alloy shell could withstand even artillery fire. Even if the entire neighborhood attacked, they couldn’t break through.

"How likely is that?" Zhang Yi wondered.

If all 29 buildings united against him, the chances were significant.

"Given the current power constraints, they can’t use high-powered tools like jackhammers or electric drills."

"Manually demolishing a building in these freezing conditions and with a severe food shortage is impossible."

"Considering their physical state, they’d freeze after walking outside for a bit. Where would they find the strength to demolish a wall?"

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