I’ll Live My Second Life!

Chapter 169


The day you leave for the expedition exercise.

In front of the front door of the northern quarters, the apprentice knights are divided into their respective squads to bid farewell to the different squads.

“Bye, Gollms, Geese”

Fee also waved at Gollms and Geese, who had often been a goodbye.

Gollms has a flashing look and stands looking at the group of fies.

Seeing that look on his face, Fee laughs a lot.

“What’s golms. You miss breaking up with us?

“No, I’m worried something’s wrong.”

The squads of the Fies are composed of Cousins, Sluds and Raimiers. Phee needless to say, Cooinu is also a troubled child against his very dear looks. And Slad gets into some trouble because of a little bit of it, too.

The question is why the members have been so skewed.

Golms turns to Laemier.

“Laemier, you’re the only one in this who can hold on. It may be heavy, but I need you to pull the reins so these guys don’t cause problems.”

“Ugh, yeah, I’ll try my best.”

Raimier nodded with a bitter laugh, feeling a little less confident.

“What the heck. Make people like problem children.”

Fee, treated like a problem child, swelled her cheeks.

The fies, divided from the apprentice knights of another squad, assemble in the outskirts east of the king’s capital.

The buildings around are sparse and the paved roads continue far. And there were about two carriages stopped at the end of the road.

This is the carriage that the Fees will ride to where this expedition will take them.

“Oh, you’re an apprentice knight. Best regards,”

A middle-aged man greeted him when he found the Fies.

It’s time for the Fees to give their heads up.

“Thank you very much to us.”

Then when you look around, you don’t look like any other apprentice knight.

“That, aren’t the other apprentice knights here?

“You’re not here yet.”

Well, the Fees came to stop, and maybe it’s not weird if they’re not here.

“Well, why don’t we sit over there and wait”

Fee put the shade on the side of the road that was just fine.

“Whoa, let’s do that!

Slad nods vigorously, too.

About 10 minutes of chatting and waiting in the shade of the trees, the boys of the apprentice knights from the other quarters also came.

“Oh, did I make you wait? I’m sorry.”

It was the boy in the west quarters who had said that with all due respect. He’s a somewhere soft looking boy with glasses, and his name seems to be Hezel.

“Never mind, ’cause I haven’t waited that long”

I didn’t even feel like I was actually waiting that long, and the Fees shake their heads.

There are about 5 boys in the west quarters. Because the division of squads can be determined at random, the number of people varies in each dormitory.

Then came the boys in the east quarters.

It was the fies I dated in the east quarters, but unfortunately it was just the kids I didn’t know.

But he knew that one.

Admitting what the Fees looked like, it frightened me like I was surprised.

“That was a member of that game…”

“Seriously, were you with those arr…”

“There’s also a cousin… and that example kid…”

And I started a conversation with him in secret with his face together.

It just didn’t seem hostile, so I separated the conversation a little bit and approached the Fees with a slightly nervous face and raised my hand.

“Oh, uh, nice to meet you…”

“Nice to meet you…”

I don’t even know what to do with Fee’s attitude that touches the Beast.

I laugh when Hezel in the west quarters watching that exchange creaks.

“Oh, my God, you look like celebrities.”

“I don’t think so…”

He seemed to be treated like a problem child following him when he was some Gollms, and he was in a subtle mood fees.

There are about three boys in such eastern quarters.

Then the last thing that came was the boys in the south quarters.

About 8 people in total. He runs toward us with a bump.

The boy, who was running the lead, stopped when he came to the Fies and held his head when he saw that the other members of the quarters were already assembled.

“We’re the last!? Seriously! I was gonna get there first!

It was a boy who looked fine when he did something that shouted like that. Slad pedigree but about 1.5 times better.

“Because Cognac forgets things.”

And the boy next door, who was short, looked up at his face, and said,

“Ugh, Hylal!

He says the healthy boy is Cognac. The tall boy next door is Hylal.

“I’m sorry I’m late! I’m the leader of the south quarters, Cognac. Greetings!”

That’s how Cognac greeted him and the members of the expedition exercise, a total of 21 people, assembled.

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